iPhone Abroad
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- 19 Responses
- CincodeMayo
Sorry if I asked this before or if this has been posted, but what are some tips for using your iPhone oversees and not having to hand over my bank account number or first child? Don't use it at all? Only use WiFi in spots and forget 3G? Is it worth taking out an International plan?
Heading to London from the states for a week and trying to figure out what to do. It'd be nice to be able to use Google Maps to get around, but not if it's going to cost me a ton of cash.
- tonyfetters0
Take your phone.
Don't use the Int'l Plan -- buy a cheap calling card instead.
Turn off DATA ROAMINGTurn off WIFI to save battery.
- horton0
be extra careful when you text "sorry"
- ninjasavant0
I took mine to the UK and paid for the international phone plan and international data. If you reset your usage stats before you go you can track how much minutes and data you're using so you don't go over. Then just cancel the things when you get back. Wasn't too bad for 2 weeks.
- Jnr_Madison0
Every time I write 'fucking' it changes it to 'ducking'
- hope that helps.Jnr_Madison
- i hate ducking hate that!lvl_13
- I spell it with 2 fs on my phone to get around that annoying fucking ducking bullshitboobs
- CincodeMayo0
Thanks for the ducking advice.
- CincodeMayo0
Hey ninja...did you eat up data/phone minutes or do they give you a decent amount of time? I don't plan on using it all that much (I'll have a map with me) but if I'm just totally lost it'd be nice to hop on Google Maps. Did you/can you use WiFi at no charge as long as it's in a free WiFi spot?
- robco0
55 cents a minute for international plan.
if you are on company biz id say get a cheap cell phone and a calling card, thats what i did. just make sure you have someone that can activate the phone in the native language... (was the biggest problem for me)
- CincodeMayo0
Nah, going for fun, so work isn't paying for a thing. All me. I'm not planning on making a lot of calls except possibly a few to some friends I'm meeting up with when I'm on the go, but for the most part I'll make calls from the house I'm staying in. So not really concerned with phone minutes. More concerned with data charges for using Google Maps, checking mail, etc.
I could be wrong about this, but I can hop on free UK WiFi at cafes and whatnot for free right? Even if I'm on a US iPhone? I'm a little confused on this but I'm assuming free WiFi is free WiFi no matter where you are?
Sorry if I'm confusing things and thanks for the help. To be honest, you guys are actually LESS confusing than going through AT&T itself.
- ribit0
yep it doesn't matter where the phone is from when you connect over WiFi. You might want to get a Boingo WiFi roaming plan and use it in UK? I used data-roaming on trip from UK to Australia and US recently, called O2 before I left, and got a data package for just that month that reduced the charge per MB.
- CincodeMayo0
Yeah, I think I might just got an Int'l Data Plan for the month, although if WiFi is free, then maybe not? Has anyone used Boingo? What's the deal - it's like $9.95 for unlimited WiFi calling? Does the person receiving the call need to have Boingo too?
- ribit0
you want the Boingo WiFi plan because there aren't as many free WiFi spots in UK (and its a great deal).. it will work on T-Mobile and BT Openzone I think, which are the main networks in cafes..
- ribit0
What do they use for 'WiFi calling'? Is it calling regular phones, like SkypeOut?
- ribit0
(I think we (you) might be getting wifi internet access and phone calls all confused here btw)
- uan0
pack a european plug thingy.
- CincodeMayo0
So Boingo WiFi for making calls, and then just jumping on a random free WiFi network for data stuff? Right? Does it probably pay to get the AT&T monthly international data plan too?
- ribit0
but isnt there an iPhone app for making phone calls from any WiFi hotspot?
- CincodeMayo0
There's Truphone...wonder how reliable it is.
- boobs0
I used mine in Mexico, and I hardly noticed that the charges were any higher.