Make the logo bigger 2009
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- 13 Responses
- Mr_Neue
Hi all you nice peeps on QBN :)
Just thought i'd share my first make the logo bigger situation of 2009.
I was freelancing for a nice agency working with some brass balls marketing exec. She was completely adamant that the clients logo was too small.
In the end I made more white space around the logo and this completely tricked her!
does anyone have any funny stories about this kind of thing?
- uncle_helv0
I once, foolishly revealed the grid system I'd used on a document, I was working on to an account handler, from then on every time there was a future brief or any amends for that client, it came with an added, rather confused question "is that on the grid?"
It was both funny and annoying at the same time (a bit like terry Christian)
- menos0
Well I just had a meeting to present some possible outcomes and the client commented on how the logo was small and if it could be made bigger... hehehehehe...
- Mr_Neue0
I know what you mean about terry, him & coolio what a team!!!
- NickInfozure0
Has anyone made the logo too big to start so the client asks if it could be made smaller therefore making it look good?
- kult0
I still use my favorite technique, which is agree to "shift some bits around", do nothing for 3 days, re-present, and watch it get enthusiastically accepted.
- Mr_Neue0
thats almost as bad as that little chef boss talking about 'blue sky thinking' Heston Blumenthal should have slapped him for that.
- GRRRRR! I wanted to smack him. fucking marketing twaddle.ian
- Then again Heston is a fucking chancer...babaganush
- like just try thinking outside the box - could swear he quoted that annoying natwest ad!!!Mr_Neue
- Mr_Neue0
i meant that about your account manager taking interest in grid systems!
- Glitterati_Duane0
No but I've tried making it bigger at the start to avoid the situation all together. Well that back fired because they wanted it even bigger.
- Mr_Neue0
oh no thats even worse Glitterati_Duane
- kelpie0
sending the exact same file with a number 2 added on the end with "how's this then?" in an email has gotten me through many amend stages