The Ultimate Mac Pro Question

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  • k0na_an0k0

    also. hope you don't plan on doing much travel with the 17" as it's too big for most bags, when you do find a bag big enough your bag is fucking huge, it's heavy, and there isn't a coach class plane anywhere that will fit a 17" notebook.

    the last flight i had i had a hard enough time fucking with the 15" macbook pro when the douche in front of me kicked his seat back only 3 notches.

    good luck.

  • e-pill0

    aleexm i have honestly gave out like 20 responses in the last week regarding the intel macbook pro...its very reliable...i am an accessories product designer and i use mainly illustrator...i run into very large file sizes and yes those times things can run slightly slower...but what are you compoaring the slow speed to??

    its the fastest bitch on the block and yeh next month there will be another faster bitch but when that6 happens if you wait...will you be one of the annoying kids that just constantly bitch about their machine??

    my intel is one of the best investmensts i have purchased this year.

    adobe products can run slower...all and everything else is lightning fast.

    even start-up is like 20 seconds...


  • rafalski0

    If you can wait two weeks, wait till the conference. Rumour has it, they will upgrade the macbook pro line with the new intel merom processors, faster and supposedly producing less heat. There are rumours about case design changes as well.
    17" is a nonsense to me, unless you're on the move all the time and need high-res display real bad. Also good for impressing clients at presentations.
    I got a 13.3 macbook that is going to be my desktop computer 90% of the time and a 20"dell LCD.

    And don't buy from apple store, unless it's a refurb (they're nicely priced), there are much better deals. I got mine from the US amazon, no sales tax (you're in CA, so is Cupertino, am I right?) and $100 rebate.
    Also, buy 2 gig ram, just not from apple - seems be the default choice.