I was in a car crash today

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  • sillEpill0

    i was in a very bad crash that cost me my license.

    i was young, extremely reckless as a driver, and just didnt know better... i was at the time in nassau community college just enjoying the 13th grade with all the friends.. it was the end of the year and finals were happening.. i was driving to take my calculus 4 finals... i never made it.. my driving trip from my parents house to the college was 18 miles... i had to take 3 highways to get there.. itwas the long island expressway or the northern state parkway to the medowbrook parkway... the area i had the accident is labeled by police/ fire/ ambulence/ tow truck drives as "dead man's curve" this area for anyone who is from long island knows is a very dangerous very long curve that has 3 highways merging into 1, so thats if i remember correctly 9-12 lanes on a curve that is roughly 1 mile long... well the weather that day was sleet/ ice/ snow that had started early morning around 5am, i left my house around 7am.. now usually on my morning commute i would see the same people driving and a few of them were going to the same college and we would end up racing to school cutting in and out of lanes like mad men speeding, well same as always i see a bunch of drivers i know just cruising and i honk and the start is a go... the roads were insanely slippery so our speeds became max of 15MPH which was like 100MPH compared to all the other cars doing like 3MPH... well its "Dead Man's Curve" time... the ground itself in certain areas were concrete and others were asphalt... the areas with concrete were very much sheets of ice and they lasted for roughly 35feet every 1/4 mile of the turn... so im driving cutting lanes and boom the guy in front of me loses control of his car as he went from the asphalt to the concrete ice slick... he slams on his brakes and me flying in behind no brakes not knowing, i smash into him, the air bag shoots open and i freaked out not knowing what that was so i slam on my brakes and the autolocks didnt catch so the car gets back in gear i start to spin, the only i remember from the crash was a lot of spinning and all the windows in the car [toyota corolla] were shattered... after all was done i was semi unconscious... covered in glass not understanding what happened, it was all less than 40 seconds... i was told by the police who were at the scene of the accident to stay in my vehicle were i realized my left right leg was all messed up... and it was winter cold like nyc today like 18°F and all i was wearing was a t-shirt no jacket all windows completely shattered and i was to sit in the car for 97 minutes were i froze...

    basicly after the cops finally let me into an ambulence the ytold me what had happened... the police who were at the scene explain they were involved in the accident that i was in. they were in the lane to the right of me but i wasnt breaking any speed limits by driving at 15MPH so i had no reason to care the cops were right there... so like i was saying i was in the middle lane of like 11 lanes... the guy i hit as i steped on the brakes made my car go into a spin cycle, the cops had a lot of eye witness that said the cars spun around 4 times and as it spun i first hit the police car in the drivers side quarter panel, bonuced off and hit another car and while spinning bounced back into the same police car and i hit now the back right side quarter panel where i bounce off and at this time all the cars were dispursing kinda giving me a clear path and i skidded thru the metal median that separates the directions of the highway and i was looking at opposite traffik just flying into me i get hit by 3 more cars and then i finally skidded on the other side of the highway mind you covered in broken shattered glass ...

    so... the new cops who made it to the scene were hanging out with the cops who i hit and totalled a police car a state vehicle a tax payers paddy wagon i was now being looked at as a suspect in a crime even though the entire accident wasnt my fault which the cops stated.. so the new cops gave me a ticket for reckless driving and being in an acccident 9 points on the license, then they give me a ticket for demolishing a police car...


    ...so like i get the tickets and my car is 100% totalled the rear axle was shattered, the front was an acordian in the corners as i was spinning, if it was head or rear collision i wouldnt be here today...

    well.. my license was suspended immeadiately where the cops dropped me off at a bus station in Roosevelt field where i took 4 buses to get home... never made it to school to take that test til to this day...

    well when my court date took place, something happened that even the judge said never really ever happens and that he had to make an example to the state and use me as the target.

    basicly since i totalled a tax payer state vehicle and was recklessly driving even though i was 1/4 of the max speed limit and didnt even cause the accident which was accounted for by many of the others hit in the spin which was the guy in fron of me who started it all...

    that year, maybe 2 months prior, ny state had a new law regarding the length of time a n state license lasted, in the 3 months prior a license 4 years, but the new law allowed a driver to have the same license for 8 years... and the judge said since i had the accident and destryoed the police car 1 term of my license would be revoked, but since i had the reckless driving ticket, and here was the kicker, the police state trooper whom i hit was at the court house and the judge himself said that never happens but asince his cart was destroyed he had to make the appearance and the judge advised a second term was to be applyed to my sentance, so for a total of 16 years i did not have a ny drivers license.

    i recently [last year] had gotten my drivers license again, i had to re-take drivers ed for 6 months, re-take my road test, and that ridicuolously dumb scan tron mulitple choice test for the permit...

    fucking cops!!!

    • got that took forever to type out..
      i sure i have endless errors..
      but its all true..
    • damn, you could publish that.armsbottomer
    • You see, the problem with posts that long take too long to type and are too scary to begin readingkalkal
    • read my blog!!!! my blog!?!?
      read it!?!?! its my blog!?!?
    • That's a nightmare Epill.JerseyRaindog
    • well, not really, living in nyc i never needed a car but i can imagine somewhere else...wellsillEpill
  • sillEpill0

    oh yeh i suffered a cracked clavicle, 1 broken rib, my right shin was all busted up and my right ankle's ligaments were torn, i had a sprain in my neck which still hurt today and im still alive!!!!!!!!!!!!



  • kalkal0

    Long post are in. They are the new short posts

  • ukit0

    Good Gods you really typed all that????

    • hahhahautopian
    • yeh i think istarted at 11 now its 2am when i finished ... in the middle of that was a nice bluntsillEpill
    • i kinda forgot about it and the puter went to sleep... then i woke it up and the message was theresillEpill
    • and i never hit broadcast...sillEpill
  • sillEpill0

    so did i miss anything cool in the last 3 hours while i wrote my thesis to killing police cars...

  • JerseyRaindog0

    I was a passenger when my mate pulled out in front of a motorcycle. I saw the bike coming but he didn't. The bike crashed into the side rear door of the car and biker ends up through the window slumped over the side of the door with his blood dripping down the inside of it. I get out of the car and race round the side of the car just in time to see the biker lift himself out of the door and collapse on the ground. He takes off his helmet while I'm trying to persuade him to leave it on. His face is a bloodied mess and he's mumbling but I can't make out the words. His breathing sounds difficult. So I hold his hand and talk to him and try and get him to stay awake/talk. Gradually he seems to respond. An ambulance turns up and they start treating him. We wait, the police turn up, measure, take photographs and question us. They take the guy into the ambulance and one of the paramedics comes to talk to us. He asks if I want treatment. At that point I realise my face is bleeding from shards of flying glass. Minor stuff at the time. He tells us the guy has a suspected broken leg but otherwise will be alright.

    My mate was told he would probably get charged with reckless driving. However the biker turned out to be a heroin addict who discharged himself from hospital (his leg wasn't broken after all) and didn't hang around to press any charges. He was high when he hit the car even though it wasn't his fault. Though his reactions were probably a lot slower.

    I freaked out because I had his blood all over me with open cuts. Silly really. Even today, this story unsettles me. Especially as I ride a bike as well.

  • cannonball0

    One time I was in my friends car and we were behind several cars at a light. To get a head start while it was red, he pulls around the line to get in the other lane and get to the line (I don"t know what the hurry was). Anyway we hit this old korean lady carrying like the largest 2 bags of groceries I have ever seen. In the process we both screamed and I put my arms up to my face. I remember seeing all the vegetables bounding up in the air like someone had just bounced those bags on a trampoline. The lady was okay thank god. Just a bunch of bruises. To this day every time I see an airborne vegetable (like in pizza commercials) I think of that time we plowed Mrs. Lee and her huge bags of groceries.

  • cannonball0

    I was also in a honda that got t-boned by a pickup. Amazingly the three of us were okay, but the car was totaled.

  • 23kon0

    when i was 17 i wrote off my mums Vauxhall Frontera 2.0i Jeep by going too fast round a corner. Backend went out, passengers side hit lampost, leaped across the road, drivers side went down a wall, back into the middle of the road then crashed right down the side of an old classic BMW that a guy had just spent thousands on doing up (you shouldve seen how angry he was!!!).
    I got a CD30 (Careless Driving), Got Banned for 3 Months and had to resit my test and pay £200 fine (to pay for lampost).

    When I was about 21 I was in a crash in my Ford Fiesta Mrk2 XR2. Id spent the day off college and had been washing my car inside and out, including engine bay etc. Was the cleanest it had ever been, got a few miles away from home, turned into the mouth of a wide open T junction, as i did so i saw a car doing a 3 point turn in the mouth, swerved to avoid it then ended up in the ditch, writing off my car.

    Been in a few others, a mate got rear ended at a roundabout when i was in the car then the other guy sped off. We went to court for it, my mate ended up getting done for it for breaking too hard! :O

  • ian0

    A coule of years ago I got hit by a motorbike courier while crossing the road. He didn't slow down coming to the intersection and I was flipped over into the air and landed a few metres from where I was crossing. He ended up on the other side of the intersection and the bike was a write-off. My leg was bruised with internal bleeding, I was out of work for a week, and walked with a limp for about a month after. But I was lucky.

    A guy I worked with was crossing behind me and grabbed me as I walked out, I went back and the bike hit my leg. If the guy hadn't grabbed me the bike would've hit me straight on. So Peter, where ever you are, cheers mate!

  • _me_0

    i once went straight over a "mini-roundabout" that didn't exist 3 days before hand - went bouncing straight into a low wall that i manged to almost mount and clear over! - totally wrote my car off - the wall ripped all the front suspension and transmission to pieces... fortunately the three of us that were in the car all were able to get out of the car dust ourselves off...

  • Akiraprise0

    My only ever crash:

    The rear diff crapped itself and locked the rear wheels spinning the car 360 into a granite wall, not a single scratch on me or the passenger, absolutely amazing! :o