xmen 3
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- 197 Responses
- tank
just saw it.
wow...now that was good!
- Jaline0
I was going to see it this weekend but my friends aren't available to see it until next weekend. I always watch films beforehand because of this, but time I am going to wait.
- spendogg0
I am suuuper psyched
- prodigalslacker0
i keep hearing mixed reviews.
basically i hear:
if you know the comics and love the comics = the movie sucks
if you don't know the comics and love the movies = it's great
- Jaline0
I think that makes sense, prodigal. People who have read the comics generally have higher expectations than people who haven't. I haven't read them, but I know the story. I just hope most of it keeps to the comics.
The main complaint I keep hearing is that newer characters just keep showing up in the film and never get explored enough, which I would think is obvious. This already happened in the first two films. Most of the characters did not get developed because there are just so many.
- prodigalslacker0
i loved the first 2 xmen movies and i'm a big fan of the comics. however i keep hearing dreadful things about characters not being developed, random and poorly done death scenes, and poor reason for introducing things like sentinels. we'll see.
- Jaline0
Yeah, I'm going to watch it for myself.
- digitalswarm0
Jaline is the most practical and reasonable person on this board... And it embarrasses me every time.
- version30
keep in mind,
part of jalines diet/excercise routine is running on broken glass and drinking pigs blood
she says it balances her
- fooler0
Is Jean Luc Pacard in this one too? We're taking Friday afternoon off to see it.
- Jaline0
Jaline is the most practical and reasonable person on this board... And it embarrasses me every time.
(May 24 06, 17:13):)
- quamb0
hah yeah- jaline's posts always make me nod and smile thinking "so true.."
- neue75_bold0
I just wank off while thinking of her and MIA making sweet sri lankan lady love...
mmm, brown girls, I miss dem...
- Jnr_Madison0
Remember and stay till after the credits (if you care that much) as there's an extra 30sec clip at the end that is meant to be important.
Going to see it on Friday.
- Jaline0
thanks everyone, haha
- neue75_bold0
no, spank you...
- fooler0
I've been out of the office for a week but all my coworkers are going friday. I have some serious deadlines but f' it/ If everyone else is going I might as well.
- neue75_bold0
you go girl!
- Jaline0
you should go, fooler
- fooler0
fooler is a dude
- fooler0
do you lurk here night and day?
I'm never here at night but see you during the day a lot.