THX 1138

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  • 23kon0

    ive never liked 2001 for its almost abstractness - and the whole "whats it about?" kind of thing where wanky film students pretend to 'know' the meanings behind it etc. that stuff does my head in.

    bladerunner IS a different kind of film - you can watch it as a story without reading too much into the meaning behind it or underlying storylines - but they are there if you want to look for them.

    THX is a balance of these two styles. i loved it. i loved the fact that its an accurate forsight into what will probably BE our future rather than something too steeped in fantasy.

    There was a quote on one of the extra films i think that said something like

    "how did all this happen?"
    (referring to all the 'control' the state has over the people)
    and the answer was
    "because it happened so slowly"

    i think this film is SO apt for the world we live in today.
    silly laws that build up one by one.
    (laws like people in the US not being able to take photos of structures like bridges etc! i mean, wtf?!)
    and people become so subserviant that they upkeep these laws without questioning.
    ID cards being introduced, curfus bla bla

  • tank0

    soylent green anyone?


  • jaylarson0

    "brought to you by Soylent red and Soylent yellow, high energy vegetable concentrates, and new, delicious, Soylent green. The miracle food of high-energy plankton gathered from the oceans of the world. "