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- 19 Responses
- tank
solid work man, dig it al lot.
- elms0
- Concrete0
That 'dogtailtypeface is lovely'
- imadesigner0
They've nicked the interface from a website hi-res did about a year ago!
- tank0
thats not nicked from hi res...
- elms0
- jamble0
me to elms, I had to look it up, I'd not seen those before.
- Timson0
nah, it's not hi-res, it's another site, if anyone remembers, i was looking for that site some time ago and couldn't find.
nice work tho.
- Concrete0
nah, it's not hi-res, it's another site, if anyone remembers, i was looking for that site some time ago and couldn't find.
nice work tho.
(Jun 15 06, 03:16)Very similar to http://www.spin.co.uk/
- Timson0
thanks concrete, that's the one.
- Concrete0
www.mattessons.co.uk/i... [gif]
(Jun 15 06, 03:51)?
- Nairn0
It's tasty..
..like a garlic sausage.Do try and keep up, Concrete.
I know the pace is heady - but once you feel the wind ruffling your curly locks - well, there's just no going back.
- Nairn0
It's reconstituted mechanically-recovered pig bits..
..like a garlic sausage.
- Concrete0
*puts on driving gloves
(string backed for extra purchase)
- Nairn0
...'Extra Purchase'
*drools like Homer
- republik80
Interface is similar to many portfolios, but that doesn't matter.
Standard of work isn't anything to get exicted about. It's nice, but nothing special.
- Concrete0
*drools like Homer
(Jun 15 06, 04:03)Don't drool in a convertable!
Back seat passangers get a face full...
- Concrete0
Standard of work isn't anything to get exicted about. It's nice, but nothing special.
(Jun 15 06, 04:07)And your site is shit hot!