
Out of context: Reply #7

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  • PonyBoy0

    I remember those day too, Greedo...

    ... as a kid I sat in those bleachers... loooong before that shit went atop the green monster and the other additions...

    ... 50 bux in the 80's would get me, my dad and 3 bro's in... w/hotdogs and soda... (my dad was just reminiscing this stuff the other day.. :) )...

    ... but, dude... they've gotten BIG... that' happens when a team starts winning... and it's a good thing... it's good for your city/economy... good for the team as they make more money and can afford even better players to keep them that 'good'.

    This 'red sox nation' is comprised of a TON of N.E. transplants too...

    ... I mean, NH, CT, MA, ME, VT and RI all carry a rabid sox fan base... and like my family - they've spread out... I meet people of the 'red sox nation. all the time - usually I encounter a 'I used to live...' then insert your N.E. state.

    Again... getting upset that your team is popular is just so silly to me... :)... you want the sox to go back to losing?

    Bill Simmons wrote an article about that very thing... "I miss the Curse"...

    ... well the majority of fans don't you big baby... grow up and be a bit more accepting of your team's success, sheesh!!

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