FBF !!??
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- blackspade
full browser flash...
(part 1, 2, 3)why the f#*ck cant i get this to work at ALL!! :(
ive spent all day on this, to the point where im ready to give up.
Here is where im at:
http://webdev1.otago.ac.nz/vid/..i have my background .flv, scalling perfectly how i wanted it.
But i want the other MC elements on the page (logo, text) to stay at the same size and flex with window resize.. which is what the above tutorial is supposed to teach! but it just is not happening for me.
if anyone can give me any pointers on this i would be hugely appreciative.
if you're unsure what im trying to get happening, this site and others do it well...
- PonyBoy0
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you mean something like this?
recale the window to see what the listener does..nothing special - but a little simple math. A few variables and a listener - done.
i can toss you the html and the fla if you think it would help.
- -kappa-0
Still going with this Chris? :)
The text at the bottom is getting cut off for me, i can only read Experiments in Sound and not what's below it.
Is your logo being scaled, it looks ok.
- -kappa-0
is this what you need?
- PonyBoy0
Enter response:
yeah... that moooook think is pretty much what I dumbed this file down to:
hope that helps.
- blackspade0
ponyboy, ill email ya, that would be great if u could chuck me that .fla mate. :)
kappa, yup still trucking, i thought i was making progress but stumped with this.
i have that link, and tried following it like 3times over, i dont get what im doing wrong, frustration set-in.
i have a feeling that maybe my .flv MC in the background is causing me problems (?)
i have a simple XML mp3 player that i want to reposition on re-size as well, but when i drop the player MC in my .fla, that screws things up even further.
argh flash is a bitch for noobs. haha, ill get there one day !
- blackspade0
thank you PB, if you are online for a bit ill let u know how i get on with that
- blackspade0
i just copied your exact AS, changed the logo_MC in your example, to my MC's.
& nothing!, nothings showing up at all on the stage, when i export and look in a browser ? :(
i noticed in your AS, you refer to 'logo_mc', but in the library the MC is called 'logo' which is confusing me a bit.
if i zip up my .fla, could you take a quick look for me ?? ;)
- Engage_London0
you need to link the movie clip I think... otherwise it doesn't get exported with the movie...
I had that problem the first time I tired doing it
- -kappa-0
Look at the flash on this page
It scales yet remain in proporiton, and has a left and right align.
- PonyBoy0
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you sure you labeled the instance correctly? (sorry... gotta ask)...
... it should work fine. :(
- PonyBoy0
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.... and... AND... are you using the html that I sent you?
use the object code and just change the name of your main swf and whatever other parameters you see fit.
- blackspade0
i think so ?
heres my .zip...
http://www.blackspade.co.nz/NT/b…the 2 MC's i want to align are
- exptext_mc
- logostrip_mcand i wanted my background .flv to fill the browser window, no matter what size it is re-sized to. ..Which its stopped doing when i pasted your AS in.
- blackspade0
im off to schleeep.
if anyone has a sec and can take a look at my .fla ^ to see if there is anything glaringly obvious im doing wrong id be stoked,
- blackspade0
1 & only bump, ..promise.
- PonyBoy0
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spade... you rockin' an IM of some sort?
i'm abizzyman on just about everything - hit me up on aim and I'll see if I can help out more.
- blackspade0
bro, sweet
iChat, MSN, Yahoo? which are u on at the mo