hosting woes

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  • effour

    is this bs or what?

    i have a client site that i did in 03...i haven't been involved really since it was completed...all self admin'd...

    the site was hacked nov 27 and most of it was deleted....and i haven't been backing it up, nor has the client

    i contacted the hosting company and they said that delete all backups come the first of the month

    and since we didn't find out until dec 1 they have no backups and all log files have been deleted because the server has been reset

    is that common practice? should i be pissed or what? someone please tell me who this type of thing should be handled by my hosting company.

    fyi-The hacker exploited some stuff on the site, so the server wasn't hacked just the site.

  • ants0

    can't say what normal process should be (other than having a copy yourself) but if it was a small site then maybe try the operator in google and see if you can grab the content from there :)

  • effour0

    i ended up finding alot of the source an pieced it back together.

    what it feels like is that they cheaped out on disk space and CPU overhead for backups and don't do proper cycled back-ups.

    other hosting companies keep backups but will charge you to rectreive them..

  • jamble0

    One of my sites got hacked last month and someone destroyed the database of which I don't have backups and I found that the (cheap) hosting company I used don't do any backup at all so I've lost a years worth of site entries.

    Luckily in this case, it wasn't something that was critical anyway but I guess next time I'll certainly be checking on the hosting services a bit more thoroughly.

  • zerofour0

    Sad to said you can't do anything...

    My site (hosted got hack too, i told the hosting company but no even a reply from them... so i called up they said they will do something about it, end up doing nothing yet still have the guts to ask me to renew the services.

    I stopped using their service but using a better and bigger player is better tot you need to pay more but the chance of getting pissed is 0%

  • ribit0

    You really need to read through the fine print... some hosts dont do backups at all (like ours, but we're on a dedicated server)... but offsite backups are always a good idea (like a scheduled mirror-synch to your computer, so you dont even have to think about it) gotta assume the hosting company will have a total loss through fire/meteors whatever...