i am going down

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    the job here is incredible. the equipment brings a joyful tear to my eye. top of the line EVERYTHING. these guys dont fuck around. my first day, they asked me to make a list of everything that i wanted. i nearly pissed myself. after making a short list, i saw that they had already given me everything on the list so all that was left was "a sketchbook". hahaha. the work is creative, laid back yet requiring long work hours. but i dont mind. i got nothing better to do, and i actually enjoy this kinda work.

    only downside: it'll be a month before my pay period catches up and i get my first check... so i am floating on my last 2 paychecks from my old job. that sucks... but i have lived on far less and been ok. =)

    julio. my offer is good. you can take me up on it at any time. haha.

    mrD, you rock.

    k0na, give em hell... who needs unburned bridges anyway ;)


  • k0na_an0k0

    the job was actually much like a florescent light... it just was draining the absolute life out of me. terrible. my life force was being sucked out like a cheap hooker on a saturday night that could suck the chrome off a trailer hitch. yes. it was that bad.

    got to work on some good stuff but otherwise it was the suckiest bunch of suck that has ever sucked.