dating sites?

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  • 48 Responses
  • cruz_azul0

    someone asked this a while back too, and i add all the time cus of the cool flash video thing...yea thats why...i dont use it or anything....umm look over there **ducks out

  • radiculture0
  • bomy_dick0

    i met two girls on the net
    first was a real nice gril from lyon.. for about 6 months.. she was delicious
    and my girl now, 3 years together
    so don't tell me dating sites don't work..
    u've got a problem.. not the people on these sites... i've met very nice and 'honest' girls.. sometimes it just doesnt work.. but as said before, bars and clubs are the places to lie .. so i guess it's everywhere the same..
    and i hate talking to girls in a club..that's not my game

  • unknown0

    Try the personals site through which is the same one available through

    I met my girlfriend through that one almost a year ago. It doesn't work for everyone, but for me, I found the best person I've ever known in my life.
    We both came across each other's profiles at about the same time, messaged each other, talked on the phone for a week or so, then met up where I working at part time job, then a date the next night, then she saw me perform the next night (guitar/singing) and ever since every day has been the best.

    If any advice for looking for someone on a site like this:
    Don't consider anyone without a picture, and even then be cautious. If someone won't post their picture, they likely don't find themselves attractive, or at the least they don't think a total stranger will.
    I know, I know, it's about personality...but face it, no one is out for someone who thinks they're ugly to the point they won't post a picture and their hopes are riding on winning you over with a text profile. That's just how it goes.

    I'm not trying to be too cliche or anything, but she and I constantly think about how great we have been for each other, and it's a very frequent thought of mine to think, "What if I hadn't given it a chance? What if I hadn't posted a profile on there?"
    Because looking back on everything so far with us, it's kind of amazing to think that the potential for all that to exist rested completely on taking that chance in meeting someone that way.
    True, the same could be said for simply introducing yourself in person to someone who caught your eye. But it's a great way to meet people in that you can really get to know them before ever seeing them in person. The first time we went out, nothing was odd, nothing was uncomfortable, except for that we were in a restaraunt with no one but us... :D

  • bomy_dick0

    .. and i'm closed to meet this ukrainian sex bomb !


    she'll do anything for m..y

  • jox0

    I'll help you out with something appropriate to say when you're approaching this lovely bunch of ladies.

    "G'devening ladies... whew, you sure look inspiring tonight *points at tits* Sooo... i was thinking... maybe you could flash 'em? I'll let the snake out"

  • bomy_dick0


    or the Austin Powers strike :

    :' Ouuuuuhhhh Baby, watch your language !"

  • shellie0

    its a lot different for guys to be 30 something and single than a girl to be 3 something and single.

    all the women i know that arent in a serious relationship at that age are.. well.. single for a reason.. cos no one wants to be with their crazy ass.. or theyre still trying to be 21 and its not workin.

    if the guy feels ugly or defeated.. wouldnt that translate over when he meets someone in real life? you have to ask yourself.. why are you using a dating site?

    my oldest sister used dating sites a lot.. but thats because she was busy as hell to go out.. which usually ment she was busy as hell to hang out in person too.. so it never really worked out.

  • jox0

    another thing... if it's running late and you still haven't found a foxy lady when it's passed 3 am.

    (just 2 point girls left, but still)

    Do the british accent. man, that always works. just don't forget about it in the morning... i've been chased several times when they found out i was a swede. but it was worth the sacrifice.

    oh yeah... i could record some british moaning for you, the mic's right here.

    see!! and people say im not nice?

  • shellie0

    HAHAHA OMG jox that was the funniest.

  • bomy_dick0

    sorry but i have to disagre with you completely

    do 'we' really have to have a reason to 'use ' dating sites ?
    sorry, no
    feeling ugly or defeated has nothing to see with your dating method
    i've been out with 30 y.o women wwhen i was 25 and i never had a problem or a thought about the age.. that must be specific to your counbtry where apparently dating rules are very strict..

    i play around and talk to people. and it happened i met some girls.. i never paid or spent long nights looking for a partner
    it's just another toy from this mad century. like sms on a mobile phone
    u want to get in touch with someone.. but maybe not se the person..
    i don't know.. it's different, don't try to stick to the old saying : 30 y.o singles, and feeling defeated.. and this and that..
    that's over.. u talk like a 50 y.o bitter single !
    u should go out shellie !
    or, maybe date someone from a real site
    no offense shell', i do like you. i've read tons of your messages.. but i guess we live in very different countries

  • bomy_dick0

    ahahahahhahah Jox : YOUR RULE

    come down here mate and lets have a nice night out chasing female hot daters

  • jox0

    i was in the south of france pretty much all July, but I couldn't find anyone that understood english! : /

  • bomy_dick0

    have a good nite everyone..

    fuck it's 1 am already

  • bomy_dick0

    i'll help you nex ttime Jox.. u'll see plenty of mouthful lots à gogo frenhc raunchy girls whispering naughty words at you

    french girls have sex on the first night.. u jus t have to be a bit fun and spare them all the usual crap : freench eat frogs, french never wash, french don't speak english...

    then u'll score, my best mate came for 3 weeks from Brighton he had 2 of my friends (lovely 25 y.o frenchies) and a drunk english traveller he shagged on my *balcony one night.
    that was disgusting !
    anyway :)

  • 4cY0

    real life is still better imho..

    altho i got rejected again, well i think, madly in love, can't help it.. bah! :'(

    anyway, i made great friends via the internet.. but for love.. hmm, i still believe in the real-life encounter.. so much more magical.

    god i am an emotional romantic, eh?

    must be cuz i am Cancer, born on July 11th... hehe, or so I was told.

    anyway, goodnight folks!

  • shellie0

    i suppose everyone's situation is different. i live in LA where most pretty non crazy girls get snatched up young.. and the rest are left to rot because they have some problem or another... but there are always always acceptions to the rule. i think the dating pool for that age group trying to find someone who hasnt been married or has kids and is completely normal is a lot smaller. but thats the vibe i get in LA.

    i would be afraid, because theres so many places to go and things to do here.. to try and find a serious mate online in this city. it would seem to me like theyre hiding something.

    but when youre dealing with artists.. i think the rules change a bit from the norm.

    it seems like it would be kinda hard to find another artist on a "dating site"

    but it seems liek there are a lot of online places to go to meet people that arent such a ... uhmm. meat market.. you know?

  • jox0

    i forgot to mention that the french never wash! man i was out one morning buying breakfast, and this old lady in front of me smelled so effin horrible, seriously i bet she hadn't washed herself since new years. i totally lost my apetite. i told her she was a smelly beyotch in english but she just smiled noddingly, totally unaware of what i just told her and said "un baguette s'il vous plait" to the clerk.

    Anyways, I was in "Menton", just by the Italian border. Ever been there, bomy?

  • bomy_dick0

    ok shellie, i understand your point better now..
    i know La.. i've lived there for about 6 months, from bloody east la , west hollywood, to venice, marina del ray..
    anyway, yes it's a complete different experience.. this city is huge.. it's nver ending in fact :=
    and the little i know about your 'dating' rules in cal. i can say it's so different from europe.. saying that each country in europe is soo different as well

    in LA i neve ever got to score or actually have a nice story with someone.. i went to San Diego and had so many girlfirends in 3 months i wanted to be on my own in mexico..
    so strange for a stranger !
    this age thing, this 'dates' system.. ok we fuck on third night.. ?? hmmm? here things are straight to the point.. very different
    and age is not a big thing
    lots of guys are single.. from 20 to 35.. and so many girls as well

  • bomy_dick0

    funny story

    i was in front of many old ladies acrooss the world that smell pretty bad

    menton.. it's nice. yes i have been there.. too small to live