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- 28 Responses
- tank
just ordered it.
with a new screen.i'm poor now.
- _salisae_0
hell yeah! to celebrate you must walk with your cock out all day through to night.
- tank0
already doin' that anyways.
- e-pill0
what is your favourite song that you will play upon start-up of the macpro?
- rafalski0
apple screen, btw?
- rafalski0
I am still getting used to OSX. I know it's good, I know it's the way (it must be.. tell me it is!!). It just pisses me off everytime and coming back to windows is still a relief. But I will change and I will adjust and I will eventually form myself into an apple user - one of million identical unique happy puppies and I will say no bad of apple anymore. So help me Jobs!
But seriously.. it's a great system, I'd just say user-friendliness of it is much overhyped - cut/copy/paste feature works only when it wants to, show desktop works only for a moment (and then the apps return), and in photoshop i can see desktop beneath and if I accidentally click on it, PS is gone.. Is this the designer's choice?!...
I'll keep trying though, even today's bootcamp 1.1 upgrade won't stop me!
- jaylarson0
yeah rafalski, i am windows too. but the woodcrest processor is tempting. too bad memory costs soooo much more than it seems to on pc machines... btw, enjoy your monitor...
- nowgocreate0
You get habits on the Windows platform that dont translate well over to OSX, dont worry those feelings will go away when u get habits in OSX. i cringe everytime i have to use a windows machine now.
- Clear0
I'm also a PC guy... I learned on a Mac years ago in school but in the work place I've used mostly PC. I'm thinking hard about possibly buying a macbook pro for freelance but I can't do it until CS3 comes out. Is it 2 quarter 2007 yet?!
- rafalski0
It is generally pleasant to use, and then ususlly something annoying comes about.. Did you see newstoday with font smoothing off on Safari or FF? Kerning is really bad and if you go to a non-English site, foreign characters get funny sizes. How's that even possible in 2006?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not really ranting (venting maybe, haha), those are just newbie comments. I will keep using both platforms anyway.
- joyride0
some sites don't test for mac FF or safari. I always get the site lookn good on PC FF and ie then open up my mac and mother firetruck, the fonts are all wack. Usually some simple tweaking. One would figure FF mac and PC would be similiar. But how the font is sized in the css is usually the issue
- garett_west0
Hope you didn't get the gloss finish screen... it really glares like a mofo.
You got an external screen too? Sweet.
You'll love your MB btw.
- rasko40
rafalski if you just tap F11 the apps disappear til you select one again, check your exposé settings. Also, you know you can hit apple>tab to flick through open apps?
check out the upcoming leopard:…
- tank0
garret, not he macbook pro, but the macpro, the next gen G5.
- k0na_an0k0
shweet tank. love those things. ultra fast and ultra portable.
have fun with her. (or him if you swing that way)
- tank0
macbookproportable,my old powerbook is still going strong.
congrats, you poor fellow,
Nice reel trouwens!Cheers!
- rasko40
- k0na_an0k0
that's what i meant tank.
ultra portable as in (13") and ultra fast as in (g5 intel)
i know what you gots broham!
- rafalski0
My mb screen is shiny, but also small, both features are -1 each.
It's a desktop most of the time, with "high portability", so I don't care. I chose the small one purposely.Tank, sorry about a little thread hijacking..
Rasko, I've been using expose allright, just sometimes I just want to see bare desktop. It works for a while and BAM! all apps gathered around the screen waiting to jump, suddenly come back at me.
iCurse usually then.Apple>tab is like good 'ol alt>tab to me.
Some annoyances, maybe I'm doing sth wrong and you guys could help:
- sometimes I can't delete (option>backspace), ie in browser address bars
- is there a shortcut that selects address bar? like F6 (or sometimes TAB) in Windows?
- I kinda hoped for keyboardless experience (as opposed to windowsian nerd-style keyboard-only operation capability). In windows I could select text with a mouse, right click and choose 'copy'. I strangely can't in so many apps in osx - that's a bugger.
- moving blocks of text - like now, writing this in FF (Win) I can select some text and move it around the textfield. I couldnt on my mac.Those are tiny bits that can annoy a fresh convert.
- Chief0
nice, tank! ordered one the day after they were released but upgraded to the x1900xt. they said it'd be 5 weeks. after 4 days i decided i couldn't wait any longer so i called 'em back and said just ship if with the stock 7300gt and ordered the ati upgrade kit. it should be shipping out today. can't wait!
knowing you do a lot of work in AE, you should be glad to see these benchmarks:…faster than the quad g5 even running AE under rosetta. awesome.