Debit Card Cloning
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- 34 Responses
- honest
I found out today that some dickweed has emptied out my bank account with a cloned card. I lost a lot of money. I am not in a good in a mood as the outcome of whether I can claim the cash back is in the air at the moment. I am sad, have no money and am eating crap for lunch.
- ********0
sucks, lots of this goes on all over the world, bigtime here.
- DiscoKid0
That happened to me last weekend. I had to have a 'fraud interview' with my bank and now I need to visit the police. And I can't get any cash out as card has been stopped. pants.
- snuggles0
Dude, that's terrible, it makes me sick to know people can live with themselves after doing this sort of thing all the time...
Hope it works out and you can get your ducats back..
- paddywop0
And me, a few weeks ago in london.
I hope your're not with HSBC, i'm having stress trying to get my money back from them.
- 67nj0
i'm sorry dude...
if something like that would happen to me i''d call it a quit and move onto the streets... did you use a MasterCard and purchase a lot online...?
- ********0
its despicable
- stem0
honest & DiscoKid, sorry to hear that. Bastards!
(sorry for swearing QBN - but I think it's deserved)
- arinya0
woah! how are they doing that and where? I'm in the states and they still resort to guns and video taping you put ur number into ATM machines.
- ********0
i close my visa card every 2 or 3 months and open up a new one, my bank told me to do it that way if i shop a lot on the internet and it doesn't cost me anything.
i recommend people start doing the same thing, i avoided being among one of the 40 million stolen card numbers that way
- save0
My girlfriend is with HSBC and it happened to her last year, they were fantastic and reimbursed her with her money really quickly.
She paid for some petrol on her card and the person working there made a note of her details and spent all her money. Proper chav with no brains. They spent thousands at Argos and got it delivered to their home address...duh!!!
- ********0
I don't even want to go into the sh*t some of my old friends are into. Fraud and forgery at the highest levels. Terrible!
- honest0
If I could only find out who did it. I have a lot of bad thoughts in my head of what and how best to do unto them my brand of justice. I'd make Marv from Sin City look quite tame in that respect.
- ********0
I am sad, have no money and am eating crap for lunch.
(Jun 30 05, 07:10)You eat crap for lunch????
Sorry, reminded me of happy Gilmore.
The bank should cover it. Unless they are total cunts. Happens a lot in London, I've heard of about 6 cases in the last 2 months or so.
- canuck0
That's ass man. Last year I over heard my roommates friends talking about stealing peoples credit cards/numbers. These people have no morals. They are dirt.
I hate people sometimes.
- honest0
I haven't told the wife yet and hope that she wasn't into me for my money for I now have none :'(
- arinya0
- moveinspace0
listen to designerror I do the same thing.....That sucks for the lot of you and I hope you get some cash back
- save0
it will all back fire on them eventually....
- arinya0
so you get a new account number and card sent to you everyone month? hhmmmm... I only use my bank card to buy stuff on the net. sounds like a good idea. wonder what my bank would say if i told them I wantedt to do that.
- ********0
it will all back fire on them eventually....
(Jun 30 05, 07:29)yep, it always does save, in fact that goes for anything bad you ever do. Don't wonder why bad sh*t doesn't happen to you, it's because you did something to deserve it, not in this case but generally speaking