Stupid question but...
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- Ginja
First time I've tried to burn a CDR on my Mac Mini, now what program do you use and where is it?
All I want to do is burn a PDF to CD.
Any clues.
All p*ss taking is welcomed.
- ********0
put the cd into the drive.
it should recognize it's a blank cd.
it will ask you to name the cd.
name it. (or not)
then double click on the cd icon on your desktop.
it will open it like a folder.
drag the pdf into(onto) it.
a red 'record' or like a nuclear biohazard lookin yellow icon should appear.
click it.
cd will burn.
see if you can masturbate before it's finished.
- Ginja0
No icon on the desktop, how can i get to the drive from Finder.
I'm still used to my PC unfortunatly.
- ********0
just put the cd into the drive and it should show up on your desktop. it will look like a cd.
double click on the cd icon when it does.
- tkmeister0
if not showing up, eject and try to put in again.
sometimes, my pb is slow recognizing cd is in.
- PonyBoy0
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bah... skip it and go right to the masturbation.
- stem0
Is the CD in upside down?
(sorry, but I'm trying to account for every eventuality!!!)
- PonyBoy0
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take your cup out of the CD tray.
*puts hands on hips, rolls eyes
- chossy0
if no cd icon then it is damaged either disc or computer.
- Ginja0
Ok, I was goign to eject and try again, but theres no eject button which is why I need to find the drive and "right click" to eject.
- PonyBoy0
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oh shit... not using a mac keyboard?
- chossy0
top right hand button on your keyboard ejects, if not look for a small hole in your slot and get a paper clip in there and 'wiggle it just a little bit' then the cd will be ejected,
*a very small hole like a pin hole.
- Ginja0
I'm on a Mac Mini, with a Mac Keyboard and a Mac Mouse.
All I wanna to is eject the disc and start again.
- stem0
Do what chossy says - works every-time!
- PonyBoy0
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Gingja - look for an eject symbol on your keyboard...
... extend a finger (or two)... and depress the key w/a swift motion - making sure you use enough for to press the key fully, w/out damaging the keyboard of course.
- Ginja0
What a usful button. Worked.
Disc back in.
Some DISK UNTILITY window has appeared that wants to burn an image????
- stem0
Sounds like the CD is fucked - pick another!
- PonyBoy0
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i think we're all more frustrated than you now, Ginja.
- stem0
- Ginja0
I think the Disk Utility program came up straight away because thats what i told it todo the first time, thinking it would allow me to burn 1 file...... but oh no, things have to be difficult.
Why are things never simple.
- stem0
Will an infinite number of monkeys at typewriters really be guaranteed to reprodce the works of shakespeare?
Present evidence proves inconclusive!