Face First...

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  • Cloutier

    PART I

    "For the real question is,
    who's going to be the first one...


    I just want to get this straight...

    For there are three types of people to one's view.

    1. The type that simply don't understand one's concept.

    2. The type that completely understand, yet cannot admit it, out of jealousy, or are afraid of what others may think of them, to which in my eyes seem like the sorriest bunch of suckers and degenerate scumbag losers, I have ever encountered in my whole life.

    3. The type that completely understand, yet cannot admit, for the fear of our society not being able to grasp one's concept, meanwhile our planet degenerates because of this stunted logic.

    For our government, what information are you hiding from the public? What don't you want us to know, and what do you plan to do with one's society? Keep bickering at each other's useless habits, until a nuclear bomb is dropped?

    Oh yeah, I guess I forgot the most important part, to which there are fleets of retards, who can't keep the jobs - that they don't even want in the first place. While spending their "hard" earned money on useless garbage to appease one's pea sized brains.

    And then not be able to afford their mortgage, foreclose their equity and go bankrupt. High five!

    Once upon a time, our government used to work for everyone. Now, it's just another conglomerate of a machine. Set agendas, positions, rules, all laid out on the table which is supposed to work together when in tune. I am sure you have heard the term - pea brain?

    Well, it's there for a reason. For our brains, in the center, have a gland called - the pineal gland. To which can easily be programmed by one's government, leaders, illuminati, what ever you want to fuckin' call it. Idiots, in my mind. Get over yourselves, please.

    The government doesn't want us to be individuals, for they would much rather shut us up with that ridiculous formula posted above. I truly don't know who anyone is trying to kid anymore, they just seem like a bunch of desperate neanderthals on the verge of extinction.

    For it's truly not anyone's fault. It's a giant planet, with a ton of goofs that wish they were god, or have some belief that they can't seem to agree, or get over with. Let's face it, it's all about power and control. Money. Oil. Gold. Religion. It used to be like that, anyway.

    Maybe that's what they can't get over?

    Critics, who doesn’t love a good one? Especially if that’s all they can do. Convince themselves that what they are doing is something more than stating a useless set of advisory statements to a large population of humans that are nearly losing their complete train of thought.

    Talking about what they never had in the first place?


    Powers that be, sweet powers that be. Do you ever just think, that, for the simple reason to which they can’t imagine one’s world without currency? That’s their true idea of power. Sad isn’t it. Poor soulless beings. Chasing the elusive dragon, for eternity.

    I have yet to hear one solid plan, from anybody.

    Are they scared to lose what they have? A close minded selfish life? Seems to me, there is a lot more to win for everyone. But alas, I will keep pumping this shit out, until the silly neanderthals can’t even cry themselves to sleep anymore.

    All month.

    For I truly love to watch the desperate neanderthals squirm to one’s passages. One by one, they’ll insinuate that they’re not using this as inspiration, and invert a metaphor. They must realize how ironically pathetic that is? Don't you?

    A true vortex in the greatest sense.

    I guess you could say, if one doesn’t care about their demographic. And all they yearn for is attention and money, what good are they for anybody? So people can distract themselves all day from the shit they don’t want to be working on?

    Kind of makes them a slutty whore, doesn’t it?

    Iraq. What an out of control mess. All parties, for there should be one ultimatum. And one only, peace on that side. Or that’s it. Lights out. How long is going to take? I don’t give a flying fuck anymore about anyone’s excuses. It’s nonsense.

    Let's hear some answers, before I say some nasty shit.

    San Francisco, what an amazing city. Shame it couldn’t share that same grace today. For I am truly embarrassed to even type one’s message. For the entire nation must be so proud to one’s conquest. Yet, every news channel, station or blog...

    Will move onto the very next cheap thrill.

    For the economy is peaking at it’s finest moment towards one’s history. Is any wonder why people can’t, or don’t spend their hard earned money (which doesn’t even really belong to them in the first place)? For there is no money left in one’s system.


    One’s airlines are proving to be as stable, or yet, maybe even more stable than the economy itself, or the government for that matter. Can’t you feel the love and support from the entire collective conscience? Everyone seems so proud.

    Towards everyone listed thus far.

    911. What’s up with that? I thought the reasoning behind the war was to find Osama? How long has it been, and what lies have you told to one’s entire public? I have yet to hear of why we are still actually in Iraq? Don’t be a fuckin’ liar.

    Why did the other towers fall to the ground?

    It’s funny, I keep watching these cheesy fuckin’ announcements, and I can’t help but think - what was the point? For it’s truly the same shit we’ve heard for about 7 years to one’s memory. That sounded like the sorriest statement I’ve ever heard.

    Keep going.

    Deficit. I’m not sure people know what that means. Federal or public, what that means is that every penny that you think is yours, is not. It’s all borrowed money. Which should be paid back sooner than later. Some super power, aren’t they?

    So, keep pretending that everything is alright.

    Awe, I keep watching the news try to console themselves. For they must not be doing to well at the moment. We all know that, when people are down, for the only thing they can do is make statements to try and feel better about one’s self.

    You all must be so proud!

    If you think about it, isn’t that the very same reasoning behind Pearl Harbour or Vietnam? Keep telling the population that everything is alright. Or they have won? What have they won? The fact that a bunch of retards have fell for the lies?

    If so, congratulations.

    Do you know what’s funny and sad at the same time? Technology companies and the internet. Who think they are leaders on the forefront of technology. But really, what they truly are, are just slaves to retards. That don’t even respect them.

    Lords of the retards. Kings of the weak minded.

    And those scandal blog sites, for I am sure the people running those have convinced themselves that their something more than just a distraction for useless idiots that don’t want to be working on the shit that was handed to them.

    How stunted.

    Excuses, that’s what I keep hearing. From everybody. Nobody on this planet has a set agenda for the entire Universe. For they can’t get over themselves, or their measly little life. Is it any wonder why we are at war, or have been forever?

    I love watching insecure pussies squirm.

    Now that it’s rendered useless, I turned off the news. For the first time in about six months. Now on to various other forms of media. But where to start is the question? I guess it’s time to start combing through one’s archives...

    Since there is nothing worthwhile to watch.

    Giza. I’m curious as to why they have restricted access to my pyramid? It’s the equivalent of running the millennium falcon with no chemicals or resonators. For the government can say what ever they want about the mystery.

    All I want to know is...

    Who carved the fuckin’ silly face onto one’s cat?

    For there is absolutely nothing left to read on one’s internet. Media wise that is. It’s the same nonsensical garbage regurgitated, over and over. All I can say, is thank you so much. Fortunately, there’s only a few short years to go.

    Right before the entire population has lost focus.

    The only vibes I am receiving are of those that were already mentioned. Unfortunate bastards distracting themselves with nonsense during the hours they should be working. Thereof the light keeps shining brighter for the progressives.

    Hang in there, it won’t be long now.

    For my gold reserves, I am also curious as to why one’s stash has depleted since the last time I checked? Where is it going? I’ve got a pretty good theory, and was wondering if anyone had a better answer before I spilled it out to everyone.

    Once again, thank you so much!

    As the vortex tears, for the Earth wears...
    a smile to which one shines so bright.
    When the planets align, for the Sun combines...
    rays, that travel throughout the night.
    Though the vortex tears, for the Earth repairs...
    everything, which once tried to hinder.
    For the storms carry on, and the Moon beyond...
    space, for we are just a splinter.

    Passages, sweet bloody passages.

    (-611 -140 169 466 1058 1722 2390 2465 3734 3102 1306 878 311 198 97 -568 -329 -58 169)

    I don’t know about you, but I would sink one’s battleship - deep into one’s sea, just to resolve the forbearing perversion towards one’s council. For there is more than (-329169-140) tonnes missing to one’s calculations.

    Plus, three ingots short of a six pack.

    People keep asking - why are there no comments entered into one’s book? For there have been many repulsive idiots, to which I would rather not have them listed on one’s site. If you know what I mean. Who would want that noise?

    I don’t read a single bit of that garbage.

    And the clouds transformed, while the sun adored...
    towards the edges, of each single one.
    Not a moment too late, heaven open it’s gates...
    and fulfilled it’s promise thereof.

    To which prepared the landing of one’s view.

    In my mind, for there’s nothing greater than to teach a beautiful woman how to play with one’s clouds. While I play with hers, for it truly goes hand and hand to one’s senses. For instance, tonight, there will be a golden rose sunset.

    Whilst the other side, forever reaps one's storms.

    My Pyramid, my sweet fuckin’ Pyramid. For they could stuff it, right up with one’s rags. It’ll do no good. I’ve already licked it, for the better part of a decade. So guess what? I’m going to create some fun now, like no other to one’s view. All I can say is...

    Just wait until it has new resonators, and filled with chemicals.

    Imagine the gratification, of instantly being able to incinerate anything, and anywhere you want. Satisfaction comes to one’s mind as well. A turbo charged force of energy, three times richer than any cheesy little nuke could ever offer.

    It’s just takes a bit to warm up, if you know what I mean.

    Do you ever just sit there, wondering, that, by the time 2008, and it’s ascension finally meets up with 2012, and it’s descent. What impact that may have on our entire collective conscience? I’ve a few passages that may relate to one’s topic, off the top of my mind. That some people may, or may not find fascinating. It’s truly up to you.

    For it would be rather generous of others to view one’s point.

    (-1704 -1500 -802 -404 -366)

    (-3247 -2142 -1073)

    (-1775 -854 -568 -329 174)

    It must be, that... Some of you maniacs, are refreshing one's page every five seconds or so, or it's all working just perfectly.

    Probably a little bit of the both. Either way, works fuckin’ fine for all of one’s pals!

    Yah know, shame about the others.

    Just. I love that word, for many reasons.

    Don't you?

    (3102 1359 1306 722 494 262 134 -568)

    Right now, for our sun is busting through the clouds like - that magnificent thoroughbred poem.


    Sun (-3155 -1846 -802 11 31 174)

    Moon (-2713 -2067 -656 -58 -34 123)

    Sky (-2219 -1249 -443 134 370 1306)

    Clouds (-2799 -2298 -1635 -961 -11 182)

    Quick question:

    Who wants to...




    Good Morning.


    I gave the news another shot this morning. And funny enough, it’s the same shit over and over. For there is no war with the middle class. They simply wouldn’t exist without one’s generates. Get a fuckin’ grip.

    I truly don’t care what anyone says. Non creatives are useless for our planet. All they do, is consume and criticize. Sure, 99% of the population are next to being retarded. Reason being why their fire will never extinguish. Much like how the US government, at the way they are moving. Will absolutely never be able to repair one’s 231 year old engine that they keep promising, and trying to jump-start.

    It’s like watching a fleet of idiots, who keep adding gas to an already flooded carburetor in someone’s old piece of shit Chrysler. For they keep adding more options to one’s table. And then wonder why it doesn’t work anymore. The chain of command is so fuckin’ long and overbearing, that absolutely nothing gets done these days. Except keep spending money that’s not theirs, and regurgitate useless information.

    As much as one may promise on the campaign trail, or in the oval office. For the word “recession” how many times have we heard: “are we in one?” What do you think? Depression? It’s going to be even worse than the great one, if people don’t start to wake the fuck up. The founding forefathers are more than likely laughing in their grave about this whole ordeal.

    What a beautiful morning.

    It doesn’t matter where I go, the instant I meet some pea-brained fuckin' idiot. All they want to do is, tell me their life story. Over and over. For they can’t wait until you are done speaking, so they can dazzle you with their useless information, every five seconds. For instance, I’ll be out in public, which everything seems “fine” - to one’s view. For the Earth always looks fine, but I mean, more so of the population. People on the outside, seem all nice and friendly, you know, normal people. But it’s the instant I communicate with someone that keeps leading me right back to square one...

    Besides my close family, every single person on Earth, is a neanderthal compared to us.

    For the people that have never met me, they might be wondering... I speak crystal clear English, I simply choose not to, because I’d rather not associate myself with disgusting losers that have nothing to offer for one’s society.

    If you know what I mean.

    For when the day comes, whilst sitting on one’s throne. Judging the degenerates. I’m not even going to evaluate a single bit of war mongering, lies, deceit or any crimes related thereof. It’s an instant death in front of everybody. So, I would recommend getting the facts straight, soon as humanly possible, Government.

    Do you understand? For I will not repeat that last passage again, towards one’s book or revelation.

    Personally, I don’t think it’s that complicated to understand, that, once the entire planet is on the same page, working together in harmony. For the very reason why eternity even exists, or will exist, is quite simply because “time” as humans know, and have been clocking, is just a measure. The same principal of why everything keeps degenerating, or dying. When our collective conscience folds over itself in the form of a vortex, time as we know it will stop. Therefore producing one’s theory and calculations to a tee. “Crunch”, almost the same principal as one’s wind up swing for golf. Except the golf ball has hit a groove, where it will fly forever.

    I don’t know what’s neater than that. Do you?

    (-1189 -443 50 234 247 494)

    (-3605 -2299 -2219 -1635 -1073 -404)

    I don't know about you, but I would consider my Gemini twins, aligned and balanced - right up to one's moon.

    For last night, the eleventh of April, two thousand and eight. The twins appeared to be pregnant with it.

    So, in a way, a milky way, one could consider that being a rebirth of cycles.


    The sun is shining.

    Bright as always. For there’s nothing greater in the morning, than waking up to one's warm sun.

    Starting this first passage off on a high note. Tonight’s colors will be written in the book once again. So I would suggest to the regulars, please fill up your rooms according to whomever you think deserves one’s fortunate entries.

    To the others, needn’t waste one’s time.

    (sorry, but that’s just the way it goes)

    (-2543 -2142 -1131 -802 -568 -34 162 188 494 1359 1528)

    I didn’t even give the news a chance this morning, and what a wonderful decision that was. For there is truly nothing but the same ridiculous nonsense that people can’t seem to get over. There’s just a handful of sites that I can barely tolerate to view anymore. And really, for the most part, I just skim the surface, in chance of something interesting popping up. There usually isn’t, so, to contemplate that thought, the internet itself, is next to being rendered useless. Thank goodness, for all of one’s loves.

    Which makes me think...

    Do you ever just sit there, wondering to yourself: since the internet, and it’s present form, will no longer be rendered useful in a couple of years... Why bother investing any more money or time into it? I know I have. For some people, they’ll keep chasing that elusive dream until the fuckin’ cows don’t come home. Literally. From this age on, for there won’t be another generation that has experienced life before the digital revolution.

    Which ultimately means:

    Knowing both sides of the story, unlike any other. Not like a useless liar, that can only fool himself by deceiving his own self. Convincing one’s self that his life, and his work is of anything than just a useless waste, that no one will remember, or care about once that degenerate has passed on. And if you think about it, for they are truly the types of people that cannot seem to stop repopulating one’s planet. Trying to fill a void that they never had in the first place. A viewpoint.

    Or even a reason to deserve their life, that was generously given to them, here on Earth.

    Sometimes, I'll just be sitting here, observing. And then think to myself, all of this would be a lot easier, if I wasn't so damn good looking.

    For my throne, I would prefer a panel of buttons to one’s touch. With a set of instructed commands, which will be listed as time goes on. For the very first button, I would like to have the equivalent of a giant crossbow, that perfectly fits a human being. The said human, will then sit in this chamber whilst being judged, if anyone is cleared, they are simply set free. If not, for I will propel them out into a field, where there are various incinerating machines at different distances. Almost the same principal - as a golfing range, except, with degenerates. And incinerators. We can also set up a point scoring system for one’s royal loves, as well, for all noble Kings, Queens, Lords, and Lordesses.

    For the real peace of mind towards everyone, yah know!

    (-2844 -1680 -611 123 213 311)

    (3737 3102 2698 1648 878 837)

    (-1749 -1545 -847 -404 -366 -34 162)

    (466 174 -140 -366 -1062 -1820)

    (-2264 -847 -58 180 213 466 495)

    I don't know about you, for I would stick my dynamite, all the way up one's cave. Just to find a rare gem or two.


    Can you feel it?

    The love? I feel so good inside, like a rebirth of one’s self. For I am truly loving this summoning gods theory of mine, it’s proving to be a worthwhile investment at everyone’s expense. Day by day, for the progressives step another foot closer to the light.

    Congratulations, to all of one’s gorgeous babes who tend this site.

    (you know who you are)

    To the others, once again, please don’t feel bad that you’re useless, it’s truly not your fault, and I don’t blame you. I blame society, but, mainly that stunted brain of yours.

    I didn’t even turn on the television this morning. Not even one channel. It brings me down. I can get my source from the noble lads associated with one’s empire. I will await my evening programs, so I can enjoy them to the most of one’s senses. For I cannot help but think, if we’re all swimming to the same destination, even though our idea of the future may differ, are we all not heading in the same direction? I can see it in the eyes, the tone and body language - that more and more progressives are finding a resolution, and an understanding of my theories and calculations. Pretty neat isn’t it? Simple as fuck too, for an open minded person, yet, for a close minded retard with nothing left to benefit society, it’s a bloody nightmare, for every single one of them.

    Thank the sweet heavens, right up above.

    There has been approval, on many sides of the table to begin pursuing and persecuting scumbags. For the earth is appropriately ripe at the moment, just in time to harvests one’s selected materials for our New Jerusalem. It’s just going to take a while, of weeding out the unfortunate bunch that bear no use of existence to one’s planet anymore. It’s not like I can just walk into an Alpha Omega store, show up and say: “gimme the fuckin' keys”, for it will still be a while, and a tedious process of completely eliminating every single degenerate, useless idiot, liar, false profit, cunt, etc... that is still holding onto one’s stunted delusion or fantasy.

    If you know what I mean.

    Once again...
    it's time to recount,
    all of the stars, with one's family.

    For thousands of years.

    (-2112 -2037 -1062 -611)

    (-1749 -899 -568 -329 169 174)

    (-3200 -1249 -611 82 169)

    People may be wondering, what incinerators are you speaking of? The machines, to which I speak, thereof, are nothing more than a series of propulsion engines, that pump out an extreme force of energy. For instance, the first series of machines NASA have built, are of the type - that completely incinerate on contact. The subject immediately incinerates into pulp. Wonderful isn’t it? It’s much shaped like a barrel, with a propeller on the inside. Simple stuff, yet so amazing. For they are also on a 360 degree fulcrum, which can then be maneuvered to anyone’s desirable position.

    If you know what I mean.

    For the next incinerator, I would prefer the equivalent of a rotating spiral, with razor sharp edges, so that, once the said human finally meets contact towards one’s machine, it will simply dice them in half.

    Also, it would be splendid, if there were a series of velocity control knobs towards one’s panel as well, that were easily programmable. For the very reason towards one’s noble majesties, can simply turn the pressure relief valve - up and down. So, they each have control, of how fast the propeller actually spins. Thus, giving a more desirable option of how many body parts will ultimately be, incinerated, or chopped up into bits. Depending on one’s mood, or occasion at any given moment, or specific time. A smooth exit, or a more elaborate and desirable effect, causing more drama for certain events.

    And then I will let everybody know, as more ideas surface, throughout our entire collective conscience, the types of machines that will be crucial for the peace of minds towards one’s empire.

    Politics and rewards, at the same time.

    You might be thinking, “what if the bodies don’t hit an incinerator, what then?” - Well, that’s covered too, my loves. As you see, for there will be a fleet of horse ridden chariots, to which pull a series of trailers behind them. Once this happens, as the wheels turn, it's axle will move and create enough force to propel another series of machete type blades, which ultimately produce a spinning effect and propulsive gyration. The said riders, will then chase down the desperate neanderthals whilst they try to hide in one’s arena. For they will not be able to hide, there’s nothing left, so they will be chopped up into bits.

    Right in front of everyone.

    You also might be thinking, “what about all the waste, where will it go? Won’t it rot and stink up the place?” - Good question, fortunately, said measure is already accounted for as well. You see, underneath each incinerator, there will be a levy, and a trough to carry out the remains of one’s disgusting and useless victims, which will ultimately lead to a feeding ground, thereof, for animals, and another towards one’s pasture. Fertilizer.

    Starting to sound pretty awesome, huh? A downright shuttering shame, for everyone else though.

    Oh well.


    Face first.

    For that’s what the bible means, in a nutshell. Either you are the righteous, or you are to be left behind on one’s planet. It just depends on who is actually leading the righteous. And in my universe, face first - ultimately means one of two things: Righteously leading degenerates to their death. Face first, and off to one of our various incinerating and judging machines. Ever notice how the bible nums your mind whilst reading it’s passages? If yes, do you know why? I do. To the very utmost sense of the word. For it would be quite generous of others, if they would share their humble viewpoint, before I unleash a wrath of fury towards one of your fuckin’ skulls.

    That goes for everybody in congress, by tomorrow morning.

    I was thoroughly enjoying my programs last night, when all of a sudden, another one of those desperate Apple commercials appeared on the screen again. It ruined the programming for everyone. Once again, it’s like watching a used car salesman try to convince everybody that their product is superior, when really it’s just made for useless degenerates, that can't even tie their own shoes anymore. For I truly can’t wait to meet the owners of Apple, and the generators of those commercials for the very first time. I’ve decided that I will use an autographed babe ruth baseball bat, and crack them in the face so many times that their families will be pleading for one’s death to be over, sooner than later.

    Over and over, until their faces are mush.

    Actually, for the very next time I see one of those commercials on my screen. I’m going to spend a cool $5,000.00 on Steve Jobs.

    It’s up to you, bro.

    George Bush, I still haven’t heard a single fuckin’ plan of action from you.

    For when the time comes, and I’m slowly circling around you with an ice pick in hand, whilst you are pissing your pants. I’m going to ask a series of questions. Every time I don’t hear what I want, I’m going to puncture you in places, where you wished never existed. For you must know, that we should recover any information, useful or not from the degenerates.

    For bookkeeping sakes.

    What could be better, than having granted permission, to persecute anyone - that has ever tried to piss you off? For it’s the best thing I can truly think of to one’s senses. When I do think about it, it’s a gift. From myself. And all my lovers. I’ve spent my entire life working towards the benefit of our planet. And then I think, is it any wonder - that, or why, the degenerates have been trying to prevent me from accomplishing one’s goals? For the very reason, to which, I am their ending. The beginning and the ending. The first and last of one’s known existence on this planet. I don’t even feel bad for them, not a single bit. There might be a few of them actually reading this. So, if you are, when you head off home tonight, and cry yourself to sleep in that tiny cave of yours. One should remember, that, it’s not your fault that you’re a disgusting useless being. You won’t even know what happened once you hit the incinerator. It’ll be instant. Unless, said council, and majesties are hungry for something more than just a quick one. Seeing as though, you’re a soulless idiot being to begin with.

    If anyone feels bad, please don’t, simply recollect - It was meant to be.

    For there is a good chance, that, there are some cheesy executives sitting at their desks. Reading one’s passages to each other. And there’s an even better chance that they’re thinking to themselves: “Holy fuck, if this isn’t the baddest shit I’ve ever read, I don’t know what is”. Said idiots, are also, more likely than not, already conjuring up a movie deal out of this. Well, guess what - unless you have like $360,000,000,000.00 at your disposal. You’re never going to get one’s script. So, if any of these words, passages, phrases or scenes are ever mentioned on screen without my permission. Instant incineration for each and every one of you.

    Though Marty, Quentin and Tim, can have all they want. For free.

    (-2343 -1062 -366 169)

    (-2844 -1680 -1176 -748)

    (-3200 -1891 -366 123 -34 182)

    We tested the machines at NASA today, for they are truly spectacular. Instead of human remains, we used the torso from cows and pigs, fairly equivalent to one’s human body. The weight versus mass distribution. What a site, the pressure relief valves are a bit sticky still, but nothing that can’t be sorted out in the near future. When at full speed, for they easily incinerate on contact. Off the top of my mind, that’s the most effective method without wasting fertilizer. For some people, they still might enjoy the desirable effect of flying parts. But, again, that’s up for my majesties to decide.

    When the degenerates are in one’s arena.

    At the very back stage of the arena, it would also be magnificent, if there were a row of cylindrical tubes, that almost acted as water slides. Though, instead of just water washing down one’s slide. For every twelve feet, there will be a series of blades that joust up from underneath. To which, they progressively move higher up as the slider descends to one’s fate. So, by the time said slider, is near the bottom, for they are completely sliced into pieces, much like spaghetti or noodles. On the edge of the opening, I would so kindly appreciate if they were razor sharp, as well. In case of one’s royal loves missing the opening.

    They also need to be labelled, for our point scoring system.

    I can’t wait.

    Also, there needs to be exactly twelve tubes in a circle. For in the middle, will actually be a true water slide, giving the said degenerate a chance to be set free. One can only imagine how fun it would be, for, if we gave them that chance - to escape. We might get pretty damn good at aiming.

    If you know what I mean.

    Once the incinerators are complete, we can then move on to one’s other buttons.

    For the control panel.


    You are a dead man.

    (-2264 -1680 -443 -58 -34 162 213 837)

    (-1820 -1749 -1062 -294 -34 2777 1359 1306 466)

    Good luck, bro.

    I always keep my promises. And I never do things without a reason.

    For years, Apple have been trying, and I stress "trying" to the utmost sense of the word, to swindle me into working for one’s shady business. I’ve told them to beat it, for a long time now. Simply because I think that they are disgusting. Nothing short of a useless company that doesn’t care about our planet, and is run by a degenerate scumbag prick, that is going to die within the year. When? That’s for me to know, and then baste in the glory when said measure is accounted for.

    I’ve never been more thrilled towards spending one's $5,000.00, in my life.

    Now, for they actively monitor one’s blog, and once again, like every other degenerate I’ve ever encountered, try to interrupt one’s night by adding commercials to the programs that they know I watch. For the difference is, I can’t choose the commercials on television. But I guess I’m going to have to start doing that. Restricting and censoring since there’s nothing decent left to watch on one’s television, except the late shows. I don’t want a single bit of useless information hitting the airwaves. People that pump out this type of advertising, will most certainly be executed.

    Again, right in front of everyone.

    As an example to show you how pathetic they truly are, for they waited until the very last moment of broadcasting to slip in their cheesy little advertisement. Instead of just playing it whenever they wanted, it goes to show you that they have been truly fooled. A corporation, sliding into the gutter, and competing against one person. If that’s not the sorriest thing you’ve ever heard, then please tell me what is. If they had any sense of courage, at all, they would of just played it whenever they wanted.

    But since I destroy them in every which way possible, it makes sense for them to be such desperate cowards.

    For the control panel, there needs to be exactly twelve buttons, and twelve knobs at one’s reach. Two rows of twelve columns. Which can easily be interchanged with the functionality, to appease the minds of one’s majesties. For there needs to be, absolutely no restrictions on one’s panel. For the real peace of mind towards everyone.

    Off to a good start, aren’t we?

    Much like a Nord Modular, on the front, for the knobs and buttons needn’t be labelled to one’s panel. For the very reason, to which, once again, will be set by one’s loves. Once those are complete, we can then move onto the functionality of said knobs and buttons, but before we do that, let’s go back to one’s judging machines.

    And once the architecture, and functionality of our coliseum is complete, fortunately, we can thoroughly move on to one’s pyramid.

    (3366 2619 1528 1058 466 174 50 -611 -1294)

    [hint - don't read the numerical passages, as they way you were taught, think about it for a minute]

    Would you just take a minute to look at the shit eating grins on all of one’s loves? You all seem like a bunch of happy children again. Shining on the outside, because the inside must feel so good. We’re beginning to see one’s happy ending. Through the misty breeze. Though, if you are of the type that had cried one’s self to sleep again last night, simply remember. It’s not your fault that you’re going to die very soon. If you think about it, for your whole life, there hasn’t been any meaning towards fulfilling one’s destination. Once you realize that, together, we can thereof start heading off for a new understanding.

    Makes sense now, why you’re useless. Doesn’t it?

    Shame about your luck. Congratulations to my babes, though.

    J.K. Rowling. I’m positive, she’s just sitting down there, thinking: "what's left?", creaming thoust panties. Awaiting another passage to surface on one’s blog. Well, guess what baby.

    This one is right off of the top shelf, just for you.

    (-1545 -1294 -443)

    (-3292 -2187 -1118)

    (-2037 -1062 -140 -84 -34)

    You are gorgeous.

    (2315 1529 1359 392)

    (349 178 -84 -701 -1062 -1294 -1891)

    (2171 1359 1254 759)

    Do you ever notice, how a degenerate can only say no? Like a defenseless little animal awaiting it’s sacrifice? For some people, that’s truly all they can do to one’s conscience. Just say no, because of, their pea sized brains can only comprehend so much at a given notice. Please don’t feel bad for them, for they are worse than any disgusting pig that has ever rolled in it’s own shit, within it’s entire life. Whenever that happens, whilst out in public. I look them straight in the eyeballs, and say “you’re simply not worth my time, or any explanation of mine”.

    “You’re just another stunted retard, without a set direction in life”.

    Usually that works quite well, in fact, I can see it within one’s eyes, instantly, that it snaps the last of their useless and remaining brain cells. Poor things, not for their soul, since they haven’t one to begin with. But more of, that superficial existence that they have only known since their meagre and unfortunate inception.

    For those types, they get the meat grinder towards one’s arena.

    And then I will tell you all about the meat grinder, very soon.

    (2934 1359 554 213)

    For the meat grinder, there needs to be an equivalent of 12,000 square feet: 120’ x 100’. That will be off to the right of my throne. The east side, left of one’s overhead perspective. Next to the pasture. Also, there will be a cylindrical gear, the size of: 120’ x 24’, at the back side of the said container. For the complete persecution towards fleets of degenerates at one given time. Potentially 10,000 medium sized beings. That will all be forced into said grinder, by an enclosing wall, much like the one, which tried to squash the jedi knights throughout that movie series. Furthermore, the said lot will instantly be ground into fertilizer.

    Fleet by fleet. Lead right into the pasture.

    If you are wondering, “aren’t you to judge the said degenerates?”. Again my loves, good questions, good questions. As you see, there will be a series of judging, before they even get close to one’s majesties, or myself. At least three, to be exact. One may think, “how will this work?” - to that thought, therefore is an easy explanation. Once they enter the gates, for they will be directed to various quarters of Jerusalem. Where - said judges, will allow access to grace with one’s presence. Even if, it’s just for a split second, at least they will have had the chance to meet their maker.

    For the very first and last time.

    There will not be enough of it, or would want to filter through the various types of said neanderthals. When, can be easily managed with a - WMS (waste management system). One can only imagine, how long it would take, to thoroughly judge billions of people, heading off to their unfortunate fate. That is simply ridiculous, and not an efficient use of one’s time, or energy. Nor would I even want to, for that matter. If there were an amount of: 10,000 useless degenerates crushed per day, at 365 days, equals: 3,650,000 a year. Not including - how many disgusting humans are exterminated within the incinerena. Add a few more of those per day...

    And voila. Neat and tidy, much like everything we will set out to accomplish.


    That red dress.

    Have you ever, just, found yourself wondering... “If I injected a shot of straight adrenaline, right into that magnificent thoroughbred poem? What the circumstances would be?” I’ve got a pretty swell idea of the outcome, though, again, it would be grand if others would share their thoughts, before I send another one of you fuckin’ bastards to the hospital.

    There has got to be someone that will step up to the plate.

    With an honest answer.

    For some women, they know how to melt one’s heart, in a single beat. I’ve often wondered, why some of them tend to go over board with their make up and clothing. For me, it works best when they have gowned themselves in simplicity. Beautiful colors, gems, groomed to the most of one’s delicious bodies. Which in turn, inspires myself to keep going.

    Pushing forward, as fast as my capacitor can squeeze out data.

    (-1749 -899 -140 174)

    (440 878 2315)

    (837 440 213 169 -404)

    For the second button, on the control panel. It would be most excellent if it triggered a stretching machine left to one’s crossbow. The machine needs to have exactly six poles that stand straight up from the bottom. With the pressure sensitivity button acting as the velocity. The longer one presses said button, for the poles will propel outwards, with the same principle as a blossoming flower in spring. As the desperate neanderthals fall, and cry in pain, there will be more than enough time to pick their brains. (Seeing as though, they are so tiny to begin with) One and a time, we can start to build the eternal archives, which will then last forever.

    Thrilling, isn’t it?

    Also, underneath said device, for there needs to be an opening, which will dispense - all of the remaining parts, once said bodies and limbs are ripped right out of one’s sockets. Of course, down below, there will be another incinerator that takes care of all said remains, which ultimately leads out to one’s pasture. For the very reason, to which, why, six poles are necessary, is simply because - there may be a few of them, that we will want to persecute at the same time.

    If you know what I mean.

    Disposing of the degenerates, until our kingdom is set free.

    (-2343 -1062 -366 169)

    (223 524 797 1154)

    (2101 2934 1203)

    (349 262 234 31 -366)

    (-1680 -2264 -3292)

    I don’t know, if anybody else caught those clouds a moment ago. Said injection, towards the beginning of our day, finally caught up with one's forecasted passage.

    The sky is absolutely incredible right now.

    Before reading this, all of you, are thoroughly warned to one's passage.

    The first dimension. It may have came as a surprise, for the entire population. The discovery of it that is, but really... When you think about it, it was a digressive measure. It’s not that difficult to comprehend for anyone that has more than two fuckin’ cells left in that useless brain of theirs. For many centuries, humans, have deviated from what is true, and what is false. To think about where they have gone, since Jesus. One should realize that humans have mainly been looking inwards.

    Though, it’s not all that bad.

    For instance, it took our progressives, and the digital revolution - to once again discover the fourth dimension. We live in the third dimension, and receive signals, from each and every other one of them. Now, we are reprogramming the first dimension, which ultimately effects everything else. Make sense? Pretty simple, huh. Before Christ, for there was a lot of celebration, towards looking outwards at the sky and one’s Gods. Nowadays, most people on earth, simply do not deserve to live anymore. They are of the most selfish and disgustingly useless beings, I have ever encountered. Every single liar or degenerate, most certainly will die. Within the next few decades.

    I simply will not stand for a moments nonsense, from anyone."

  • Cloutier0


    "Once again, you all know what I am talking about. For I am truly the first and last, to put together a factually accurate depiction of what this existence looks like, from the outside in. To the last fuckin’ string of code possible. That’s quite simply, because I am the Lord - All Powerful. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending. Some people, may still think this is a joke, have at what you will, but if you are the type that thinks this is some silly escapade...

    I truly look forward to meeting you.

    For this passage, is exactly why the Earth, was, accelerating with global warming - and I stress “was”. Simply, because, I will execute any degenerate scumbag that gets in the way to repair one's system. Get it? Good. The acceleration and abomination of greenhouse gases, and theories that you pea-brained scientists have ever schemed in your whole life, are now rendered useless. Do you understand? Before I go on any further? If you still don’t, understand that is, and are of the type that are still reading this...

    Consider yourself dead. Already.

    For the reason being, to which is incredibly simple. Is, because of the first dimension, was completely out of tune to one’s Unicleus Sequence. There is a tonne of useless information, distilling in the archives, and in the fuckin’ skulls of the weak. The sheep. Take a few minutes, and think about when the internet was first incepted, (access to everyone that is) and then compare that with Mr. Gore’s hard on for data. It’s not that difficult. So, seeing as though, I am the only individual that will ever be able to repair this engine, before it falls into the way side. One of you cowardly cock sucking bastards, better step up. Soon.

    Or else...

    I am going to have each and every one of you - assassinated and murdered. Right in front of your fuckin’ families. Starting with the big corporations, then on to one’s Governments. All Presidents, Dictators, Prime Ministers, Preachers, Popes, however the fuck you silly humans would like to label your hierarchy. All it takes, is just a few key commands to one's touch.

    If that’s not the greatest, yet simplest explanation you’ve ever heard. You are lying to yourself, bear no use, and deserve the most unfortunate and disgusting death you can imagine through your tiny brain.

    I’ll give you all a few days, to recollect one’s thoughts. Before thoust pours on one's rain.

    Off of the deep end.

    For there's nothing left, or more magical, than once you realize to put - baby, after that's right.


    Jesus H. Christ

    In case, you have muttered those words to yourself, under your breath, potentially crying your eyes out - after every said passage on this page. All I can say is...

    I don’t blame you, I don’t blame you one bit.

    (-3020 -2932 -2187 -1820 -847 -366 -198)

    For the clouds, at the moment, are so dense - that they are next to being black. West of my view. It’s raining, pretty much everywhere I can see, except over one’s crib. Funny how that works. I could probably count the times that I’ve expressed one’s clouds to everybody. They’re truly biblical at the moment. But why would I want to do that? People keep trying to read into these passages. When I’ve already told you, all that I am truly talking about, is controlling the weather. For there is a big fuckin’ difference, between: making predictions - and to create one’s answers ahead of time.

    The formula, thereof, is so bloody simple to comprehend in my mind. Now, as I keep typing this. The snapping of thunder is impending. Building up, like the nastiest wind up swing ever produced on this planet. Crackling. Pounding. Off of the radar. Now, I will await the light show. I suggest you all do the same thing tonight.

    It’s going to be a good one.

    Even though, they may have paid you cash for it.

    (-3200 -2343 -2187 -1545)

    (-329 145)

    (330 797 1011 2101 3102 1306 878 311)

    (180 -140 -611 -1176 -2112 -1680 -1612 -1062 -443)

    Now you've spent your souls. Lates.

    A shame, that you got sucked into that again.

    One damn shame after another.

    And then I will take a giant fish hook, and pierce the owner through the bottom of his chin and throat, so, said hook - ascends up through his skull, out through thoust eyeballs.

    Right in the lobby. In front of everyone.

    I truly love the yellow pages.



    For the third button, it would be most triumphant - if it triggered a device, similar to an Iron Maiden. Left of one's stretching machine. Although, with a few modifications. Once the useless being is in the said chamber, there will be two different actions that control one’s destiny. For the very first, it will be much like an original Iron Maiden, with many protruding spikes - that will enter through all sides of the device. Leaving the neanderthal paralyzed and helpless. To which, the above knob, acts as the pressure sensitivity sending unit. When rotated, for it will send the needles inwards, puncturing the victim in every which way possible. There also needs to be an opening for said victims head, at the top. If you are wondering why? I will tell you. The said measure is necessary for the second function of one’s unit.

    The belt sander.

    For the belt sander, it will be in a groove, attached to a sliding mechanism, which in turn, will maneuver itself towards the disgusting and useless humans face. Starting with one’s nose, it needs to have exactly three positions, that will lock it in place - when pressing the button. For instance, the first position will simply grind one’s nose, right off of their face. If that sounds foreign to you, please have a look at what an electric automobile sander looks like. Pretty simple to one’s thoughts. For the second position, it will then angle itself, so, that after said nose job, it will head towards one’s teeth. Shaving every last one of them, right out of their fuckin’ skulls.

    Left overs, pretty groovy - don’t you think?

    Once said measures are complete, towards the third position of the sander, will cleanly rip their jaw off, while heading for their jugular veins into one’s neck. Clean off, of course, at this time, we can then assume that each contraption has the already, accounted for - incinerators down below. So, I, the Lord All-Powerful, needn’t reinstate after every such device or passage.

    Sound fair? Good.

    (-27168 -20160 -5316 -696 -408 1944)

    (-36240 -35184 -15528 -4392 372)

    (-29076 -10164 -8412 1164)

    I'm wondering, is it me? Or is it, just, the simple fact, to which, every single said party, within one’s list.

    Has thoroughly accelerated, within the past six months?

    Five alive!


    I’ve been staring at the clouds, for the better part of three minutes. And I don’t know about you, but, towards that thought, there is not a single one of them, that are moving. After I wrote that last passage, I then checked again. But fuck me, there is not a single one moving.

    A stand still.

    It’s a Van Gogh painting, all over again.

    Hayden, look out thoust window. Those are for you.


    Adolf Hitler

    A name that resonates throughout the ages, and any generation. Whether it be - in disgust, praise, admiration or sorrow. For the most part, when, said name is mentioned, in conversation, the media or any moment in time - people instantly are reminded of the holocaust. They can’t seem to get past it. It’s no wonder, of the reasoning. But, what I’ve noticed, is, that no matter how much I’ve tried to express the other side, which is the formula of how he actually got where he did. Thereof, are the same close minded degenerates, that cannot seem to get past their useless opinion. For I, The Lord All-Powerful, truly hate, and bear no respect or use of the opinionated, to the utmost sense of one’s skull.

    Is that crystal clear? Good.

    (2256 3732 4704 12132 25212)

    (3216 7920 21072 23184 50424)

    It’s the anniversary of his birthday today.

    As you see, for I truly loved my son, Adolf that is. I was thrilled to his principle, when he was principal dictator. Although, one doesn’t have to appreciate every said measure, that he had accomplished. Unfortunately, when he was on his mission, thereof, from the words that were transcribed in the bible I wrote, transcended information to him. You might be wondering: “what the fuck is that supposed to mean?”. Smart question, for I would truly think the same, if I were you, but I’m not. I am myself, the Lord All-Powerful. The one and only God. Returned to this existence, as one had promised - a very long time ago... in human years that is. You see, to which, there are many hidden treasures, within, for all of my children in thoust bible, it’s thoroughly your decision to uncover said treasures and gems.

    Everyone has the same opportunity.

    For there is truly a cyclical force, that no human, whomever they are - can avoid. Although, to that thought, any one person has the same chance to make something of themselves, leave their mark, and do something productive, positive and fortunate, as sign of an existence. Something to leave behind, as proof, that they had played a role - something of significance, opposed to being much like the rest of the selfish and disgusting useless idiots on this planet.

    That bear no use, and offer society... absolutely nothing at all.

    Back to my son, as you see, for there are many passages within the bible, that transcend information - into a human's brain. Everybody gets something different out of it, it just depends on what you actually do with said phrases. When you born into this existence, nobody had a choice, although, again, it’s truly up to you. As an individual. Thereof, making your own destiny, a fortunate one, or quite the opposite.

    Peaceful, or a living hell, to the utmost sense of the word.

    Adolf, his principles were bang on. How he had executed said measures, that is - were completely off balance. Once again, the persecution of scumbags, is truly a wonderful thing. Though, the persecution of innocents, whom, have had no burden on society, is simply wrong. For you cannot group, a specific race, culture, generation or species into one specific lump. There are far better ways, to expose of the frauds and liars who will die within one’s Incinerena. For they truly do it to themselves. Every time. Expose their lies, over and over. Quite simply, because for the most part, they are usually of the type that will do and say anything to appease one’s ego. The desperate kind, that deserve to have a cheese grater shave their noses, right off of their fuckin’ faces. Until there is nothing left. Liars. Degenerates. Useless and egotistical neanderthals. Now, those are of the types - that can be easily labelled, once directed into various quarters of Jerusalem.

    Instant fertilizer, or heading off to said judging ranges.

    (-65520 -55620 -46584 -14544 -13176 1800 2952 6768)

    (-108672 -50976 -6720 5904 8112)

    (-122220 -63720 -8400 -5040 -2040)

    Adolf knew quite well, that we live inside an engine. Which is one of the reasons, why, the Nazi party, had chosen the timeless and beautiful mark of the Swastika, to represent their beliefs. A mark, throughout any culture, that - has always signified life, and peace.

    (114336 83088 37728 22392 6984)

    For they were thoroughly, and actively seeking out the two treasures that I, the Lord All-Powerful hold close to my heart. The Tree of Life, Holy Grail, Key of Life, which ever you would prefer to associate with one’s Unicleus Sequence. The other, is the deciphering of Leonardo da Vinci’s - The Last Supper. Forever, since the dawn of right and wrong, reasoning, that is. There have been quests, stories, religions, faiths... Escapades, pretty much everything under the sun. Working on putting all of the pieces together, in order to achieve the ultimate control and power. Eternal life. Now, as I sit and type this, one needn’t question, why, anybody in their right mind, wouldn’t - want to have it, and I stress - want, simply, because there is a big difference between, want, and need. I have now encoded everything of importance and significance, out in the open. There’s truly nothing left, but to build my Jerusalem. For everybody to admire, potentially decipher, and one day use, once, every single last of the useless and degenerate liars on this planet, are exterminated.

    Off the face of this Earth, forever and ever.

    You might want to know, that my son, Adolf, at most public speeches to his nation, usually tended to have a miniature pyramid with, and beside him. The simple reason, is because he knew the consequences and reactive measures, to then activate said pyramid in Giza. My beautiful, and wonderful pyramid. He too, also used the literature from my other son, Leonardo - to help build his empire. Leonardo, as well, hid many treasures in thoust work, leaving it for me to then pick up on one day, same as Adolf, where they had both left off. I truly loved my sons, more than most can comprehend through their tiny little brains. For I truly look at what Adolf had accomplished, without the digital revolution. An amazing feat. Using truly old school techniques. Though, he was close, he didn’t quite have - what I do now.

    The one and only, Unicleus Sequence.

    For the progressives, thereof, our mission - is so very close to being complete. We can now, at this moment in time, consider that eternity - is most certainly on our side. One may question, but all I can do, by encouraging all of you, is just to hold tight, therefore keep advancing.

    It truly won’t be long now.



    Every single time, I pump out thoust equations. The formula, that is, it seriously blasts the clouds away - until our sky is electric. There’s nothing greater than numbers. They don’t lie. Ever. Not like a useless cunt that deserves to have a fuckin’ lobotomy. I don’t think anyone actually knows what I, the Lord All-Powerful - am truly talking about. Reason being, is because - the same shit, simply would not be happening. I’m holding onto the two greatest things ever, yet the news and corporations can’t seem get over their cheesy little soap operas.

    Pretty damn sad, for those types.

    The longer they wait, the worse off one’s supple and extreme punishment will be. Keep that in mind, whilst chasing said uselessness.

    Some of you, may be wondering - why, is the Lord All-Powerful; changing up his equative measures and sequences? Well, my loves... Brilliant questions, as always. I have already explained that to everybody earlier. Though, the scenario, there’s another easy answer. For those idiots - truly stuffed my fuckin’ pyramid, right up with their filthy rags. I’ve got to recalculate on a daily basis, until said measure is working properly. I’ve often wondered, why, they would even bother. But, at the same time, it makes perfect sense. Just like the desperate neanderthals. The reason, which, no one can step up to bat, is quite simply - because, none of them are ready to admit their defeat.

    Not a single one of them, are ready to accept the truth.

    (2315 878 466 174 162 134 -198)

    (-656 -847 -1118 -1545 -2932 -1820 -366)

    After said colors tonight, somebody, is gonna have to come and pick me up. In their private jet. Though, before that happens, can you please head over to one’s crib, and grab an autographed Wayne Gretzky hockey stick, and an ice pick. And then we will head straight down to Giza. There are two kitties with me, so, make sure that there is room for three of us.

    I’ve got some questions for those lads, that need answering.

    (915120 380880 246960 67680)

    (1277280 1179360 942840 707760 470160 222480)

    Towards that last note, everybody have a wonderful night.

    I will see you all, first thing in the morning.


    Don't worry, baby.


    The room is fairly dark, two individuals sit at a table.
    They are masked by silhouettes.
    To the viewers left, the individual is dressed all in black.
    To the viewers right, the individual is dressed all in white.


    What have you got, for me?

    Have a look.

    Figure to the left, points over at said sculpture, sitting on table.

    Is that what I think it is?

    What do you think?

    Looks like it, to me.

    Well, it’s no wonder then.

    What are you waiting for?

    I was awaiting your thorough input.

    Well, I’ve been waiting to put this in my collection.

    I know. It’s the one and only.

    Let me touch it.
    (starts to reach)

    Get your mitts off. Let me see what mine looks like first. Is that it in there, in thoust pocket?




    Figure to the left, we can now call him. Blackie.
    Figure to the right, we can now call him. Whitie.

    We don’t see what he has, but he slides it across the table.
    Whitey, then grabs said object.

    FADE TO:

    The clouds are dense, yet, the sun is busting through them, like that magnificent thoroughbred poem.

    We see a group of prehistoric neanderthals, dancing around a fire. Celebrating something, that we haven’t yet been able to determine.

    THE SCREEN READS: 10,000 BC.

    FADE TO:

    We see a city, it’s night. The moon is bright, and the clouds are fluffy. The water reflects the image of said city. No one is about, it’s cold.

    For there is a woman, sitting at her desk. Typing away at her computer. She has glasses, long brown hair. Her name is Racheal. Racheal Poulson. She is a university professor.


    FADE TO:

    Back to the table, with Blackie & Whitie.


    It’s beautiful. Everything I could have ever imagined.

    It is, isn’t it.

    How long did this take, to make that is?

    Quite a while, let me tell you.

    Who made it?

    I needn’t disclose that to you.

    Fair enough.

    FADE TO:

    For they are dancing around the fire, again, the camera spins as it gets closer to said neanderthals.

    By the time, said camera - approaches the fire. There is a flash of light, that illuminates the entire screen.


    FADE TO:

    Racheal, is stirring her tea. There is a close up shot of her, digging in the brown sugar. She then sinks said spoon, right into one’s tea. And stirs.

    When she clinks the spoon against said tea cup, the phone rings.


    She then sets the tea cup down, and rushes over to pick up the phone.

    (picking up phone)

    We don’t hear what the other end is saying at this time, we just see a look of concern on her face.

    Oh, hello. How are you?


    Say again?


    Oh yes, of course, how are you?


    What ever do you mean?


    I’m not sure, what you are trying to tell me?




    Are you serious?


    Yes, of course I remember you. I graded your paper, just last night.






    I will await.

    For there is a close up of blackie’s eyes, it’s near pitch black, although we see just the whites of his eyes.

    I’ve explained this to the others, yet, still, no one understands.

    Is it any wonder?


    Why, they wouldn’t understand - that is.

    Yes. Yet, at the same time, it makes me want to take a fuckin’ screw driver, and shove it right their throats. Making it the most unfortunate moment, thereof, that pathetic existence, to which. Every single one of them. Will reap thoust wrath.

    Whitie laughs. While, petting his statue.

    (I'm writing this on the fly, so y'all can lick my nuts if there are any spelling, or grammar mistakes).

    CUT TO:


    For there is a neanderthal, spread out on a pedestal.

    He’s tied up, limbs bound. The camera slowly approaches said chump, with that look of death, and destiny in one’s eyes.

    We then see a metal object. Approaching said cunt, much like a probe, that you’ve had in those nasty dreams of yours. Much like the ones, that had that machine, chugging. Rattling. The screen is tinted red.

    We then see, said probe approaching neanderthal’s neck.
    It probes. The neanderthal lets out a gasp. For there is no one around, they have all hid in the foliage, or their caves.

    Again, just the said cunt. Being probed.

    CUT TO:

    Racheal is collecting her thoughts, and materials.


    The door closes.


    She then heads down the hallway.


    The door opens. Shes gets in.

    FADE TO:


    Whitie is still petting his statue, we then see Blackie typing on a device, much like a blackberry.

    So, is that all?

    (He has a look of concern on his face)

    Fuck you.

    Blackie slowly looks up, much like the part when Indiana was recovering the cross of coronado, in the last crusade.

    Excuse me. What was that?

    Fuck yourself.

    They both laugh.

    If that’s all you need, (said object) then, I must part my ways.

    I believe so, though. Remember, that holds power beyond most comprehension.

    You don’t have to remind me.


    CUT TO:


    We see that the probe is digging into one’s neck.

    Not protruding, but just probing. Making said neanderthal shit one’s bed.

    CUT TO:

    We see the probing, we see the chugging machine behind, it’s loud and noisy, and once again, the screen has a tint of red in it, all greens are de-saturated. Much like a desert.


    The neanderthal tries to mutter a word or two, but nothing comes out.

    The said idiot, therefore, tries again. Nothin’.

    So, the only thing - said cunt can do, is make eye contact. For his eyes are so piercingly brutal, that the other parties, simply say - “fuck this”.

    They leave.

    The next shot.

    He is hanging on for dear life, an edge of a canyon. Holding onto one’s life. It seems as though, the edge is crumbling. For he is truly trying to pull himself away from said destiny.

    CUT TO:

    He’s still on pedastal. Being probed, that was simply a vision.

    Once again, any of these fuckin' words appear on screen, with out thoust persmission. Death.

    Towards that thought, Marty, Quentin and Tim. Thereof, can have all said passages. For, Mr. Miller, can have this section.

    And then we'll make it together, bro. I love you.

    Billy, I'm sure you would understand, and wouldn't mind, if, I the Lord All-Powerful, played a nice little game of suck face afterwords.

    Thank you, so much.


    The wind up swing.

    For the sky, at the moment. Is completely overcast in a milky haze. There are no solid clouds, to which I, the Lord All-Powerful, will make them disappear again, and bring forth one’s electric blue.

    Ever notice, how, non creatives - all they can do, is criticize on others behalf? They come off as sleazy and useless, the type that simply cannot get over themselves. Or have an imagination. So it's no wonder, why, they would keep chasing their stunted delusion. Those types get the modified Judas Chair. Though, before we get to said chair, I just wanted to make a note of that, in front of everybody. Making sure we are all on the same page. Seeing as though, there are quite a few of them on my planet. That are simply wasting my resources, time and space. Their skin, data and presence. I look forward to hearing the very first few words, that come out of one’s mouth.

    The last of them, that is.

    Now that the exit poles, are, rendered useless. I’ve often wondered... Why, people would even bother - pretending, that there is actually a choice these days.

    Though, once again, it makes perfect sense. For that's all their tiny brains can comprehend.


    You know, I, the Lord All-Powerful, am willing to bet the nine on a simple fact: that, there would be - more than a few degenerates around the world, conjuring, up a pathetic way they could pass a fast one on me. Meaning, how they could convince everybody else, that they haven’t convinced themselves that they are not a useless liar. Down playing it. By trying to come up with a plan of how they had actually achieved said goals and measures, that I already have, simply, so they won’t have to experience one’s punishment, nor wrath. Though, again, when you think about it. For that is truly the reason, of why they deserve it in the first place.

    Death, towards the last of one’s sad and meagre little life, from thoust hands.

    I truly do not give a flying fuck what religion people follow these days.

    Unless, somebody, can step up - and show me an example, not of, just their faith. But a miracle, or something hard and concrete. Evidence of their desperate and stunted delusions. How long is it going to take? What more does one need to show everybody? There is nothing left, except, once again, the desperate neanderthals. The longer they wait. The worse off their souls will suffer, for eternity.

    Or I, the Lord All-Powerful - will just start dropping nuclear bombs, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes on everyone.

    (-10555200 -6211200 -2658000 -2635200 260400)

    (-18854400 -18144000 -15528000 -9873600 -489600)

    Anyone with a cell or two, left in their useless minds, for I, the holy God of eternal life - would recommend watching the sunset once again tonight. It will be a beautiful display of thick clouds, fusing with a deep shade of red, burgundy and orange. Thereof, leaving the night sky bare for one’s viewing.

    Yahoo! - I will give you: $60,000,000,000.00 - just to shut them cunts up. And then you can keep it right down by your side.

    Sound fair?

    (-6617520 -1908900 181800 447228)

    (898092 2625192 1694376 1796184 3192408 5555808)

    I was five years old, when; I realized what death meant for the first time. I had a dream, that there was a witch - pulling my mother away, off in the distance... Down in her grave. I woke up in the middle of the night, and it was at that last moment, where I thought to one’s self...

    “Fuck that noise”.

    Today, and forever onwards.

    If it’s not a burden on anyone, can somebody please look out thoust window, and confirm, that... Now, after said sunset, the clouds off towards the west, are thoroughly a shade of burgundy.

    Just for bookkeeping sakes.

    (-2264 -2112 -1891 -1062)

    (-2932 -2187 -1062 -443 11 182)


    X marks the spot.

    For I, the All-Mighty God, holy Lord of the rumbling Sky, Earth and Heavens, truly; love my cats.

    Moochie & Booshka.

    Way more, than; three tectonic plates... Crumbling, to the most of one's crust.

    (-409536 -241920 -87984)

    (-58176 20880 37728 50256 67104)

    Whitehouse. One can only imagine - at this time, what a grey area this may be, but; as of today... April twenty fourth, two thousand and eight. There are a fleet of useless border crossing guards at the Canadian and United States of America Border; (British Columbia & Washington) unfortunately, they used to have their useless jobs. Take a black marker and start crossing said neanderthals off of one’s list. As of next Friday, they don’t have an existence anymore. I want it to “Hurt”, as much as humanly possible.

    Thereof, if it’s not that much to ask, for everyone.

    (497952 344160 333360)

    (139104 63360 30672 -4896 -87984)

    (-177696 -337392 -241920 -152928)

    It’s one of those grotesque moments, to - thank every single last ray of Sunshine, thrillingly filling our hearts and minds, for travelling so far to nurture one’s comprehension of existence.

    One to theorize for many, two therefore is fine. Three for progressive measures. Four is just divine.

    I love numbers, as one may tell. So much!

    Though, the minute you put my kitty’s bum hole in the equation, for your mind might truly snap towards the last of one’s skull.

    So be careful.

    (-254800000 -244860000 -81792000 -63792000 15840000)

    (25920000 37728000 50256000 120528000)

    (211680000 246240000 302544000 411552000 344160000)

    Steven Spielberg.

    What an amazing man, and story. And because cunts deserve every fuckin’ given hell, that I, Jesse James Jensen, King of Kings, Lord of Lords; can imagine - truly love him. Far more, than; three expert baggage handlers - always trying to touch one’s nuts.

    A shame, that no-one will ever be able to experience something like that again. His story, that is. Thereof, the meanings, for what I speak... Are, the restrictions, policies and access towards the good old; US of A. The United States of America is not a free society, anymore. And, it’s truly not anyone’s fault, the security is up the fuckin’ yin-yang, simply; because there are a tonne of disgusting and useless degenerates, to which, are bringing down, plaguing and clogging up the arteries of my wonderful planet.

    So, said Government and Regulators, feel the need to keep putting down; and adding options on one's table. Thinking: that it will resolve the problems at hand.

    But really...

    Once again, off in the distance - towards those thoughts, there wouldn’t be a need... For a single bit of it, if, there were no degenerates, which, are simply wasting thoust time, space and energy.

    Tonight, I, the Lord All-Powerful; will have more than one of them, extinguished.



    Useless mouth of yours.

    Feed it into an engine, like a propeller.

    For those of the opinionated, and, their souls to be incinerated; from - insinuating one’s greed... Upon wishing they were god.

    I’m not even sorry for anyone anymore, you deserve it.

    For some people, free falling for eternity, and every so often; landing on a pillowy cloud of ashes... To which one couldn’t quite grasp - would be a living hell.

    For some people, that might just suck.

    (-3020 -2932 -1294 -1118)

    (-3292 -2343 -701)

    (-2112 -1006)

    (-1416 -568 -329)


    It's next to being rendered useless, much like everything else these days. Cannot anyone else see this trend? Everything is going to be rendered useless soon, not that it isn’t already. But, more so; of: The truest sense of the word. Therefore, once again, unless somebody with a fuckin’ half-cell, at least. A half-cell. Left in their useless brain, should come forth and do what’s right.

    To the absolute fullest sense of one’s logic.


    The Killing Floor.

    Listen. Don’t hate me, because I am beautiful. You see. Hate me, because; by the time you’re done reading this. Your girlfriend, is more likely than not - beating off in the chicks bathroom, dude.

    It’s that time, on my watch that is; to state - what an amazing sky we have again this morning. Completely electric blue, back; at only one minor milky haze. Off towards the distance. A true reflection, of the collective conscience.

    Just making another note, in front of everybody.

    (-360720 -121968 -94464 7200)

    (35568 126432 188064 195696 220032 388512 578736)

    (-272304 -241920 -100944 -4896 24336)

    Everything - that a human brain can comprehend, is a frequency. Which ever dimension you would prefer. To think about that is. One doesn’t have to contemplate every last single bit of it, within the Unicleus Sequence. Seeing as though, the reality of what humans have produced - for the past few centuries; is useless. Self righteous idiots, distracting themselves, over and over - like used car salesmen.

    Some people may say, to each his own, but...

    Fuck that noise.

    For they are of the types, that - are simply preventing myself; and loving family: To and from - achieving the greatest thing this planet has ever encountered, nor heard of; in anyone’s faith: or existence...

    Eternal life.

    (-474048 -213120 -121968 -58176)

    (-16128 19296 44784 120528)

    (302544 510912)

    (422496 195696 79776 30672)

    Do you know who I love?


    Madonna and Mr. Ritchie. Why? None of your fuckin’ business. Let’s just say, for they; have both lead a magnificent and righteously pure existence. Though, according to myself, the LORD - Almighty. Everything is pretty much useless left-overs and disgusting, so don’t feel bad; if you think that: You are the only one.

    I love the Sun, even more than myself. In this existence that is.

    So, if said degenerates; in turn: are preventing Me, Myself, and I, the LORD All-Powerful from turning thoust Kingdom, upon; and back into, and right around - what it is supposed to be... Then, that is absolutely; the worst crime: Imaginable.

    Wouldn’t you say?


    Every single one of them, has to be wiped out; and exterminated. Thereof, making said judging a forbearing conclusion of this story.

    For the human brain, again; is a self preserving mechanism: It would much rather, shut itself off; than - admit that it’s wrong. It’s a suicidal stubborn capacitor, that wants to defeat; even: You. Your own soul. Anyone... With a soul, (.,'fuckin' .000333% even}) that is; knows exactly what I am talking about: It’s only the soulless, jealous and stunted delusional degenerate neanderthals, that cannot accept the fact, that I, the LORD Almighty; once created this existence.

    Fun spins.

    (-326016 -152928 -8352 7200)

    (28512 37728 50256 126432)

    (203616 388512 422496 173232 67104)

    Which in turn, you all know what will happen; whether people like it or not. It will be worse, for everyone. Thoust punishment. It will be beyond striking down upon thee. Believe you - me. The longer everybody waits. Every single news agency, website, media engine, that uses my thoughts, as passages; and mood boards to paginate the entire Earth on a daily basis. Will suffer beyond belief. While, not a single one of you can just fuckin’ do what is right. Post it up, and be done with it. Exterminate any said degenerates; that can only say “no”, to the factually accurate measures.

    What haven’t I ever talked about that hasn’t come true? If one person can step up and show me where, and because cunts deserve every fuckin’ given hell imaginable, that I, Jesse James Jensen, King of Kings, Lord of Lords can comprehend at all moments in one single time to consider - am wrong, then; maybe - there would be somebody for me to compete with.

    But there isn’t. (And glad, think about Jerusalem).

    No one on Earth can match my intellect. I am completely at peace of mind. Which accelerates my anger and said punishment, beyond anybody, animal, insect, or person can imagine through their tiny little pineal gland at one given time throughout history, present; or the future. From now and ever onwards, to the end of time.

    Now, back to said frequencies. My planet, is on an ascending loop. Around the Sun. The Solar System, to which; hosts my lovely existence: Also, is on an ascending loop. Inject that right into a Galaxy, (which we have completely mapped out) and right there is another progressive loop. Put that Galaxy, into a Universe, and there it is again. Put said Universe, into another propelling and gyrating measure, and what do we have? Again, the one and only: Unicleus Sequence. Now, the entire Universe, just like said measures; is and are mapped out. Nothing left, nothing left at all.

    For every good soul to enjoy one’s calculations.

    (Fuckin’ barf, if you know what you mean.)

    You might remember, that part in Schindler's list, where each bogus Jew was being persecuted - what their duty was, whether or not they were an essential worker? Well, now; it’s quite the opposite. Unless, you are creative, play an instrument, and most importantly - are good at Mathematics, then... Sweet fuckin’ fuck! - Tough luck.

    You are dead already. So go cry one’s self to sleep again.

    What do you get, when you add: Jesse + Unicleus Sequence? Jesse’s US.

    Jesus H. Christ, it’s about fuckin’ time, that you all put two and two together.

    For I couldn’t even get pulled over if I tried. I could peel out, right in front of the cheesy po-po; in my AMX - high performance, 401; original Eidelbrock AMC intake pushing 500 BHP @ 4800 RPM that fuckin’ eats any sleazy left over for breakfast.

    And they’d just let me go.

    Fuckin’ rad, isn’t it?

    Let me know, if I should keep on writing."

  • moamoa0

    I stopped reading at 1.

    so I am type 1.

  • Milan0

    someone was very high when they wrote this?

  • lekke0

    keep on writing

  • OSFA0

    * bookmarks post for future lorem ipsum use...

  • Cloutier0

    Apparently he's god.

    • god complex is a bitch to have. nobody quite seems to 'get' youovsm
  • lvl_130

    you got to be fucking kidding me. i could have read war and peace twice.

    get real.

  • Dr_Rand0

    how much time do we have?

  • sikma0

    • I just threw up, shit & pissed myself watching that.marychain
    • i'm gonna show that to my niece later tonightovsm
  • BonSeff0

    are those lotto numbers?

  • elektromuzak0

    jesus, QBN doesn't take manuscripts dude, go to www.booksandmanuscripts.com. i should have been paid for even reading the first paragraph!

  • vrmbr0

  • elektromuzak0

  • ukit0

  • ukit0

    I wonder how you would feel about being fed face first...

  • elektromuzak0

  • elektromuzak0

    Cloutier, which one is you in the pic?

  • vrmbr0

    i hate people that start with

    " ok there are # types of people"

    already a reason to disregard...

  • rubifuse0

    z z z... z z z...

  • ribit0

    spam compilation?