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  • GeorgesII

    I'm talking about the legal one,
    according to Thomas Moore, a senior fellow in health policy at the George Washington University Medical Center, estimates that prescription drugs -- those reviewed and approved by the FDA -- contribute to 100,000 U.S.

  • GeorgesII0

    (sorry the pasting didn't quite work)
    deaths each year. One prominent reason for this that I’ll visit in an upcoming article is that the entire research and approval process for new drugs is a hoax -- in short, drug makers now pay private for-profit companies to do the clinical studies establishing safety, and the drug companies have a major say in what is and is not reported. Meanwhile, who knows how many deaths they indirectly contribute to by veering people toward an over-dependency on their quick “fixes” and away from a preventative and curative approach to health?

  • GeorgesII0

    ffs, next time i'll write about gerbil sex,
    it'll probably get you more interested than legal drugs killing thousands of people a year

  • Nairn0

    Nah, GeorgesII - it's just that it's Monday and people are already gloomy enough. Besides, this is really old news, which many people are already in some Faustian pact to disavow, so that they can beat the system and eke one more sorry year from their middle age.

    Also, if you want to spark of a conversation, it helps if you write something yourself and not just paste someone else's copy.

  • designbot0

    It's a shame really. I think that around 90+ percent of the time there are natural and healthier alternatives to the drugs doctors are constantly prescribing. But it really is all about money, and the natural remedies are often cheap and plentiful leaving no room for profit.The the thing that kills me is the side effects that most of the drugs seem to have, only to send you into a downward spiral of needing to take more drugs to counter the side-effects of the first drug....next thing you know you are needing to take 20 pills a day just to stay "healthy". Often times the side effects are worse then the problem they are supposed to be helping.

    Out of curiousity I recently started researching an antibiotic I was taking for a sinus infection. I started researching it because it made me feel abosoultely horrible, much worse actually. I was pretty shocked to read the fine print and find out what some of the possible side effects were......depression, headache, nausea, diarrhea, heart failure, stomach infections, tooth discoloration, insomnia, liver failure......! I stopped taking it asap.

    I think you really said it all when you said most people are looking for a "quick fix" this is very true, and to our own detriment.

  • GeorgesII0

    I thought the text was well writen and to the point, didn't feel like I need to add more. it just that I'm frustrated at the false politics here about drugs,
    1000 of young people kill themselve every years because of alcohol, the 5% that smoke a joint and get caught driving, get branded as heavy drug user, but the other 95% that drink alcohol just get off with a warning (as long as they don't kill anyone)

    • Italy's DUI laws must be a lot more lenient the in the U.S. Here, drinking and driving = jail time.blaw