google analytics - flash
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- 7 Responses
- tasty
so me and a flash programmer at work have run into an issue with google page tracking.
anyone have an idea on how get google analytics to track your clicks and also take you to the next page of the site?
we tried putting both getURL calls on the release first and it worked on everything but IE, which is pretty important for it to work on.
Right now, we have this:
}It takes us to the new page but doesnt seem to track the results.
any insight?
- tasty0
javascript:pageTracker._track Pageview ( ' / flash / hp / button 1 / earnreward ' ) ; " ) ;
added that java script line with spaces so it wouldnt get cut off
- skelly_b0
if your navigating to a page should anayltics see that without adding a tracker in flash? assuming you have the tracker code on that page.
- tasty0
i think the point of the tracker is to see where they clicked from. not just the page ur landing on.
we have a spreadsheet of button names, this is the name of that button:
/ flash / hp / button 1 / earnreward
- ********0
try deeplinking in Flash……
- skelly_b0
deeplink in flash with SWFAddress is awesome. I believe it has built in GoogleTracker features:
- tasty0
deep linking is totally rad, but unfortunately this is driving to another html page of the html site not inside the flash.
- nearestexit0
Try this: