Adobe Director?
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- 19 Responses
- decisionman
Just wondering if any of you guys out there use this guy:…
If so ... why? How? Just wondering ... !
- ********0
Why? When we have Flash!
- 7point340
before there was actionscript there was lingo
- decisionman0
I suppose there's not much use for Director designer-wise ... game developers, "interactive kiosks", etc. seem to be Director's focus.
- airey0
yeah i did years ago. since flash came around and started supporting video it's become less used.
- 7point340
when flash was first introduced it was just a simple vector animation tool. there was no actionscript (there were behavior scripts and some language, but i can't remember what they called it) there was no xml. there was no quicktime or multimedia...
director could do all of that. director could author entire interactive apps. the biggest market was probably cd-roms. cds that had interactive content (anything that said made with shockwave on it was a director app)
- benfal990
i did work with Director in 1998 to 2001
I did not know it was still alive.
- decisionman0
@benfal99 Right up there with Fireworks!
- October0
one thing director is still good for, launching applications from a cd.
like opening a powerpoint slideshow straight from the cd onto the powerpoint app.
only way i figured how to do this in flash is with applescripts and bat files.
- ********0
Few things (I think..) that Director can still do well is..
Memory control - ability to isolate RAM for its purpose hence not crashing the processor.
Programming - while AS is close to becoming a full OOP, Lingo is still a true OOP
Shockwave - still a much better player then flash
The down side was that it didnt have scalability; while Flash was scaled due to its limitations, Shockwave was not intended for web down stream. Because of the limitation in Flash, it was ideal for download compile where as Shockwave was aimed for DVD / CD production. As the pipe got bigger, Flash is catching up but Shockwave stopped growing.
- anayafx0
I used it last in about 03'-04'... made a kick ass cd-rom for a software company, it had fullscreen video, product literature and a executable demo of the companys flagship software.... t'was a bitch to create.. but it ran great even on slow machines and didnt require any kind of end-user media player or installation...
Essentially director is best at creating things that will interface with your OS more, but with the dawn of AIR... who knows whats gonna happen to it.
- would you use air now for the same project do you think?airey
- tomkat0
lingo was the first programaming language I understood, never used it since
- ********0
I always thought the director stuff that was coming out back then was much more awe inspiring than the Flash stuff now, guess it was just that everything was new...
This guy from State always did some good stuff with the 3D engine it has...
- ********0…But a lot of his stuff seems to be Flash now too
- ********0
I thought Director died years ago. Never did use the programme as flash just come out and I decided it was a better idea to learn that. Good for CD and the like.
- matt310
my final school project in 99 was a director cd rom on motley crue
- ********0
Last project I did with it was
- stewart0
the last time i used Director was in 1998 i think.
- modern0
Director was much better made than Flash, the director games kicked the shit out of flash games a few years ago and ran really fast (hardware accelerated 3D too if you wanted)
Flash is just starting to catch up really (only because of processor speed, its still badly made shit really), its annoying how we had to take that massive step backwards for no good reason.
- ********0
was all down to the plugin being quite a big download at that time, and people not really understanding what plug-ins were at that time either...