Worse thing

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  • moth0

    To be fair Chossy, I read the brief, and it's says nothing about job mistakes...

  • kelpie0

    can't really think of any big ones for work. With most of my stuff being web based any fuck ups can be changed/covered up pretty easy. I'm enormously paranoid about print jobs going away with mistakes so I check and recheck everything like I've got rampant OCD.

    I did leave out the venue on a club flyer once and the promoter had to hand stamp all the flyers, but that was just a wee homer and didn't amount to much hassle

  • vespa0

    was on a telly show with one job (band), got sent to barcelona to get an award with other job, won lots of awards, got very drunk, went to wrong airport next day as didn't realise was flying out from different airport to the one i flew in on, missed flight to Newcastle, spanish public holiday that weekend so NO FLIGHTS out of barcelona to anywhere to be had for love or money, ran out of batteries so couldn't even call band waiting for me to turn up in Newcastle to play live telly gig, bumped into friend in airport as rocking myself into stress coma on airport floor, borrowed phone charger, told band to make up a new song with bassist singing, bassist did her best but band got kicked out (losing one in five chance for million pound record contract), lots of footage of band looking upset, well known dj suggests to band they'd be better off without me, lots of emails from random judgemental strangers watching on sofas saying how much i suck and they hope i get run over by a bus.

    • was that mobi-act thing?
    • You should post those email address too... fuckers.moth
    • Jo not so Smiley?Spanna
    • lol. i saw that episode.skt
    • i hope you get run over by a bus.skt
    • don't worry Envy and other sins would have beaten you anyway ;)BaskerviIle
    • it was YOU skt! i knew it!!!vespa
    • nah you spell too good. i'm pretty sure all the h8tors were 14 year old dyslexic boys.vespa
    • and yea envy and other sins were great. and also the record contract sucked - what's happened to E&OS since??vespa
    • That fucked uproundabout
  • mistermik0

    had a fight with boss in pub.

    • not really the worst - probably the best thing I have ever donemistermik
  • chossy0

    I will revise the brief moth ye dick.

    post the worse mistake you have made on a job.

  • mistermik0

    I once made a flash presentation for an equity firm - the sort where by the person talks out of screen.

    I was bored so i made his head fucking huge and small body. Later that day I i copied the movie clip to another flash movie and updated library. Sent file for approval.


  • Dennis_Moore0

    Years ago I was a junior at this little shop and Citibank threw us a bone. Do them a booth and some banners, on the quick of course. So I shipped out the banners without the fonts, and it came back saying "Citiban". The best part was that the CD looked at the banner and shipped it off to the trade show!

    Ah, the first and last job I did for Citiban!

  • applepirate0

    after burning and reburning cross platform test constantly for 2 days sent out an "interactive cd" for 5,000x duplication....

    accidentally sent one of the fuct cd's and, well... somehow being that it was 2001 and interactive CD's was a market they were trying to tap into at our post house when i realized my mistake i just stopped showing up for work for three weeks straight like everyone would just forget.

    finally my boss beat on my door for over an hour straight because they thought the intern(me) had hung himself for screwing up so bad. they were so happy i was alive when i finally called that they told me to just come back into work "we didnt really want to get into the business of doing those things anyways" was my favorite line of that phone call.

  • d_rek0

    Not my fuck up (i've got a few) but it's worth a toss. The intern here at the publication I work at saved over 40+ hr retouch I had been working on with lots of nasty, apparent photoshoppery. The intern then sent a copy of the image to my boss, who was out of the office at the time, and he promptly called ME back asking why his beautiful image was so fucked up.

  • PIITB0

    I once punched a baby in the face.

    • See chossy? They're just not getting it....moth
    • but the fucking baby was giving me weird looks all day. fuck that baby, i would do it again.PIITB
    • ahahahahah...Mishga
  • roundabout0

    Trash a brand new top of the Range Powermac G4 worth over 2K. It was Friday beer time, and at end of play 6pm we all had a bear to start the weekend. I put my bear on top of my new G4, I then watch the bear full over and stood there as it made strange noises and a funny smell. Everyone just crack up and took strips out of me, I hid under my desk.

    I get in Monday Morning. So what have I done, Killed One G4, also lost one months design and build work for a website I was designing, no back up. Sponsorship for the website alone was worth over a Million pounds and it had to be online on-time to run alongside the TV program and competition. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr SHIT!

    The Friday Drink group was then band from drinking inside the studio and could only drink outside which was fun in the winter, I also got bad from drinking with Friday bear club for a month. Dam You Bear, Dam you.

    • I hate it when bears drip inot my computer damn liquid bears!!! :'(chossy
    • ha ha ha inot is specialist bear terminologychossy
    • Beerroundabout
    • count yourself lucky the bear could of ripped your head off instead of only trashing your computer

    • where i'm from it's pronounced "bear" - made perfect sensejar
  • chossy0

    Fuck this thread it has not taken the journey I had hoped it would.

    • nose. coffee. ouch.killthefish
    • sorry to help ruin your thread. I was just having a little fun in the morning.PIITB
  • moth0

    Still can't think of anything.
    Like kelpie - I don't do loads of print, so I'm always proper paranoid about getting it right first time and leave nothing to chance. I really put weight on the printers for advice and to check stuff for my amateur errors... which I think is part of what you pay them for.

    Still nothing...

  • chossy0

    Dear qbn moth is a total dong bag he he :D

  • moth0

    I got it!

    I recommended to my previous employers that they employ Paraselene.

    That was pretty horrific for everyone involved....

  • gramme0

    A couple years ago I designed a complex folder with multiple folding inserts. I didn't make a tightly configured paper dummy before sending the files off, nor did I take the time to print everything out and mark it up with print specs...the job was a super fast turnaround.

    It ended up that the job was printed without any spot colors. Type throughout was supposed to be 404 gray, but ended up being horribly screened. The company's corporate red looked pink. There was a gold seal on one insert that was printed tan. The last piece in the kit, a warranty brochure, said "HEADLINE GOES HERE" in 40 pt. Bodoni. On the front cover.

    Everything was about 1/8" too small all around, so it flopped around in the folder. Total nightmare. We screwed up, the client didn't proof it, and the production manager phoned it in. We ended up eating 1/3 of the $20,000 cost. I thought I was going to get fired. I spent the next month walking on eggshells.

    Lessons learned:

    1. Always, Always always trim everything out by hand and make sure all pieces fit snugly and sensibly and feels right in the hand.
    2. Always always print out art at full size before sending off, and always make print specs extra explicit in large letters on said color copies.

    I still shiver.

    • Funny thing is, the client never noticed the FPO headline. I think they got two brochures in and chucked the lot in the trash.gramme
    • trash.gramme
  • gramme0

    I had the most beautiful piece I've worked on to date get totally screwed up by the printer. The client didn't want to pay for new plates when the printer added a fat stroke around our small metallic type throughout the book, saying "your tiny type will never hold", even though we did the same exact thing with great results in the past. In bindery, when sending it through for a second pass they trimmed all of the books by about 1/4" too much, so now the type at the bottom of pages is dangerously close to the trim.

    The print production manager didn't properly prepare their files (they were in charge of plate-ready art), so the color was off on 60% of the images. Then everything was printed with a varnished that somehow got tainted and made 30% of the images look milky.

    At least that one wasn't my fault...

  • erikjonsson0

    made a flashbanner loop over some actionscript sending an sms. banner had about 9 mil expositions wich resulted in the server crashing.

    • Is that to do with the Hadron Collider in Cern? I'm confused.JerseyRaindog
  • moth0

    the worst fuck-up in web world has to be forgetting which directory you are in, and excising your power via;

    rm -r

  • mikotondria30

    My second or thrid proper paying job to design a flyer for a party called 'Glow', did a lovely job of having the word Glow in LEDs on a black background, swirled around with trails, looks brilliant, spent hours on it..
    Only - it was a decrepid old monitor that I was using and somehow some of the black background had been corrupted to like a #111111 and I had copied and pasted that section somehow, so when we proudly got it to print the background was a series of unappealing gray boxes.
    We walked into the client's office to get paid and there were 5000 of them sat in the trashcan. I was gutted :/