Simply CalTrain™

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  • omgitsacamera

    Parody of:…

    I am bored during the hours of 12AM to 5AM, the hours when I should be sleeping. Oh well. The signage along CalTrain, varies (pics coming soon), as it is for most of the Bay Area, most of the time you'll see similar signs use different fonts, like here:

    The VMS'es and the hard-to-see train numbers don't help either.

    (This was taken in April of this year.)

    (The little numbers sticking out)

    If I had my way (which is really none of the time), the VMS would be something like this.

    (1920x1080 .png)

    inspired by:

    I introduce to you, Simply CalTrain™ the wayfinding system. It's a possible product coming in the foreseeable future. I wanted to get expert opinions on a possible marketing direction for the scheme. More signage coming soon.

    All photos and trademarks copyright their respective owners. This is not official CalTrain paraphernalia.