dating sites?

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  • zenfulbeauty0

    Oh boy...this is a bad one for me. I'm 31 and used to live in L.A. Hope I'm not amongst the messed up chicks...although I always found the more messed up the girl was in L.A, the more likely she was to have a bf. I happen to be single, but don't think its because of there being anything 'wrong' with me...rather life circumstances, moving and such. Also, the internet IS a viable option for some people. I recommend and

  • fatoe0

    i feel that these dating site s eliminate that ackward small talk at first. you get to engage yourself openly by writting someone whom you really want to get to know.

    i mean everyone on these is looking to hook can you not score.

    a buddy of mine actually 3 found their future wives...and they're actually HOT!

  • tavin0

    ha!..yea im in LA myself...and in a way thats what im looking for is an artist type! cute girl! but..shit who isnt?? ill give some of these sites a shot...i hear alot of happy its worth a look! ill also keep hitting girls and see what happens!

  • auricom0

    i'm not really big on the thought of dating or meeting sites, but in my situation, i'm sort of considering it. the only person i know here is my ex so it's not the easiest. i'd like to go out but i sure as fuck don't want to be the dipshit, lonely guy at the bar or club. meeting girls just seems too damn hard, but chillen by myself everyday and night is taking it's toll, ah fuckbeans!!!

  • taragee0

    man shellie that is harsh! but i dunno liek down south if youre not married before youre 24 you can forget it... if u get
    married up here before your 30 you're damn near guaranteed a divorce - i just think back if i married the guy i was dating
    at 24... ugh!

  • BXCAR0

    People, its all bollocks!
    What's better than walk up to somebody and talk talk talk.
    I mean what the fuck you had a drink or two?! Its great for the ppl for who it works for but the chances are as little as meeting someone in real(!) life.
    I feel sad when i have a look at or others when i see all these ppl looking out for their Prince/Princess. You'd better realise you're single for a reason.
    I'm single myself and happy halftime for a matter of fact.
    Good luck.

  • AssassinAve0

    My experience dating has been on both sides of the pond. I had two girlfriends and some other stuff while I was studying in Germany for a year.

    You don't even have to be British, just English speaking and thats one ticket in. (in response to using british accents)

    I doubled my output 5x over that what I had in the U.S.

    Euro girls are cool in a very chill way. I mean i didn't date psychos and there probably are some, but they seem more oriented than American girls.

    The Polish girls you got to watch out for. Gorgeous on the inside and out. They got brains with those busts.

    I found that with my time in Europe, many saw past my faults and read more into my likeable qualities. They want to know the inside also. I have seen so many f'ed up relationships in America based on vanity and corny stuff, that I love meeting foreign girls, even in America.

    For all the Americans or non-Euros. Go for the Europeans, theyz good.

    As for the dating sites and stuff, I haven't had good luck, but i always have fun looking. If you want some funny shit, call one of the telephone meeting places, livelinks or something and listen in on that. Some genuine people, but most of them are fucked up and its hilarious.

  • mbr0

    I've had some pretty good luck on dating sites. I know of several people that met their signficant other online, as well.

    If you care about more than just beer goggle infatuation, then it's nice to learn a little about someone before you ask them on a date. I care about someone's education, their priorities in life, hobbies, etc., all of which don't get discussed at a bar.

    And yeah, some of us 30 year old's are looking on those sites! And yeah, there are reasons we're still single - we haven't met the right one. There's many more reasons, obviously, but it seems ridiculous to mention more.

    It's all about increasing your odds. Simple as that.