Hillary Clinton - 100 years old

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  • Corvo0

    Ok my most honest op then as a foreigner: I'd rather be run by an ageing beautiful woman than a man who copies Luther King's speeches. Sounds windy, clever and asset-gathering. Only dropback for Hillary - the way her husband hangs around like a paternizing prick (implicit meaning: I was wronged and I will get back at you) and that leaves you wondering about that woman's real strenght. The thing is Hillary sounds too much like a Clinton's revenge, and that is not good for her. That means McCain has much better changes, not just because he got his arse kicked at Vietnam (which is still a question) but mostly because both of any his future opponents look like the starry "NEW" vectors bubble in a sneakers campaing. McCain looks much more real than his opponents.

    • have you invented all of this delusion on your own or did someone help you?mrdobolina
    • It's all my invention. Direct all your anger, questions or doubts to myself.Corvo
    • seems like you are talking about a tv show, is my point.mrdobolina
    • maybe, dobs. I do get my info from tv (which is biased? i dunno), but i also follow NYT and some indy blogs.Corvo
    • I'm not there obviously. But we all get screwed info most of the time. That is my point. what should people judge upon?Corvo
    • what exactly has obama copied from MLK?mrdobolina
    • Actually, his speeches do remind me of MLK's speeches. I don't know if there are many similarities, but some connectionJaline
    • connection seems to be there. Not just because of race, obviously.Jaline
    • "copied" is a helluva big charge to throw around though...mrdobolina
    • what has he copied?! well start with the pitch. That opera tone wouldn't come naturally out of a skinny man such as him.Corvo
    • not to mention how he repeats the endorsement. Look, I appreciate that man too but don't tell me you don't get...Corvo
    • ... how much of his speech is rehearsed. It's pretty clear. Good, enticing, but staged.Corvo
    • name one politician who doesnt rehearse speeches and maybe I would take this seriously.mrdobolina
    • who is bill clinton trying to revenge against?ephix
  • Llyod0

    I like the idea of ol billy boy being an adviser to the white house. first they'd have to pry his dick out of some hootchie mama

    • that is so random, that even I notice itCorvo
  • ukit0

    Corvo - interesting, here in America most people like Bill (until recently at least), more than Hillary.

    I really feel that either Hillary or Obama will be good presidents. The president is not a dictator, a lot of it has to do with the people you have surrounding you, and on that count, they both have a lot of good, talented left-of-center people working for them. Also, the Democrats will almost certainly win large majorities in Congress next fall, which will make a huge difference.

    But, on principle, I'd lean against having the same family in the White House AGAIN, out of all the millions of people in this country who could be president. Also, Obama is much better on foreign policy, where Hillary is more hawkish, and especially on government transparency and technology issues. Also he's in favor of net neutrality and Clinton is not.

    • Interesting points.Jaline
    • that is a good point. But Obama also said "retreat from Iraq in 6 months". That is wrong...Corvo
    • ... (we) US, UK, PT and Spain have responsibility there now. We agreed upon the war. We should clear the mess.Corvo
    • I didn't agree but my gov did.Corvo
  • Corvo0

    Ok - before getting this any further. I follow US elections mainly from the New York Times - and that's from I base my opinion. I know that in the States journals have this (admirable, unique) tradition of stating their ground from day one. Did NYT do it this time? I didn't notice.

    • "that's from". lol. give an ice-cream.Corvo
    • give=give me. ok my chances of respect are pretty ruined now.Corvo
    • hahahaJaline
    • grammar FAILgramme
    • :]Corvo

  • ukit0

    Stating their ground? What does that mean?

    • i mean that newspapers explicitly show their support for this or that candidate usually.Corvo
    • NYT endorsed Clinton, but there are pro- and anti-Clinton commenters on their editorial page.ukit
    • yes, I realise that. That's good, I wonder, for a dem pov. at least they're not fooling anyone. Personally I id with it.Corvo
    • that's why NYT is the best newspaper in the world (we have pretty good ones too, but no so good)Corvo
    • they are clear about their sympathies.Corvo
  • exador10

    speaking as another canuck that is completely fascinated with the ongoing opera of US politics...i would totally be voting Obama...
    more than mere marketing bunk, his message is pretty damn inspiring...
    ever sit around and listen to your folks talk about JFK? the feeling of change in the air...'we're going to the moon' ich bin ein berliner?...anyhow, my when my folks talk about the man, it was as if Jesus himself was walking the land and living in the whitehouse...

    what i'm saying is that i get this same feeling from Obama...

    the platform has a lot of great things in it...and even if he only gets to a fraction of them, it's still a bright bright moment in US history if this guy gets the nod ....
    kind of like waking up from a bad dream....the world would suddenly be looking at the US as 'golden land of opportunity' again.....rather than 'psychotic aggressor nation that enjoys bombing everyone'.....

    i for one would like that....it'd be nice to see something other than doom and gloom for a change...

    • I think i would've liked JFK. i recently saw a movie about the Cuban Missile Crisis and his fake self seemed fascinating.Jaline
    • do you know that JFK's catch-phrases were done by expert Hollywood copy-writers? You should.Corvo
    • That's what makes me sad. Everything is written by someone else.Jaline
    • there's a documentary running in our national TV about it.Corvo
  • freeskihp0


    if hillary goes on to win the presidential race she will get pretty far into her term when she is found to be having an affair with Monica Lewinsky

  • gramme0

    I wish we had better options than embittered wife, over-branded newbie, or ancient battle-axe.


  • Corvo0

    ^ ahah gramme, so what's wrong with the embittered wife? Pretty common. Others are seeing dragons.

  • Randd0

    was this already posted?


  • Randd0

    • No, and thank you for that. Nice.TheBlueOne
    • That is beau, but doesn't it feel too much prepared to you? the way they use media today isn't a hint on what they'll do after?Corvo
    • i think this is dangerous, because it's all ads. Can we have some real persons? In Europe we could use some.Corvo
  • Corvo0

    Someone here was really pissed and asking "why do we in Europe have to care about US elections? They don't care about us!" Really interesting question - and most true. I'm not sure if I can answer that (i didn't), but... the fact is... they are really interesting, if you like politics. Which I do a bit.

    So, whatever happens vote well you fuckin morans!