Being Poor by John Scalzi

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  • 95 Responses
  • Rand0
  • shaft0

    Luck, spl33nidoru? Yes, but it plays just a tiny part. Luck likes to be helped. You have to be prepared for the moment of luck. Apparently, you were. I have seen plenty of ppl in the business complain about lack of it.
    'What's your portfolio url?'
    I asked.
    'Oh, it's almost finished'.
    It's like complaining about not winning the lottery not even having bought a ticket.

    Of course there is poverty in the US and a lot of people are not in a position one could envy. But unlike people in Brazil whom unfit mentioned, they have plenty of ways out. They have a right to stay in the US - aren't they lucky mofos? Millions dream of having the right to stay there.
    Not every city in the US has the same opportunity? They have roads and trains there and can move their asses instead of waiting for the opportunity to come.
    As for Dublin, I've been living in Ireland for 4 weeks today. I moved my ass here in search of opportunity. And what a surprise - I am finding luck so far.
    I am empathic with those with no opportunity. I just don't believe US citizens fit into this category.

  • unfittoprint0

    ruralstudio [ ],a bureau designed to create shelters and homes for those in need, described some of the level of poverty in the southern states being of the same kind you would find in some African countries.

    that became selfevident in the last week.


    how much money do you need to stop being poor?

    in a ultracapitalist society as the US there is a minimum amount required for one to have a figthing chance.

    Empowerment is a beatiful word. But an impossible one for those who have to decide between education or food

    [considering the later is available].

    I believe in our system: social commitments to give anyone a fighting chance.

    equal oportunities.

  • version30

    being poor is blaming others for your problems

    being poor is thinking that every handout isn't enough

    being poor is a choice

    being poor is a lack of effort

  • GreedoLives0

    being poor is not a fucking choice.

  • version30

    the fuck it isn't

    jobs are available for people who want to work

    so often peoples own pride holds them down

    that is a choice

  • GreedoLives0

    what about the people working three jobs who are just a broken bone or illness away from being homeless?
    just because you want to work doesn't mean you won't be poor. how far are you gonna go on an 8th grade education with no skills?
    it's easy for educated white people to pass judgement on everyone else.

  • Rand0


  • version30

    im educated and white so i don't deserve an opinion?

    the system is there to use/abuse

    if you work 3 jobs and are still a broken bone or illness away from homelessness... YOU ARE MAKING BAD CHOICES!

    throwing fits and preaching won't do anyone any good

    so you have an 8th grade education... well quit one of your 3 shitty jobs that you CHOSE to have make a DECISION to put yourself in nightschool and better yourself

    the thing about being poor is there is only one way to go... up.

    just because its hard to do doesn't mean its not possible

    being poor is a choice

  • Goozebump0

    shut up version 3. there is more ppl than jobs. if u get payed minimum wage, and msot of ure money is being spent on rent, and food u tell me ppl should all jsut be happy with that. working 8 hours a day plus ovedrtime jsut to get by. not all ppl can magically come up with an idea to get ppl to invest to. when living paycheck to paycheck it is incrdibly hard to spout ure mouth about captialism blah blah blah. u should know in order to make money u need money. u must remember nobody got in "reparations" for slavery jsut got sent out with the shrts on their backs. thats a fair start. plus the raqcsim of the past 200 years and dont tell me its not. when the gov. has to make EQUAL OPPORTUNITY laws its for a reason. fuck you becuase i have experienced more racism than im sure ure white ass has to deal with. ive had cops called on me for standing outside a store undedre the roof becuase it was pouring rain. shit like that is embeded in america ist jsut hat u ppl are to scared to talk about it so u just say oh it jsut their fault. im sure u did'nt blame the 9/11 victims, becuase they should'nt have been there. ive been to schools in poor parts of phily and rich schools in DC and VA. BEthesda Chevy CHase Highschool, and langley high scvhool. there is a big fucking difference in environment, teaching, and learning. when u see 15 yr old kids driving fucking bmw x5s and shit like that then u talk. oh did u think paris hilton is not lazyt? the bitcfh never had a job yet the ones who work hardest, poor ppl on minimum wage, are bitched at.

  • version30

    i won't shut up just because i upset a few. The numbers behind migrant workiers coming in from mexico alone prove that there is work in america for those that want to do it. they wouldn't flood our borders and and work here if the jobs weren't available

    being poor isn't not being rich

    there are several layers in between

    i honestly don't care about the racism you are trying to bring into this, because race isn't apart of the poor/rich diversity.

    there are plenty of rich blacks and even more poor white

    If you want reparations why don't you go back to africa and collect from the tribesman who sold thier people?

    that shit isn't my fault.

    and this is what i'm talking about. Bitching instead of acting, so many people wanting so few doing anything about it

    i think the african american race has more than to itself that it is possible to become educated and respected in this country

    any inability to strive for what has done before them is choice

  • unfittoprint0


    that being poor

    is not the same thing

    as having an iPod mini.

  • Goozebump0

    race isn't apart of the poor/rich diversity

    do u believe ureself when u say that? u want to call all those black ppl in NO lazy? stop hiding from the fact that this country has racial tension. u gonna alow ure daughter to date a black guy?

    plenty of rich blacks.

    ure kidding me.

    If you want reparations why don't you go back to africa and collect from the tribesman who sold thier people?

    there u go blaming other ppl again instead of delegating your own ability. did not germany and america give money to the jews becuase of the holocaust?

    oh but im sure the blacks in america were born in america so that point of going to africa and never been to africa that point is mute. i bet u belive slavery never happened that the slave owners were just "giving the lazy nigs jobs and a place to sleep."

  • Rand0

    If someone as simplistic and ignorant as V3 can earn a living, maybe there is hope for everyone

  • version30

    you're right it's my fault, do you want me to pay your bills too?

    that way you won't be poor?

    you do realize that the money that is/has been in power for centuries is still in the same circle it's been in right?

    it's not like my being white gives me special access to the superwealth of the country

    i'm on a level much closer to you than i think you believe

    i never called anyone lazy, if you take it like that its obvious you have more racial tension than I.

    I've dated black girls and if he is respectful of me and my daughter i wouldn't mind, BUT, if he acts anything like those we are hearing about in NOLA, that motherfucker can fuck off

    that's not race, it's safety

    and can you please explain why i should worry about problems that i did not cause ie your slavery issue

    slaves were sold by tribe leaders to american "slave owners" african were the first slave traders

    being poor is bitching instead of doing

  • c_valencia0

    " I've dated black girls"

    (Sep 4 05, 12:38)


  • PonyBoy0

    being poor is bitching instead of doing

    (Sep 4 05, 12:38)

    Enter response:

    wooooooOOt! Sorry - but I gotta agree with that a bit.

    - yes being poor blows.

    What I read about being poor in the first post of this thread reminds me of when I was growing up.

    I shared a small room with my 3 brothers (2 sets of bunkbeds)... I had to work to eat all through school - basically I did dishes, handed out food, made sure the kitchen was stocked - that kind of shit... while the rest of the kids on the other side watched me and about 5 other folks doing the same thing... so we could eat. (this is only part of the things I CHOSE to do as a kid to eat and make money)..

    ... but! BUT! since that 'down on our luck' 16+ years of growing up - shit has changed for everyone in my family.

    I own my own lil business - make plenty of cash (because I get out there and make sure people know me - know what I can do etc - aka - work.)

    My dad is since retired - and is a millionaire a couple times over. My mom owns a ranch in california - my brothers are all working blah blah blah...

    ... all I'm saying is that you don't have to be poor in America if you don't want to... but you do need to know how to not be poor - aka - have a marketable skill... be able to take care of yourself etc.

    UNDERSTAND THAT SHIT HAPPENDS - this is why my parents lost everything when I was a kid - 'shit happened'. Bank took our house - everything shitty you can imagine happened without a natural disaster to blame.

    That all comes with education and patience - both of which require discipline. And that is where I think America is failing - lack of education & self discipline.

    Lack of discipline, always expecting hand-outs because we're 'in' America has to stop.

    People rely on poverty systems to maintain their lives - poverty systems that are weak at that. People need education on self preservation in this country. They need to stop looking to people for handouts - and instead learn how live w/out poverty system - which is so easily doable in this country.

    'Knowing how' is the most valuable 'hand-out' anyone can receive. I think if America focuses on educating these people - alot of the poverty systems would be eliminated (of course you can't eliminate stupidity).

  • Goozebump0

    why are you trying to coverf up the fact that it was not till the fucking 60's blacks were kept out of white own businesses and decided who was good enough to shop there or not. who the fuck made all the money prodominetly white ppl. b4 and at that time becuase they blatanly stifled any true progress for black citizens. im not a racist im saying its afucking fact, telling your self its not is blind stupidtity. Those same men in congress right the fuck now have been there for some, 20-30 yr. years. remember these are fucking politicans. back in the day they were governors, highly rich and influential people most toting the race card. they are'nt going to fucking change poof jsut becuase civil rights act was passed. there is known members of kkk in congress as we speak. jsut becuase the national mood changed all of a sudden u think they would jsut be fucking impartial to any group of people? u are so stupid and raced up thast u dont see it.

    in captialism there will always be people at the bottom. the top cannot see down and the down cant see up.

    i guess u cant understand it from a black persons eyes. its all perspective on a person. just like americans dont really care the iraqi civilians deaths more than americans own.

  • Goozebump0


  • JazX0

    I am empathic with those with no opportunity. I just don't believe US citizens fit into this category.
    (Sep 4 05, 10:49)

    agreed 110%, they have all the opportunities in the world. If you don't want to take advantage of those opps, that's your problem.

    You'll get no sympathy from me. Bust your @ss in school, educate yourself as much as possible and make due.