design team development

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  • gron

    Hi, I am trying to develop a road map for developing our design department here at work and am looking for any good references or starting points. Basically, I want to be able to set up some kind of way to document the growth and devlopment of our design team to ensure we are facilitating individual growth, recognising achievements and staying on top of personal needs while having something tangible to please the powers that be. Any references, links or case studies would be great!

  • Boikov0

    I had to do this a few years ago to help build a training programme. I found it helped to try and put together a nice looking document with loads of diagrams... ?

    You could try 1) Analyising existing roles and writing a brief description for each one (this helps with recruitment). 2) Looking at possible career paths for each of these roles (we did it based on levels of reporting, like who needs to speak to who).

    Um.. I forget the rest, hope that's a bit of help...

  • gron0

    Thanks Boikov, yep lots of nice diagrams i pretty much where I'm at- am breaking down each individuals capabilities and potential into as many categories as possible and making sense of it from there. a tree diagram of career paths is a good idea too. cheers!