Dope Beat
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- 9 Responses
- jeedoubleu
I've put in a personal request for the name of this track but nothing yet.
Does anyone recognize this beat:
- ********0
wow, really mixed emotions on this site.
some of the hand drawn stuff is really well done and nice... but other than that it looks as though they tried to hit every single trend we've seen over the past few years.... pretty lame.
they shoulda kept it simple, stupid.
- ********0
[sorry for off-topic reply jeedub]
- jeedoubleu0
I think this site was done like 2-3 years ago. At the time that shit was hot, now it has out grown itself, but I could care less.
I just want to know if anyone has heard that beat before?
- swollenelbow0
sounds like it's custom to me...
- sureshot0
that is one coolio beat.
- hello_dolly0
[sorry for off-topic reply jeedub]
(Mar 2 05, 12:54)yip yip, you little ankle biter
- GreedoLives0
does sound custom...
- blackspade0
def custom beat.
it really sounds kinda basic to me!,
easy as fuck to make in Reason/logic
- jeedoubleu0
It's proably is custom. I just want to use it as a ring tone (crying) mommy I want it... why can't I have it!