Makes me shiver
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- 12 Responses
- Kiko
Someone just asked me for a "guesstimate".
What the.....
- stewart0
ah, Portmanteaux!
- GeorgesII0
hmmm, déjà vu
- duckofrubber0
(Stewie has shrunk himself and inserted himself into Peter's body to kill sperm. He doesn't want a little brother until he meets his match--his sperm brother who looks and acts like him.)
Stewie: You hate Lois? I hate Lois too! What, what else do you hate?
Sperm Bro: People who send pictures of their families as Christmas Cards!
Stewie: People who use the word "guesstimate."
Sperm Bro: Guys who wear sandals with socks!
Stewie & Sperm Bro in unison: JASON PATRICK! (flap hands effiminently, jump up and down and say "EWWWW!" together).
- juhls0
That's been used forever :)
- Stugoo0
you know one day words like that will be in the dictionary.
- 23kon0
tell them it'll cost "2 x Half Price"
- 23kon0
or "more than the minimum you charge but less than the maximum you charge"
- juhls0
Like back in the day, when you knowingly or unknowingly visited a shady site (possibly with provocative images), and you would get a million pop-up windows you couldn't escape.
- 23kon0
Seriously though,
If they want a cost then make as accurate a guess as you can if you know what the project is all about.
Surely you'll have done something similar so will have an idea.But make sure you write into the quote that this could either go up and down depending on how the project goes, alts, clients arsing about etc.
- fiver0
i thought this was going to be about the leaked rihanna photo.