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  • marychain0

    Shilling IS the man... really truly is...

    ... he's approaching the hang-up-the-shoes time though... I hope he doesn't try and stretch his glory-days out...

    yeah...let's not pull a Clemens eh?

  • GreedoLives0

    The old sox fans are just afraid of turning into a bunch of spoiled whiny fair-weather yankees fans, is all. And i don't blame them.

  • PonyBoy0

    The old sox fans are just afraid of turning into a bunch of spoiled whiny fair-weather yankees fans, is all. And i don't blame them.

    (Oct 26 07, 07:35)
    if that happens to someone... then shame on them for letting such outside stupidity effect their love for the sox...

    ... that's just retarded, dude... c'mon... if you let yourself go luke-warm/fair-weathered... that's your own damned fault... not the fault of another fan... letting people get to you like that is weak... and SILLY!!

  • GreedoLives0

    Not so much themselves as "red sox nation" as a whole. Fenway didn't start selling out until a few years ago, mind you.
    I remember being able to walk up on gameday and getting a $5 ticket with no lines.

  • PonyBoy0

    I remember those day too, Greedo...

    ... as a kid I sat in those bleachers... loooong before that shit went atop the green monster and the other additions...

    ... 50 bux in the 80's would get me, my dad and 3 bro's in... w/hotdogs and soda... (my dad was just reminiscing this stuff the other day.. :) )...

    ... but, dude... they've gotten BIG... that' happens when a team starts winning... and it's a good thing... it's good for your city/economy... good for the team as they make more money and can afford even better players to keep them that 'good'.

    This 'red sox nation' is comprised of a TON of N.E. transplants too...

    ... I mean, NH, CT, MA, ME, VT and RI all carry a rabid sox fan base... and like my family - they've spread out... I meet people of the 'red sox nation. all the time - usually I encounter a 'I used to live...' then insert your N.E. state.

    Again... getting upset that your team is popular is just so silly to me... :)... you want the sox to go back to losing?

    Bill Simmons wrote an article about that very thing... "I miss the Curse"...

    ... well the majority of fans don't you big baby... grow up and be a bit more accepting of your team's success, sheesh!!

  • GreedoLives0

    Well right, i suppose that's the price you pay for success, a lot of oltimer fans that followed them faithfully through the dark years cant even get in the park anymore.
    And thats what the bitter sox fans always hated about yankees fans, they were huge loudmouths when the yanks were on top and disappeared at the first sign of trouble. Red Sox nation right now is pretty much the same, if we had, say, five losing seasons right now, you'd be able to get tickets again. Dunno, it's a circular argument, you can't have it both ways.
    As for Schilling, he'll pitch another year, i sort of don't think the sox will re-sign him, and he gets off on going somewhere and helping them win, maybe he SHOULD go to tampa.

  • PonyBoy0

    agreed on letting Shilling go... he's not worth a new contract... but his signing for '04 season definitely was a factor in the teams success these past few years...

    ... it's just his age... (like someone mentioned about Clemens earlier)... sometimes you should 'do the right thing' and just stop. :)

    Man...I remember when Clemens pitched 20 K's that one night in Boston back in the 80's...

    ... my Dad wouldn't let me stay up to watch the whole game so I had to hear about it the next day at school... but I caught 12 of the 20 K's...

    ... my point... I'm THIRTY-ONE NOW!!!! LoL... Roger Clemens... GET A COFFIN!!

  • arthur0

    Red Sox hate is now as justified as Yankees hate.

  • GreedoLives0

    Sadly, thats longer the eternal underdogs.
    But you have to commend both the yanks and sox for bringing up great rookies through their ranks, look at Cano, Chamberlin, Melky, Youks, Pedroia, and Ellsbury. The yanks for a while just staffed their club with grizzled mercenary veterans, love to see some kids come up through the ranks.

  • PonyBoy0

    I'm glad you made that point, Greedo...

    ... the sox didn't get to their successful status merely from purchasing players... you just listed a load of quality players that moved-up the ranks...

    ...which is why I don't even remotely consider the situation of the red sox to be that like the Yankees(the yankees truly are a purchased team)... not even close.

    The sox will now have more money to make better purchases (like they did w/matsusaka and shilling)... and I have no issues w/that either.

    But I agree.. it's fun to watch a green rookie come of age.

  • Mimio0

    All with a healthy gut in true baseball fashion.

  • PonyBoy0

    agreed that sox hating is rampant...

    **begin red sox hate rant

    ... what's blowing my mind is so many 'self-declared' sox fans of old are acting like some snotty teenager who fell in love w/a band no one liked... then the band got popular/successful/better at what they do...

    ... now the lil wimp hates them and badmouths them... accuses them of selling out etc etc

    in the case of the sox... lots of the old-time fans are pissed about all the new fans...

    ... GET OVER YOURSELVES!!! The team doesn't physically belong to you!!

    **end red sox hate rant

    Shilling IS the man... really truly is...

    ... he's approaching the hang-up-the-shoes time though... I hope he doesn't try and stretch his glory-days out...

    ... if they take the series (which they should)... hopefully he'll retire in style.

    Heck of a way that'd be to go out to... finishing w/a win in the World Series.