where do i stand
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- 26 Responses
- Mr_Neue
So i was made redundant from an agency two months ago & I'm doing quite well for myself as a freelancer doing my own thing etc.
My problem is that they still have my photo & profile on their website, The image of me was taken by a close friend of mine who is a photographer so they no longer have my permission to display this image of me.
I think that they don't want to look thin on the ground staff wise with their client presence on the web as I was the only designer there. I'm not happy about this situation as i'm trying to build my own business now.
Does anyone know how i stand legally as I don't work for them now & they are saying I do according to the website. Plus I never gave permission or release to my profile being on there in the first place!
- sherman0
If you dont work for them, you should demand the removal of your profile.
- ********0
Why do you have to be a douche and go straight to the lawyers?
Why can't you just send a polite but passive-aggressive E-mail asking when they'll update the 'staff' page?
- well i'm not the type to go to lawyers but they arn't such nice people, just want to know where i stand!Mr_Neue
- dog_opus0
I don't know about the UK, but here in the U.S. I'm pretty sure that would be misappropriation; not legal.
- ********0
sherman shutup.
"I DEMAND you take down my photo! And another sugar for my Chai Tea Latte!"
lol losers.
- ukit0
Uh, what's so wrong about asking a company to take down your pic if you don't work there. Lighten up.
- ********0
Seriously if you even mention that the image was taken by a "close friend of mine who is a photographer" and that "they no longer have my permission to display this image of [you]", you know what kind of response you'll get?
Wow this dude's petty. Good thing we fired him.
- robotron3k0
I was first going to tell you to write an email like Stink says, but after thinking about it, what I would do is leave your picture up and tell all your clients you consult with them on creative issues. then take the agency portfolio and put the best pieces of your site. then, just site back and let the agency come to you. if they say anything, say, "Well, you were using me to get projects, so why can't I use your company to get mine????"
- ********0
Ukit, there's a difference between asking....and DEMANDING! (with extra sugar, damnit!) or busting out lawyers like Mr_Neue wants to do.
I swear most of you are autistic antisocials.
- who the fuck are yousherman
- anitsocials aye - you are the one calling people names.spendogg
- trolL?Jaline
- simmer down stinky!designer4rent
- Mr_Neue0
for the record i wanted to know where i stand - i said nothing about busting out lawyers!
- ukit0
WTF are we arguing about? Just ask them to take it down, they are probably too lazy to have done it already.
- sputnik20
send an email, and if that doesn't work send a cease and desist.
- ********0
"where do I stand" meant legally, give me a break, you were already contemplating how much law-jargon you could throw into your email or what law-firm's letter head you could fake and get away with it.
- dog_opus0
A recurring theme at QBN is a pack mentality that eagerly awaits to disparage anyone with views deemed — rightfully or not — as deviating from the groupthink. It would be nice if we could be more civil and fair-minded.
- sherman0
ive never sworn so much in 1 thread fuck
- robotron3k0
naw, you guys have it all wrong, fuck all those mofos man, I've worked in agencies for years, all sizes and types. those big guys are just as desperate for clients as the small one-two man shops. they are just as hungry to use someone's talent and just as afraid those people will steal their clients. as well, they don't have a good idea in their head and always looking to mow through people, hiring and firing, to make profits. use and abuse these "corporations" "companies" "agencies" to the best of your abilities. They are not real people anyway, it's okay really.
- and you can use and abuse them best by freelancing.robotron3k
- thanksMr_Neue
- ********0
You are all such paranoid freaks.
It's a photo on a staff page!
Do you really think Mr_Neue is Brad Pitt? Do you really think he has face recognition?
Get real. It's probably an oversight like ukit suggested.
- ********0
ahah, why am I not surprised robotron's in Brooklyn after reading that rant...
oh, maybe because he's a cliche hipster.
BREAK THE SYSTEM!******** - ha! lot's of design power in brooklyn right now bro...robotron3k
- DOWN WITH THE FACELESS CORPORATE AGENDA! yeah that's good and vague aye?********
- http://www.defendbro…robotron3k
- no Stink "use" the system, don't be a target. duh.robotron3k
- Oh sorry dude lemme bust out my Johnny Cupcakes Tshirt so I can feel empowered...********
- But first I have to write a threatening email over a petty issue to an ex-employer.********
- ukit0