Engagement Rings
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- welded0
I already know she'll dig the tension ring - I showed her the Niessing rings months ago. She's not really big into tradition, but like any girl she likes sparkly things, so I think they're perfect. In fact, I came across a good deal via the Teno site and bought her a ring a few hours ago. I'm doing the deed Christmas eve.
Genuine Canadian diamonds, so no guilt here! :)
- blaw0
congratulations, good luck, etc.
- Mimio0
I'd talk to a reputable jeweler about those tension mounts. I've heard they're not "day-to-day" settings.
- Mimio0
oh...and congratulations to you!...marriage can be great.
- e-pill0
wow you are going with the teno ring...im glad to be a helpful hand.
i hope all goes well for you. remem ber with marriage sacrifice and never goto be angry.
good luck and happy holidays!!
- e-pill0
*never goto bed angry.
- Douglas0
I was ring shopping a couple months ago and couldn't find one ring I liked in all of LA. I was looking for something more unique than Tiffany, not particularily into the tension setting, but I like modern, simple, and elegant. Also didnt need anything too huge or blingy for her hand as she has petite fingers and is an artist/designer and always getting her hands messy. Long story short, I ended up designing it myself with a local jewelry maker and buying a rare sapphire to be set inside a platinum design I worked with him on. I went with a sapphire because I know it was her favorite stone, and both of us are not particularly fond of the diamond industry. Anyhow, while I was store/web browsing, some of the nicest I found are being made for the Japanese market. I would recommend getting a catalog sent to you via the website of Niwaka as they are very fluid and beautiful. The also have a store in Soho (NY) if you are in the area. Others worth noting in my opinion are the Movado diamond rings, Mikimoto makes some elegant pearl engament rings and nice diamond rings for their Japan market. And Vancleef & Arples has a great one on their site called the 101 Solitare. Other jewlers worth noting other than the ones mentioned in previous posts are Cartier and Bulgari though much of the cost on their rings is paying for the name. This link is helpful as well for a directory of Jewlers: http://www.newyorkmetro.com/shop…
Bare in mind if you are going to order one from a different country that you should give yourself a good 2months prior to proposing.
I would highly recommend designing it yourself or in my case, I proposed with the stone in a case and included her in the designing process.
- blaw0
*never goto bed clothed.
(Dec 18 05, 19:07)i've always said mr.pill is a genius.
- welded0
I like the idea of designing it myself, but as much as I might try, sadly budget is a very big concern and I've a hunch I wouldn't be able to foot the bill. Too many debts left to pay. :(
Sounds like a fantastic thing you were able to pull off, though!Mimio, this considered I might look into some sort of insurance. Maybe when we do get hitched I'll be able to get her a new and improved ring. Something that plays MIDI files or has fibre optics... Ya...
I'm not worried about her answer - it's pretty much a forgone conclusion since we've already discussed marriage, but I just hope she likes the ring. It's not too fancy, but hey, a guy's gotta try!
Thanks for all good wishes, though, I appreciate it. :)
(She's sitting right next to me as I type this. I love secrets.)
- witch0
Here, design your own ring
- e-pill0
no more secrets after you get married!!! remember the commitment you make. she is your best friend, so be open with her and yourself.
good luck!!!