Font Voodoo

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  • scoops

    I'm having some trouble with my Quark / Suitcase / Distiller pdf chain and i'm hoping some one can help a bruva out.

    I work at a small alt newspaper so we still rock Quark 4, but we are ever so slowly changing over to Indesign. In fact i'm upgrading all our systems at my office now... new G5s, new CS suite, etc. The problem is that, for a little while anyway, we have to continue to use Quark for layout and pagination.

    So i've got everything humming along pretty well, until i try to process my first batch of pages through the new version of distiller.

    Because of our press we have a very specific set of distiller job options that we have to use, which i copied from our old system. On the old system these job options work (almost) perfectly well, but on the new system, for a reason that is beyond me, those same fonts laid out in the same quark document crash distiller, or replace some fonts with courier. However if i use the PDF-X job option all is right with the world.

    Font voodoo is one of those things that have always been my kryptonite. If it weren't a 140 page paper i'd just be tempted to just convert the whole mess to outlines... but it is 140 pages and that ain't gonna fly.

    any help, links, or advice would be most appreciated!

    thanks in advance

  • jaylarson0

    do you have adobe acrobat? if so, can you just choose Adobe PDF as your printer? This used to work on the pc... skip distiller altogether... that useless program...

  • scoops0

    unfortunately i don't think that option is available to me, but thanks for trying.