logo crit
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- 25 Responses
- dirtydesign0
Looks like women's shoes to me. Execution is nice though...
- tank0
its mostly for little girls.
- spendogg0
I like it - i mos def feels very femme. I am going to assume your target is women.,
- johndiggity0
beef it up a bit, it's getting lost in the sillohuettes.
- stewart0
for girls. then it's okay.
is it an existing typeface?
maybe you have to redraw the connections between the characters, they look a little unsmooth.
- e_b_c0
It seems to me that the name gets a little overpowered by the icons. and the montage is getting a little messy a the bottom.
it looks very close though.
- k0na_an0k0
It seems to me that the name gets a little overpowered by the icons. and the montage is getting a little messy a the bottom.
it looks very close though.
(Aug 16 06, 12:53)x2
very nicely done though.
- _salisae_0
fatten it for sure. and make the i a little more loop ta loopish
- Nairn0
All I see is the jumble of a font, which is one I don't particularily like, lost amongst the floral forms - I can't really read it, as it's not clear or distinct.
If you're going to stick with this font - you need to join up the s's properly and maybe try beef up the weight a little.
I also think the floral forms are a little scrappy too - doesn't 'feel' like there's any life or dynamism in there.
Sorry :(
- _salisae_0
the Is are the only thing that bother me .. the kerning is off and they draw too much attention because they look like a cats nose/mouth .. seem too tall as well
nice job otherwise
- TheBlueOne0
Nice, but it is too thin...
- _salisae_0
i'm surprised you don't like it nairn .. being that you are a little girl with bare feet
- Nairn0
How did you know what my results were from the BBC Woman or Man test?
- _salisae_0
i'm obsessed with you. haven't you noticed my following you around .. thread to thread?
you haven't have you?
- Nairn0
I thought you just wanted to give me my shoes back. I know they're purty, but really - too small for you. Far too small.
Anyway, what sort of person steals a young girl's shoes? You should be ashamed of yourself!
- _salisae_0
you'd rather i stole something else instead? something a little more precious.
- Nairn0
Are you mad? nothing is more precious to me than my shoes.
Except, maybe, my diary.
- josimarX0
looks completely like fashion before function... the logo style is unsuited to the product. start again. and think about kids and shoes this time.
- tenpointtwo0
It looks clumsily executed, but I like the intention. It also seems off-target. Looks more like something for a specialty shop or a boutique. Doens't say "for kids" or "shoes" to me at all. I don't mind the decoration, but they are overpowering.
Overall seems like a misfire.
- tank0
its already apllied everywhere in the store.
the client is very enthousiastic.
the entire store are illustrations by me of a fairy tale forest that kids can draw in them selves.they don't go for the regular clients.
most of the shoes are special lines.
the owner is a partner of bruno pieters a wellknow belgian fashion designer.critic noted.