Fat Bastard League
- Started
- Last post
- 9 Responses
- Ginja
At work we are going to do a FBL, who can loose the most weight in a month.
But some guys are massive and some are "normal". How can we make this a fair comp?
Any ideas?
- spendogg0
Do a body fat %
- gruntt0
set up weight classes/categories.
name the categories something like Stinker, Stanker, Stunker.
- Ginja0
I thought there might be a site that would work out something based on some other shit, ya know.
- swollenelbow0
yeah, percentage.
- vespa0
Body Mass Index
- Ginja0
Now its been said twice I understand. *Launches Excel*
- jamble0
I thought everyone but me was a skinny ass indie kid designer with a wacky mullet. Is that not true?
- Point50
Don't do BMI. That's crazy inaccurate. At 5'11"/235lbs., the BMI declares me as obese, yet I'm only at around 8% biodyfat. To be fair and accurate, you guys will need to go get body fat tests done before and after. It think they have some leaser technique now that is pretty accurate; calipers have a higher margin of inaccuracy.
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