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  • 89 Responses
  • PaulAmbrose0

    Hey Vern, since you admit you are a photographer and not a Designer, how come you get upset when designers tell you our viewpoints as designers?

    As a photographer you dont know the first thing about design as you admitted. So why not just listen rather than talk. :)

    Its like me walking in with a polaroid picture of my ass and telling you its the most breathtaking photo I've ever seen. I bet you would have some comments on it being a bad photograph. :)

  • vern0


    first of all i think any good designer can crit a photo.... it is a big part of photography and as designers we have to work with photography.

    second i am a designer and have been for many many years.... aside form that i am also a photographer and do video as well. would you like to know more about me???

    or do you just like changing the subject.

    trust me, i know more than you think about design.... but this was not my point. i didn't come here to talk about myself or my work, rather just say that i love the trendax site.

    again::: my point was for people to give constructive crit and not "this is tacky"

    WHAT PART OF THAT DON"T YOU UNDERSTAND??? and why do you have such a problem with it???

    why do you assume things of people you heve never met and KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ALSO??

    it is not kool.
    all is was hoping for is some good crit. so people can learn from eachother. BUT SINCE MOST PEOPLE HERE ARE SHIT TALKERS and can't back thier shit up.....

    it becomes frustrating.

    so please PAUL AGAIN, get off the shit talking.

    i have never said anything about your work, taken a cheap shot at you, or assumed anything aboutwho you are or who you work for etc.

    yet you have done all the above to me.....

    i think you should take an anger management class one of few things...

    peace man....

  • vern0

    also, i cannot believe how bitter the design community is. instead of feeding off one another... you guys sit there and gossip about designer you don't know for the most part and talk shit that you cannot support half the time. and this being about people that are being productive and that are making headlines in the community... no love , no love at all.

    i have total respect for all of you that have had good imput in this thread, some of you have stated you comments and given reasons for doing so..... others, such as PAUL, have followed up thier comments and reasons with a vendicitve attack and assumption of people he doesn't know and will never know for the most part.

    I AGREE it is very SAD that this HUGE thread was about nothing but hating and shit talking ( with a few constructive things said here and there). i wish it were a more positive experience.



  • WhosWeStudio0

    Hello designers. Wow. I recently received a few emails in regards to this thread. After reading the 20 or so emails about the bashing going on, I actually decided to see what was going on in here... and all I can say is WOW. It seems as if so many of you think you know about Who's We and who the real CEO is. I'm sorry to disappoint you Mr. Ambrose, but the CEO of Who's We is not this Pancho character, it's Phree Betencourt. You can run a WhoIS on the domain and you will see that Paul Boes registered it, the Admin here. I happen to be the Creative Director. Since there is more negative than positive, I think I will step away. There is a good reason why we do not like to get involved in threads... it is quite evident here. You guys take care.

  • PaulAmbrose0

    I guess it was the wrong "Pancho Pimp"

    There was a "PanchoPimp" i in this thread associated with WhosWe…

    Time to control your employees then :)

    I never was hating. I gave my legitimate complaints. After that... it was simply the "Laugh at Vern" show.

    No hating. Simple criticism otherwise.


  • jamesk0

    vern: unless I can't read, I have yet to see you back up why you think is amazing other than "AMAZING WORK... bad ass!", which is no more different than saying it is "tacky"
    w/o any backing up.

  • vern0


    i think you are the only one being laugh at here...

    take care man... i made my point.


    i wish WHOSWE all the best.

    It is sad that you had to waste your time on saying anything and set people straight....

    that was very big of you.


  • vern0


    read my threads, i made sure to do that...

    peace man.

  • method_c0

    I like PanchoPimpXL!
    some good crit on wich I agree.

    But I have to say, i think trendax is a bit "tacky" too, but I still like it, not very original but it's a clean site and technically it perfect. The HTML version is indeed very clean too, i think the custumors of "the money making machine" will be satisfied. But u might want to consider changing that name trendax ;)

    nice site.
    but nothing more than that.
    it's no WOW-site. is.