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- tank02
at my old job.
in a few days i'll be here..the nice people over there already
put a nice welcoming making back ups is boringgggg...
congrats man, looks promising. Good luck!
- phatlee0
Nice one!!!
I"ve got one of their papers they did, v nice...
One of my friends had an interview their a few years ago and he said it seemed like a nice company.
- jaybee0
well done m8..
- tank020
Nice one!!!I"ve got one of their papers they did, v nice...
One of my friends had an interview their a few years ago and he said it seemed like a nice company.
(Apr 19 07, 05:11)they are supernice, already did some jobs after my hours for them...
- Nairn0
Wahey, Tank! Good schnitzel.
They have a lovely looking site - the nicest I've seen this week, in fact. Great work too.
I hope for big things for you.
(and your girlfriend ;)
- ********0
congratulations, bart
- tank020
Wahey, Tank! Good schnitzel.They have a lovely looking site - the nicest I've seen this week, in fact. Great work too.
I hope for big things for you.
(and your girlfriend ;)
(Apr 19 07, 05:25):)
- walkman0
good luck. I like their press section. great stuff...
- tadcautious0
congrats! looks like a lot of great stuff going on at flink. i agree, really nice site!
- bcline0
- phatlee0
Is Fanny Khoo still there?
- Bullitt0
- tank020
no she and tom left to singapore,
i'mm filling in for tom,i gues fanny's position(design director) is still open...
- Nairn0
*laughs into hand
'fanny's position is still open...'
- paraselene0
well done, tank! best of luck with the new gig!
- robotron3k0
congrats bart!!!
- blaw0
the nice people over there already
put a nice welcoming message.tank02
(Apr 19 07, 05:05)----
how cool is that? very.
good luck.
- HomeCreative0
Nice action Jackson! they look like a really cool place to be. Now where the hell is my CV I need to move!!!!!!
- neue75_bold0
congrats tank. Good studio, good move...
- ********0
Props tank!