show your office
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- 68 Responses
- k0na_an0k0
i'll bring in my camera tomorrow morning and take a pic.
bump it then. i love my office/cube.
nice setup.
- anayafx0
representing the santa ana artists village!
my studio sits in an old building from the roaring 20'sit used to house an upscale speakeasy, back in the days of the prohibition. (illegal alcohol days) complete with underground tunnels and sliding walls! god i love the history of this city.
check the pics here:
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- rafalski0
lol @ kona's remote holder and pictures
- k0na_an0k0
haha. yeah i'm an idiot.
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Who in the hell do you work for Baskerville? I have a sneeky suspicion they're paying you far too much money to be posting here...
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You know.. what bothers me about these threads......... none of you have ANY SHIT! Where the hell is all your stuff? Pens, post-it notes, coffee cups, scraps of paper, keys?
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that's why it's called showing off
- madirish0
don't mind moth everyone- he's just still bitter para forgot his tea this morning....
- madirish0
lol- what is that screen saver k0na?? i love a man who's got his fantasy harley priorities in order.... ;)
- rafalski0
You know.. what bothers me about these threads......... none of you have ANY SHIT! Where the hell is all your stuff? Pens, post-it notes, coffee cups, scraps of paper, keys?
(Sep 22 06, 06:20)They're mac users. Didn't you say:
"I expect macs are perfect for twatting about on and not doing any real work"
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I rock a 10x10 cube with a desk that wraps around and ... there is so much shit on my desk that I only use enough space for a laptop and a mouse barely.
It's disgusting.
I'll try and take before/after pictures next week when I return.
And, it's really sparse, like Spartan sparse, I should really sprucen it up.
- Baskerville0
I currently have on my desk a lot crap:
2 huge A3 size piles of print outs
3 old bottles of water
an apple I'm half way through eating
my ipod
fortune cookie wrapper from lunch
various kinder suprise toys
box files
scrunched up tissues
my open sketchbook
my bulky yellowing old crt monitorI have plenty of crap, hence I'm not willing to photograph it.
And I don't get paid nearly enough to post on here (or not post on here).
- ********0
Haha, Human I like how you have NT on your desktop with people in teh background.
- k0na_an0k0
lol- what is that screen saver k0na?? i love a man who's got his fantasy harley priorities in order.... ;)
(Sep 22 06, 06:24)it's ghost rider