reason 3.0

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  • Ianbolton0

    a few things.
    1. The guy who says he's used loads of 3d programs and finds reason way too complicated... Reason is a music program. There is a big difference. Reason is very easy to use and also very innovative for laying out many styles of music.
    2. Logic vs Reason isn't really worth talking about. It's a preference. I use them both, usually rewiring to beef up my sound from Reason in Logic and adding live components. The Future Music Reason magazine compared Reasons output to a fully fledged production studio and said you could barely hear the difference once mastered. (version 4)
    3. Meeklo is right. If you have a concept, idea or even an ounce of creativity you can use any of these programs and make something decent.
    4. You can probably illegally download a few refill packs as bit torrents. The Yamaha Motif collection is pretty mint. If you bought Reason you get access to the Propellerheads Reason forums which people share their stuff which is pretty useful too.

  • boobs0

    Yeah, I find Reason 4.0 really easy to use. It's just like a rack of hardware.

  • stupidresponse0

    in terms of sound quality, I do find some of the Reason instruments to be a bit thin, but the difference between those and the higher quality offerings is the amount of processor power required to generate them. Just look at an instance of Sculpture in Logic vs a simple subtractive synth in Reason, there's no comparison in quality, but for the same juice you can run 20 of those synths to one instance of Sculpture.

    regardless of what you use getting good results comes down to knowing how to mix! learn how to EQ properly, don't boost the fuck out of freqs or you induce phase distortion, cut cut cut and boost as a last resort. learn how to use dynamics processing effectively. a few properly placed compressors can bring sparkle and chunkiness out of a mix of thin mud.

  • Ianbolton0

    very true. You could I suppose combine 20 subtractors and get that stupidly massive sound that way.
    The new Thor synth is pretty meaty. I usually stick to the samplers though as they often have some great 3rd party sounds.

    Mixing is the important part, after the idea obviously. The idea is what makes the song... but we've been over that already.