London -> NY - Meet?
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- Gordy22
I'm over in NY from London in a week for one whole month.
The problem is I know few people save for my co-workers so gonna have a lot of spare evenings / weekends.
Can anyone tell me if there's any NY NT Meets going on that I can crash? Even advioce on what's going on where?
- Chimp0
You lucky cnt! Be shore to check out the lower east side. I seem to remember Orchard st being good or the street next to it.
- Gordy220
Hey - y'alright Chimp.
Yeah - been gunning for this for a while and it's finally come off. Workwise, it's gonna be hectic - lots of client meetings and stuff but gonna try and play hard too.
you been before? Any tips apart from Orchid Street
- Chimp0
Yeah I went about a year ago. The New Yorkers should be waking up now. Best tip is just to have a walk arrounf and explore.
"the best way to get to know a city is to get lost in it"
- Gordy220
Now, that's not gonna tell me if there's an impending NY NT meets, is it now paht.
(Apr 20 06, 04:27)
- soda0
I want to go to new york!
Been thinking about surprising the missus for her birthday.
Sounds like things are going well for you Gordy, well done lad.
- e-pill0
- Gordy220
Ha ha - I'm staying in an area with all of one bar.…
Great link tho' e-pill - thanks.
- derek20050
dont go to maidstone.
- Gordy220
C'mon - a couple of you 'mericans must be up by now...
- Gordy220
Cheers Ill.
- e-pill0
on the 27th of april there is going to be a big Triple 5 soul party in brookland.
- Tara0
oh yeah e-pill?
can u e-mail me?
- Tara0
I'm sure we can organize some drinks Gordy
- e-pill0
check your email for the invite. you must rsvp.
- robotron3k0
hey eddie, is is possible to forward the invite to me as well???
- Tara0
thank you!
- Tara0
I have an idea,
maybe a few of us could go and then grab dinner after?