OBL Europe Truce?? wtf

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  • spaniard0

    bush and the crew will have to start talking some sense soon, people are getting sick of their deluded hypocrisy - no wonder osama makes sense next to them. What happened in spain was a major event, aznar was trying to ride roughshod over the voters in a stetson hat and people weren't having any of it - so he's out. remains to be seen if zapetero will pull the troops out...

  • xaoscontrol0

    You know, the more we read into news like this, the more we start creating fantasies in our heads.

    A tape surfaced....appearently it's genuine...he proposed a threat or peace to the EU. He didn't offer or include the US or any of it's non-euro allies in that threat/offer. There's nothing more to it than that.

    Things are F'ed up for sure but the US is in a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situtation.

    US stays= more people will die . (US troops, contractors)

    US leaves= more people will die (civillians)

    The US won't come out of this thing all shiny and unscathed.