Recent warthreat

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  • crazypenis

    What do you boys & grrrrlz think about this...
    Does it affect you or not at all?!

  • surfito0

    it does affect me.
    first because i live in new york, so we are a target.

    second, im confused, dont know if fighting will do any better to the world or if it will make it worth, i personaly think this war makes no sense.

    third, economy gets worst, harder to get work.

    fourth and most important.

    inocent people will die.

    fifth and one that affects in a positive way.
    i am the biggest fan of revolutionary, anti goverment, antiwar, comunist "in your face" type of design, ill get to design those posters, ill have a reason to complain.

    and another one that sucks, is that im moving back to my homeland, so the concequences of a bad economy are stronger in the rest of the world than here.

  • CyBrainX0

    We just don't need to go to war with Iraq. It's as simple as that. yes, thy are a problem. But they are a problem that can be dealt with more intelligently than this.

    Why did we "elect" a dumb, redneck fool who can't form a sentence without suing the owrd terrorism and then threatens to use nukes? He can't form sentences well anyway, but the hypocrisy is killing me. This guy is more scary than everyone thought Ronald Reagan was before he was president.

  • chook0

    war is entertainment

  • unknown0

    I fear the damn war. Stand up and kill your hipocrit President. I have about 40 valid reason to assume Bush is a lying bastard of the worst kind....

    I will move to Antwerp soon....we will have an Antwerp NT® drinkup meeting pretty soon, you be there Crazypenis? You from Bruxelles rite??

  • zabo0

    check out the link I just posted in pbs…

    this pretty much sums up how i feel about it

  • vespa0

    That's an excellent letter Zabo.

    What is the general mood in the US on this? Do most people see through the propaganda or do they really believe that the Bush administration is acting out of moral obligations?

    A lot of people in the UK see Blair as the weasly guy in the playground who sucks up to the school bully so he doesn't get hurt...

  • mbr0

    Honestly I am undecided about Iraq. I do believe that this is something that the UN should be dealing with, but given their track record for action, I would be surprised if they would ever do anything. That's too bad. Too bad it's all money. Look at France and Russia's involvement (although they have begun to change position).
    I don't, however, like anything that Little Bush does, says, or probably thinks. It's a precarious situation without an absolute solution and what do we get? The f***in' cowboy kid shooting from the hips (without thinking, of course).
    I keep asking this and haven't gotten one person to confess...
    Who the HELL voted for this moron!?!? Damn, it boggles my mind!!

  • quik0

    fuck war.

  • TransFatty0

    "War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.

    The bond of our common humanity is stronger than the divisiveness of our fears and prejudices. God gives us the capacity for choice. We can choose to alleviate suffering. We can choose to work together for peace. We can make these changes - and we must."

    Jimmy Carter :

  • Creon0

    I cannot deny how terrible war is.

    But, the point is do we (the world) wait for Sadaam or some other rogue nation to strike us big time with nukes or chemicals? (and they WILL) Or do we stand up and go prevent this from happening? Its that simple.

    never mind all the 'celebrities' protesting and the media turning it into a ratings war. thats all shit anyway.

  • kbags0

    1) I believe most of us detest the idea of innocent people dying. I believe the US government feels the same way.


    2) When the US government acts, it acts in the best interest of you and I, regardless of how much you and I know about underlying circumstances.


    3) Look, the US government knows things that you and I do not know. It is supposed to be that way...sometimes, it simply HAS to be that way. Understand this and have a little bit of faith.

  • thanton0

    That "faith" is nuts. Most Americans who really don't completely trust the government still operate on that assumption that they are trying to do the right thing.... were they doing the right thing when they went to vietnam? When they supported Pinochet?
    What the hell? You're not supposed to "have faith" in the government anyway! It doesn't work that way. Dictatorships work that way!

  • toolius0

    The average moron in the US is too concerned with his own life and doesn't want to think about what the govornment is really up to. However there is a movement growing everyday. Even some of the major medias are starting to make headlines that question Bush.

    OK....*takes deep breath*

    This war in Iraq is a sham. After realising that the oil in the Caspian Sea (the supposed next big oil find) was actually about 15% of previous estimates the US govornment and the oil companies are about to cancel the completion of the oil pipeline through afghanistan. (which resumed construction after the taliban was overthrown) btw - Karai (the ruler we put in charge in Afghanistan, previously worked for oil compains like Chevron to forge relationships with nations of the middle east. This is the sam kind of person we'll put in charge in Iraq.)

    Now that the Caspian sea is an oil bust and with the US economy getting worse the US has to find a way to remain on top of the world economy. and what better way than to take 11% of the worlds oil supply by force.

    Bush has NO proof of weapons of mass destrucion. Yet thousands are about to die on knowledge he won't share.

    He stole the only copy of the Iraqi Arms Dossier this week. After he edits it he will hand it out to China, Russia and the other UN council members.

    (sidenote* when Kennedy had photos of Russia puttin nukes in Cuba HE SHOWED THE PHOTOS AS PROOF and told the russians to back down)

    What has Saddam done to us? Nothing. Bush's claim is that Saddam 'Gassed the Kurds'. Well it was with chemical MADE BY THE USA. How hippocritical. The US wanted him to do that. We supported him in his war against Iran because the US didn't want the Muslim movement to get stronger.

    Then there is the Gulf War. Saddam had disagreements with Kuwait. Saddam wanted access to the gulf so he could have a port. He also believe that before BRITAIN devided the middle east up into countries (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Qatar, etc...Iraq refused to recognize the borders imposed by the British because they felt Kuwait was part of them. Britain however felt Kuwait should remain in the hands of people 'friendly to the west'. Hence the reason Iraq and Kuwait don't see eye to eye.


    In 1990 Saddam told the US he was having problems with Kuwait over land and money.

    The US (Bush Sr) told him we would not interfere with Iraqs disputes with neighboring countries.


    As soon as Iraq moved in the US claimed it was an outrage and 'must get out of Kuwait'.

    Saddam refused (and was probably quite confused by the move by the US)

    After not getting the response from the US public, a story was fabricated and broadcast on CNN... It was about how the Iraqi soldiers were taking Kuwaiti babies from their incubators. This (amoung other over senstionalized news rports) outraged the public and the people of the US were in favor action against Saddam.

    So we went to war...

    Tens of thousands were burned to death on the 'Highway of Death' when Iraq soldiers were RETREATING we cut them off and bombed them with burning bombs such as Napalm.

    How heroic.

    The US then decided it would be OK not only to use LANDMINES but also bombs containing DEPLETED URANIUM. Ever wonder what causes 'Desert Storm Syndrome'? The govornment refused to adress this issue and help the US vets or the people of Iraq. Now there are birth defects and malformed infants because of the DEPLETED URANIUM. (which the US also used in Yogoslavia)

    Instead the US, against the Geneva Convention and other world laws, DESTROYED the water systems, treatments and electrical grids and generators. This has had a devastating effect on the children and people of Iraq. Disease and death run rampant due to this killing over 1.5 million people in 10 years.

    It is against the Geneva Convention to ATTACK THE CIVILIZATION of an enemy. Yet the USA bases their strategies on it.

    So who are WE to say what kind of weapons Iraq can have. What have they done to us?

    The muslims would leave us alone if we would JUST STAY OUT OF THEIR LANDS.

    But that's not all....

    911 was a sham too.

    Why has bush and cheney refused until recently to form an independent investigation into 911? Why are there hundreds of facts about 911 that POINT DIRECTLY AT THE US GOVORNMENTS INVOLVEMENT???

    and now Bush makes HENRY KISSENGER (who amoung other nasty deeds murdered hundreds of thousands of Cambians by bombing campaigns...and who is wanted for war crimes other countries too) the head of the 911 investigation???? What a farce and a slap in the face to the victims of 911 and their families.

    The truth will never get out officially. I'm sure they like it that way.

    Bush's buddies in the defense department made 300 BILLION dollars off of 911. Even the Saudi Royals have money invested into our defense contractors. Not to mention the spawning of millions of BLIND PATRIOTS that stuck a US flag on their car (for the 1st time) and claimed "AMERICA DEMANDS ACTION!".

    Boy how convenient for Bush. Soon after 911 he created the 'Patriot Act' which included things like GOING TO JAIL if you refuse to take the smallpox vaccination. A vaccination that is instated by the 'Homeland Security Act'. Not to mention that the pharmaceutical companies who make the vaccines will not be liable for any "adverse" side effects the vaccine may cause, INCLUDING DEATH.

    With all these new powers the govornment has IN THE NAME OF FIGHTING TERRORISM, yet really only are effective against the people of the US, you'd think maybe the Bush administration is planning on some rebellion in the future. Because of the new 'Homeland Security Act' (and dept) they can now COME IN YOUR HOUSE WITHOUT A WARRANT and PUT YOU IN JAIL INDEFINATELY WITHOUT A TRIAL OR EVEN THE RIGHT TO AN long as they say YOU ARE A TERRORIST. How convenient a plan to fight dissedents.

    The consitution means less and less each day.

    The Bill of Righs and it's amendments are being raped daily. Ascroft and Bush will have created a POLICE STATE who's citizens live in fear of the 'NEXT TERROR EVENT!'

    Our econmy is crashing. States are going bankrupt and yet we GIVE 12 BILLION DOLLARS to ISRAEL!! for what?? Don't they have enough bulldozers already?

    I'm not against the Jews or the people of the US but their govornments are amoung the most corrupt of evil people on this earth.

    Do something crazy.


    Don't be controlled. and don't believe everything you read (including this...look it up yourself. it's easy to find if you JUST LOOK)

  • InVivio0

    Yes Toolius,
    Half-baked ideas and conspiracy theories run rampant.

  • toolius0

    Are you refering to MY conspiracy theories?

  • unknown0

    "But, the point is do we (the world) wait for Sadaam or some other rogue nation to strike us big time with nukes or chemicals? (and they WILL) "

    and they WILL....

    who told you that?

    The only country in the MiddleEast with weapons of mass destruction and a sweet list of UN violations is Israel.....(sponsored by US)...

    It's oil, power, father-son issue and a distraction from US failure to find Bin Laden...

  • InVivio0

    You will find that Pakistan has had a nuclear program for about 15 years.

  • toolius0

    3cY has a good point though.

    You can't go around starting wars over what weapons people have.

    What would you think if someone came to the US (due to our warmongering ways) and wanted a list of OUR weapons. That wouldn't be acceptable now would it?

    Uou can have weapons if you're on OUR SIDE.

    "This is going to be a long hard war on terrorism. This is only the beginning." -Bush

  • exador0

    you rock toolius.

    99% of what you just wrote not only rings true, but i HAVE researched it..
    i HAVE been looking into this sort of stuff...
    not the conspiracy sided things..but just the usual 2+2 +4 stuff...
    following the money trail
    who benefits from this etc.

    i'd like to believe that bush and co. are involved in a greater conspiracy too, but after talking with my bro-in-law over at i think it's more likely now that it was a horrible occurence that the administration is just using...
    a lot of the things that look sinister, can also be attributed to 1) poor comunication, and disbelief that we were vulnerable.
    2) the ' do we use this to our advantage' syndrome...

    other than that tho...i think you're absolutely right...

    folks, whether you agree with our politics, opinions etc or the VERY least, read....
    educate yourselves...

    look a bit further than cnn and fox news...

    you'll be pretty shocked and surprised what you'll find out...

  • InVivio0

    A simple answer to your last post is that the US isn't under UN sanctions against arming itself.