F'ed Up Breakdance Audition
F'ed Up Breakdance Audition
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- 7 Responses
- 2cents
Haha, some of these dudes look hilarious at the end. Also some pretty impressive moves at the beginning.
- refunktion0
- lvl_130
hahaha, that shit is funny. love it when the guy slips on the puzzle box. haha
- kona0
- harlequino0
That guy doing the puzzle while standing on one hand was pretty pimp. Like Luke on Dagobah.
- Milan0
this is retarded, they had some good moves, but the puzzle bit wasn't funny or interesting at all
- mg330
There is a Mr. Rogers episode where he had breakdancers come to his house and bust out the cardboard mat and everything right there in front of his steps.
I'd love to see it again; I remember him watching them so intently and with such awe it was as if he was watching Picasso work. It was all so elegant to him.
- Milan0
google the youtube!