site width?
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- 11 Responses
- nosaj
What resolution / width would you design a high end sports product site for?
968 pixels wide seems to be the safe 1024 by 768 width but most sites I come across are much wider... ie and
- canuck0
I wouldn't go over 1000.
- why not?
most people are running at LEAST 1280monospaced - I disagree.canuck
- Last statistics I saw had a 30% representation on a 1024x768 resolution.Lillebo
- why not?
- Fariska0
Keep 960 as your average width.
Then build the grid as you like to accomodate the content
but don't go over 980.
- mistermik0
use this -
- jamble0
968px is a safe width, 1024x768 is still the predominant resolution so design for that unless you've got a specific reason not to.
The NHL site fits into 1024 nicely, the UFC one doesn't.
- monospaced0
jamble, it looks like your comment came straight out of 1998. I'd say that 1280x1024 is the predominant resolution -- think 15" laptop -- if not much higher.
- -100mistermik
- shit, my resolution is 1920x1200 native, making 1024x768 look like a small box in the corner.monospaced
- You're a designer though.canuck
- but thats like saying i wear 44" pants but so I aint making any regular sizes.mistermik
- canuck0
I disagree monospaced, why sacrifice a portion of your audience so you can get an extra couple hundred pixels. There are still a lot of business/corporations that are still using old computers running 1024x768.
But again it comes down to knowing your audience. If you feel confident that your audience is running over 1024 then go bigger.
- Stugoo0
yeah 1024 is the standard now... not so long ago it was 8000x600, howevert you will want to keep the content within the 744 on the left jsut in case and depending on the market of course! :)
- Stugoo0
both of those sites are 1024 the advertising on the UFC is outwidth the normal content for larger screens
- jamble0
I'd say you're in the minority, I run 1680*1050 but you'll find 1024*768 is still the majority.… reckons it's nearly half of all monitors run at that.
- I reckon you're still wrong.monospaced
- You're entitled to your wrong opinion.jamble
- Oh, this is going somewhere. Should I get popcorn?Lillebo
- canuck0
Or make your site scalable? not always possible to do but ....
- monospaced0
jamble, that website says that 40% run at a HIGHER resolution than 1024.