Engagement Rings
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- 32 Responses
- welded
Some months ago there was a discussion about some dude who was looking for interesting rings. In reply, some other dude posted a link to an interesting store based out of LA, I think. These people sold really modern styles, including tension bands. The find feature is as helpful as always (that is to say, not at all) so if anybody can help a brother out I'd appreciate it.
- Soler0
I'll help you out dude - don't get married.
- PonyBoy0
Enter response:
I see Soler's got his polls in the water and his beer in hand...
(don't worry... i'm trolling too) :)
- Soler0
- Epictive0
I proposed with one of these: http://www.stuartmoore.com/ Love their rings. Not the link you were looking for though. Ill disagree with Soler, best thing I have ever done.
- 5timuli0
Women are evil!
- liquid0
I have to invent a new language to describe the amount of disgust I have for them at the moment.
I am creating bcards that I will begin handing out at my local watering hole... on one side the definition of misogynist and on the other the rejection hotline...this should give them a good hint as to where I stand on buying them a drink...
if anyone would like a set you can pick your choice of the following definitions bellicose, chauvinist, misogynist, belligerent
women want us to be honest...so I figured this would be a great way to open up communication...
- JamesEStone0
I proposed with one of these... http://www.niessing.com/mb/17/sh… ...think they have a lot of branches
- e-pill0
i never got my wife an engagement ring. we pierced our tongues at the exact moment. she asks for a diamond every now and then as when she tells guys she is married and they ask where is the diamond. like a diamond is the only way you are married in america. i personally dislike jewelery. jewelery has been my family business for likea century. from seeing it all the time and watching them make it all the time i grew to disliking it. our wedding bands are made of platinum and gold.
we found this store in manhattan that sells stainless steel rings with diamonds embeded in them. part of the steel is polished real smooth while the other is matte. these rings look great and we think we will change our current rings.
our current platinum rings are sooo banged up as the platinum is soo soft that every time we walk down stairs our rings got scratched and dented. platinum is pretty but not worth it as it gets tarnished very quickly.
i reconmend staying away from it.
- ********0
somehow seeing rough diamonds being sold illegally makes me not want to buy one is some store.
- madirish0
i could not agree w/ e-pill and JazX on this one. (sorry, realize not the point of your thread). e-pill- could you give me the name of that palce w/ the s.steel bands?? it is exactly what we want! :)
- madirish0
sorry for the additional here, but we will never buy any diamond that is not certified beyond a reasonable doubt that it is BloodFree. jazX- i bet you have seen reprocussions of the trade closer than many of us.
- e-pill0
here is the link to the designer of the rings.
http://www.teno.de/teno/english/…Sources of supply in USA
Las Vegas, Nevada 89118
Universal Watch Co. Inc.:
5016 Schuster Street, Las Vegas, Nevada 89118
Telefon 0702 / 736 - 6006
WWW: http://www.teno.com
E-Mail:Soho, New York
TeNo Store, New York:
95 Spring Street, 10012 Soho, New York
Telefon 0212 / 431 - 5885
WWW: http://www.teno.com
- brundlefly0
it is what every girl wants, and you have the diamond certification there.
I know its old school, but she will not complain, trust me.
- e-pill0
you can get teno designs anywhere in the world and the prices were excellent!!!
stainless steel is a lot cheaper than gold or silver or platinum and just as pretty.
- Soler0
brundlefly's right
- madirish0
Tiffany is in NO way Blood Free certified and in fact, they have stanchly oppossed the idea to support such a thing.
That aside, IMO their designs are generic and non unique, but again, that is personal preference, not rule.
In the end, we do not want a diamond as it is but should the setting come up with one, it must be certificed as Blood Free as I do not want to contribute to that horrible practice.
- madirish0
e-pill you rule!! thanks a bunch man and i had definitly lost this link.
these look really interesting and stainless steel is so intriguing for sure.
- welded0
Niessing! James, that's the one I was looking for (probably your initial link I'm thinking of as well). Teno looks interesting, and they've got a local dealer to boot.
Let the saving begin...
Thanks a ton.
- Aliyah0
Tiffany is in NO way Blood Free certified and in fact, they have stanchly oppossed the idea to support such a thing.
That aside, IMO their designs are generic and non unique, but again, that is personal preference, not rule.
In the end, we do not want a diamond as it is but should the setting come up with one, it must be certificed as Blood Free as I do not want to contribute to that horrible practice.
(Dec 18 05, 12:13)I think you are confused Madrish.. I do belive this is the certification Brundle was talking about. http://www.tiffany.ca/expertise/… . And what is wrong with a little blood on your diamond. All it shows is that your man is willing to kill for you. And that is sexy ;)
- blaw0
the design of tension rings look great, but when i pointed them out to my wife she said, "that looks dangerous. i'd lose that stone in a week."
and that's the most important part of ring shopping... know the lady.