Search Engine Ranking

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  • lhd

    A company who we are working for is interested in Search Engine Website Ranking. We had an offer from a company who wants us to pay $675us / month for 251 first page listings on all the major s.engines. Does this sound outragious to anyone? Can anyone suggest other options?

    Thanks everyone

  • Mimio0

    That's outragious..and that's a bullshit guarantee.

  • blaw0

    it doesn't sound outrageous. when working with a search engine optimization company i've heard that you should have a budget of $4,000 - sky's the limit.

    go here:
    ...see what you can do for free. then find out from your client how vital first page listings are to the success of their company.

  • lhd0

    Thats the same impression that I had too. The horrible thing is that I think they signed a contract for it.

    So I'm here to find out options anyways... yeah.. strange isn't it?

    any good solutions for s.engine ranking?

  • mg330

    It's stupid because if you have half a brain you can learn how to do it on your own. You need to be a bit web saavy but it's not impossible.

    It's also dumb to focus on anything but Google, Yahoo, AltaVista, MSN, and maybe two more.
    No one uses Ask Jeeves, or all those other sites.

    I'm not bragging but SEO is one of my areas of expertise. I was able to take our law firm's rankings from obscurity to very good rankings for the things people search for to find legal services. I turned some heards here because no one knew I knew this stuff.

    If you want some tips I'd be glad to share some.

  • blaw0

    mg33: i'd be interested in hearing those tips.

  • instantok0

    in reading google's advice for how to get a site higher in rankings they say that most of those companies are scammers and never to use them...besides, the only thing google looks for is content on your page, so unless they are copywriters i don't see how they will help you

  • mg330

    One of the most important things you can do is have good title tags.

    Ex: Our law firm's site used to have nothing but the firm name in the title tags. No city, state, location, etc.

    One of the first things SE's look at are the page title tags.
    Say you live in Chicago, and you need a firm to handle estate planning matters for yourself. You're not going to search using a firm's name, because you don't know any...

    Instead, you're going to use one of the following in most cases:
    Chicago, IL wealth transfer law firm
    Chicago, IL estate planning lawyer
    Chicago estate planning law
    Chicago Illinois law firm estate planning.

    When I changed all our page titles, I changed all of them to list the cities are offices are in, the words "law firm," and the firm name at the end.

    Specific service group pages had additional words - corporate law, real estate law, etc. The same thing for articles pages, press releases, etc.
    It seems obvious that you would give different sections of a site titles that relate to them, right?

    The thing that Google and Yahoo look at the most for searching page titles are groupings of words. I tested several variations over a couple months to find what worked best.

    When you search for "Chicago Illinois law firm" and the page title is "Chicago law firm" it's results are going to be lower. But if it says "Chicago Illinois law firm," it is going to rank higher because the SE will find exactly that amongst other variations.

    You may think that meta tags don't matter as much as they used to. The main thing is having good description tags. I don't know that keywords matter all that much anymore, but it doesn't hurt to have them there and have them perfect.

    Check out this site:…
    Enter your url and see what results you get.
    Also, this has several services I use to test things out:…

    Take a look at those and you'll learn quite a bit.

  • uberdesigner0

    not many places have google's newest algorithms beat yet

  • mg330

    I made a list with links to Google of all the relevant keywords people would search legal services with. I check it about every two weeks and it's surprising to see how rankings change sometimes.

    Even more interesting is wondering if other sites change their info because they've seen what someone else has done to achieve higher rankings.

    In any event, it's nice to be doing it in-house and have the luxery of changing things quickly without going to a consultant.

  • BobRains0

    If they are in a competitive landscape no way you will do it for that little $
    Here’s a tip, and it's a big one...
    Links Links and more links...
    Good user experience, if the content is good and your keyword density is strong, it will help a lot.
    Title tag is the only tag that really matters. If you could do it for $675 why do most companies spend more than that on ad words every day?