illustrator question
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- 10 Responses
- Kiko
how do move a gradient, foer ef in illustrator if I use a radial gradient it always starts from the middle and goes out what if I want to create a sphere effect, I want the gradient to go from the top right, anyone catch my drift?
- GeorgiePorgie0
there are locations options for that
- Kiko0
yeah but those just let dou decide the spread of the gradient not the positions, or am I missing something
- gruntt0
the positioning of a radial gradient is determined by where you first click (and then drag) using the gradient tool.
maybe i'm missing the question.
- Kiko0
its justy like photoshop
damn. I been using the program for 3 years now and I never found that out. I always been diong it the long way gausin blurs on white circles ect
. thanx
- monNom0
gradient tool
- Kiko0
we got that far
- warheros0
i was gonna say it's just like photoshop, d00d, but someone beat me.
- Dancer0
Or... Do your gradient and then mask the area you need with a circle.
Just thought I'd get me say in ;)
- Kiko0
yep thats what I would have done before I got enlightened my my old chap here.
- awrench0
on the toolbar theres a symbol thats a box with a gradient on click that then use it on the shape by clickin where u want and draging to a diffrent possition...think thats right anyway...