Protocol for Tipping at Cafes

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  • 44 Responses
  • Mimio0

    If they don't bring it to you, don't tip. I don't look at tipping at the bar as etiquette either, I look at it as bribery. Either the barkeep makes the next one strong or they'll be no more tips.

  • flavorful0

    I once had a crackhead from Comcast attempt to hustle me.

    He was only supposed to swap a box, yet it took him 30 minutes of walking back and forth to his truck (which I never saw).

    Then when nothing worked, said he needed to be paid in cash.

    I told him there wasn't a bill for any of the work and if there was I wouldn't pay in cash.

    That's when he started getting overtly crackish.

    He scanned the one room like a moron (who could have done this on the many trips he had in and out), then asked for that drink I offered him like I was his best friend.

    I guess he wasn't expecting me to grab him by his shirt and fling him out of the door, because the only thing that broke his fall was a metal bannister. I picked up his clipboard threw it off of him and told him to go home and sleep that shit off.

    He was complaining about his back and I told him to call the cops and he just got up and kind of wimpered away.

    I called Comcast and told them that the guy wasn't feeling well and had to leave, and if I could just go down and get the correct box myself because I could only get this half day off of work. Drove down and back and had everything working in less than a half hour, haha.

  • rafalski0

    As I remember from my bartending days long ago, both tippers and non-tippers are remembered. They sure are watching you.

    It's crazy in the in the US, where as I hear some waiters get no wage, only tips. But as a pro free market advocate, I see this as a natural situation forcing servicepeople to be nice. Those are short term jobs and plenty of people woudn't care to work well if it wasn't affecting them right away.
    Imagine someone who knows they will quit next week and allows themselves to be rude to customers. In the long run they would hurt the workplace's standard, but they don't care. Tips-only situation fixes that and makes them work with a smile to their last customer.

  • rafalski0

    There's a lot of bullshit in my theory, when I re-read it.. I'm just wondering how restaurant owners persuaded the society it's clients' moral duty to pay waiters, not theirs.