Free Design

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  • 2 Responses
  • Carbon

    Hey, I have recently been doing some free work for a charity and I've gotta tell you if makes you feel all warm and fuzzy.It's a good feeling to know you have done some good, but not output any money.

    Anyway, It's made me think, is there anyone out there interested in donating time to charity? I'm thinking about starting up a design collective and offering free design to random causes.

    Man, I'm on a high from this.

    Oh, another good thing is that I am just a dude working for the man in Australia and this Charity is New York based so I'm getting a bit of international exposure.

    Um, if anyone is bumming cause I'm doing stuff for free then sorry but they were looking for a free designer so I guess it's ok....hey?

  • mirrorball0

    Show is what yah did!

  • Carbon0

    Not much to show, It was a colour change for their logo from red to orange, plus some new options usage options and secondary colours to use, all bundled into an interactive PDF. It's still work in progress.

    Small job but still, its a start.