Mac icns file

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  • mirrorball

    I have downloaded some Mac OSX icons to use, they are saved with extension 'icns' they wont show up on my desktop, anyone know whats wrong? Most icons i download are ready to use no probs. These only let me double click them, then they open up in preview or photoshop.

  • ninjasavant0

    What are you wanting to use them for, just replace current icons on your system?

    Option 1: use CandyBar, you can get it at

    Option 2: Select the icon you want to use, press cmd+i or right click and choose get info. click on the little preview in the upper left corner and press cmd+c. Now choose the file you want to apply the icon to. Press cmd+i or right click and select get info. click on the little icon preview in the upper left corner and press cmd+v. Viola, you're done.