What are you reading?
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- katekelly0
Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
*good stuff.
- pgumshuda0
Midnight's Children
By Salman RushdieAwesomestttest book.
A must-read
If u haven't read it u haven't read anythin
- epigraph0
True Crime by Andrew Klavan is really intense. First chapter is a little slow but it picks up speed fast.
- Cobalt14100
I have just started reading 'Day of the Triffids' By John Wyndham but Im not that into it yet.
I have also recently had the urge to read a Stephen King book but can't make up my mind which one so any recommendations would be cool.It's great to see so many people actually still read now adays.
- epigraph0
In the middle of this right now...collection of short stories....really good.http://www.phillymag.com/bl...
- ********0
- Jonanon0
Just finished up Martin Brundle's book about all the great F1 circuits. It's good because f**king James Allen has nothing to do with it.
A must for anyone who vaguely likes motorsport :)
- Riiiiight0
i'm reading a book on the starbucks startup good read
- simple_space0
The Road
Cormac McCarthy
- dog_opus0
"Glut," by Alex Wright and (re-reading) "Anti-Americanism," by Jean-François Revel.