valentine's day
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- 18 Responses
- tank02
i got a website and businesscards for my girlfriend.
holding page here...
- phatlee0
How romantic...
- bunnicula0
boo to v-day
- vespa0
v day business cards? heart shaped?
i've booked dinner at the tate modern and private screening of new gilbert&george exhibition, haha i've clearly done that thing where i've secretly bought a present for myself rather than him haven't i?
- tank020
haha, no heartshaped cards.
i thought after
christmas gift: balenciaga book and trip to london
new year gift: a new jacket
and b'day gift: customized air maxes it was time for something usefull...of course were also going to dinner..and all the stuff...
- blaw0
- tank020
really nice blaw.
she will love it.
- mrdobolina0
thats rad blaw
- blaw0
thanks, tank.
we offically do not buy gifts for each other for valentine's day, but there's not a guy in the world that would take that risk.
- tank020
but i like this personal touch.
i made the logo and the website as something very personal...
and thats always the extra touch...
- blaw0
thanks, mrdobolina.
the skyline in the back in the thriving metropolis in which i live. :)
- 23kon0
if its the personal touch you are after then what about getting your female half one of these and making her a cast of 'yourself'…
thatl keep her happy while you are busy working away late nights at the office
- ********0
Nice blaw.
However... that dog looks like it just took a shit and is really quite pleased with itself.
- Concrete0
v day business cards? heart shaped?
i've booked dinner at the tate modern and private screening of new gilbert&george exhibition, haha i've clearly done that thing where i've secretly bought a present for myself rather than him haven't i?
(Feb 12 07, 01:41)Ha ha! Bit like Homer buying Marge a bowling ball with his name engraved on it!
Can you let me know what the G&G exhibit is like please, vespa. I have heard it will include a lot of recent work which I'm not familiar with.
Ta ;)
- kelpie0
*bitterly shits on this thread
- chossy0
oh crap :/
It's my first valenitines day time since I was 18......... what the fuck do I do !!!! I'll buy her a car that'll do it....
- ********0
If they're out of the country, does it still count?
- Jaline0
we offically do not buy gifts for each other for valentine's day, but there's not a guy in the world that would take that risk.
(Feb 12 07, 04:44)haha, true.
I wouldn't expect a gift (b/c I don't like V-day), but dinner or just hanging out would be fine.
- Kirshar0
I got's no Valentine.........